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Achieving For Life

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Term 5

Term 5 Week 5


At Forest school the first activity was looking for different things in our school environment to match the colours on our sheet. Then we made our own pictures with all the different leaves, twigs, grass and flowers we could find.


We have been working on directions and turns in Maths. We started off by all working out which was our left and right hands to help us when turning to the left and right. Then we practiced turning a quarter turn to the left or right when we all had this we added a half turn. After that we worked on moving forward and backwards. We put all of this information together to work out directions on our sheets.






We have written news paper reports this week about Miss Smith who found a plastic bottle on the local beach when out walking her dog and how dangerous plastic can be for animals and our environment.






In the afternoon we have been using all of the recycling that was brought into school to make our ocean pictures in art.





Term 5 Week 4


At Forest school we made our own paintbrushes using sticks and leaves. Then we used them to make our own mud pictures it was great fun. We also made skeletons out of sticks.

We have been very luck in year 1 this week as we have had our fish arrive in school for us to look after. We then worked in small groups to name the different parts of a fish.






In Maths we have been working on halves and quarters of different numbers.



Term 5 Week 3


Here are a few pics from last weeks Forest school where we were playing team building games we had to get our whole team across the playground using 3 hoops. Then we used tweezers and pretended we were birds collecting grass, twigs and leaves and made our own nests.

This week we had a Science day. We started the day by looking at lots of different materials. Then we sorted them into different groups of what they were made of plastic, metal,fabric, glass, wood, rubber and cotton.

We looked at our new book called "George saves the World by Lunchtime." Which is all about George saving electricity, recycling rubbish, repairing his toys and visiting the farmers market.

We also looked at the 4 R's 


Reduce! Use less of everything.



Clean it up and use it again.



Fix it and use it again.



Turn it into something else useful.


Then we worked in groups to test card, paper, plastic bag, tissue and foil to see which would be the best material to make a parachute. We all decided after our experiment that the plastic bag would make the best parachute.

In the afternoon we made our parachutes in small groups and then tested them to see if the ladybird would land safely with them.

Term 5 Week 2


Last Friday we had our first session of Forest School with Mrs Parker. We went on a bug hunt and looked at different things that grow around our school.

We started the week by looking at different facts about Whales. We worked in groups reading the information and then highlighted the facts we thought were important.




We went out in the playground to measure out 30 meters to see how long a Whale is.




Then we used these facts to write our own Whale facts. We also wrote about the ocean and what we can find there.



We have used the computers to research different mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and insects.





Term 5 Week 1


Welcome back to term 5.

This week we have been very excited in year 1 as we have had letters back from the Queen and from Prince Harry and Megan.




We have another busy term ahead of us. We will be learning all about the different oceans on our planet the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern and Indian oceans and the animals and plants that live there.



We have also started looking at our new book ‘Dear Greenpeace’ which is about a little girl who finds a whale in her garden pond and wants some advice on how to look after him.


