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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Home visits.


When you have secured your place with us we will contact you to arrange a home visit.

Meeting us as practitioners for the first time in your child's own home will help reassure your child.

It will help us to get to know your child better and for them to feel more confident, secure and they will then feel more able to communicate freely with us when they start their settling in sessions.

Home visits can help your child have a smooth transition into our setting. They help greatly with the settling in process, enhancing relationships between nursery and home so that we can help your child to become a confident learner and explorer.

We will ask questions regarding your child's likes, dislikes and any fascinations that they may have so that we can provide toys, equipment and activities that will spark your child's interests and make them feel relaxed and secure.

Home visits are also a very invaluable time for you as parents/carers to ask any questions regarding our setting, the routines, learning approaches and what is planned for your child's future with us.

We will discuss with you about your child's development and how we will work together to develop their skills and knowledge further.

It is really important to us that we gain a strong and positive communication right from the beginning so that you as parents/carers feel relaxed and happy that your child is being looked after and nurtured in a wonderful, safe and exciting way.


We look forward to visiting you soon.smiley


