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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 1

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1, our adults in our classroom are.


Class Teacher – Mr Smith             Teaching Assistant - Mrs Palfrey               Teaching Assistant – Mr Thomas                                                                  


Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topics are all about Wonderful Weston in Geography and old vs new toys in History. 


We will need our Trainers/Daps on a Monday and Tuesday for P.E.


Friday Fun Day






Sports Week!


Year 1 had so much fun trying out different sport challenges!






Year 1 also took part in the trampoline challenge!



Week 1


What an exciting week back! The children enjoyed a wonderful music workshop where they were able to play lots of exciting instruments. 




In DT, we were exploring the uses of levers, pullers and sliders. The children enjoyed making their very own slider!



In Jigsaw, the children were discussing 'changes in me'. They then had the challenge of sorting the different animals into their life cycles. 




Mrs Palfrey also brought in her pet tortoise, Hugo, to meet the children! 



Term 6



Week 5


In Maths this week, we have been working on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 




In Jigsaw, we were learning how to stay safe, specifically road safety. 



Week 4


This week we have been reading the story of Beegu. We created a story map to help us learn the story and added actions to help us remember it. 




In maths, we have been learning to understand the value of tens and ones. 




In Jigsaw, the children were sorting foods, drinks and other items into groups of; safe, sometimes safe and never safe.



Week 3


In Maths this week, we have been revisiting addition and counting in 2's. 




The children loved using the iPad's to paint as part of their computing lesson. 




In Art, the children were trying to draw leaves. However, the pencil was not allowed to come off the page until the drawing was finished!





Week 2 


We began the week by creating a story map for 'Astro Girl'. the children then added actions and performed the story so we knew the story really well.



In Maths, we have been comparing numbers up to 50. 




We have also had lots of fun using the equipment at play times!



Week 1

In Art this week, year 1 had a go at blind drawing! 

They collected a leaf from outside, attached some cardboard to their pencil and tried to draw the leaf without being able to see the paper.




In Jigsaw, the children were learning about healthy foods. they were then presented with a range of food and drink and they had to sort them into which they thought were healthy and unhealthy. 



Term 4

Week 5

In year 1 this week, we have been working with the book 'Stanley's Stick'. 

We decided to change parts of the story to make it our own. 

The children came up with their own symbols to make a story map and then actions so we knew the story off by heart. 




In Jigsaw we've been talking about how we can help someone reach their goals!



Term 4

Term 3


Week 7


What an amazing final week of 2020! 

The children performed their Christmas Show on the stage, look out for the video!


We have also learned about the 'Christingle' tradition.




The children also ran the Santa Dash and were awarded with a special medal. 




Merry Christmas everyone! See you in 2021!

Week 6


In Maths this week the children have been tackling some word problems. They had to think hard about what needed to be done and then try and work out the answer.




The children have continued using 'Bug Club' as part of our guided reading sessions which they are really enjoying. 




We have also been rehearsing our Christmas performance which we are all looking forward to showing you!

Week 5


In English this week we have been working on 'Monty and the Penguin'. The children watched the video and then had a go at acting it out in groups. We then set up a stage in the classroom and performed to the whole class!



In Maths, the children have been writing number sentences to go with part-whole models. 




In History, our classroom turned into a toy museum! The children chose toys which interested them and wrote down any words they could think of to describe them. 



Week 4


As Mr. Smith was out on Monday, Mrs Simpson came to help year 1 and created a story map to help the children learn the story of 'Lost and Found'. After creating actions to go with the story, the children tried to sequence the story themselves by cutting and sticking pictures into their books. 



We also were lucky enough to have a special delivery from Weston Museum so we could investigate some old toys as part of our History topic. 




In Maths, we were comparing numbers using the Mathematical terms: 'more than', 'less than', 'greater than', 'fewer than' and 'equals'. 

The children had to find resources around the room and put them on the right table.



Week 3


What a busy week! We began the week by wearing odd socks to to raise awareness for Anti-Bullying. 


We were all very pleased when Polly returned to the year 1 classroom after the amazing search the children put together with their posters. 


In Maths, the children have been working hard on their number bonds to 10 using ten frames, numicon and part-whole models to help them.




And finally, some of the children were lucky enough to go on a listening walk with Mrs Palfrey!




Week 2


This week the children have continued learning the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. They have been describing the characters using adjectives and role playing the story in our amazing role play area. 


However, the children were shocked to find that our friend Polly the Penguin has gone missing! Year 1 were quick to begin writing posters in a desperate search to find Polly! 


As well as all this, the children have been working hard in Maths, using mathematical language when working with part-whole models.


In Science, the children have been sorting animals into different groups, depending on size, species or colour.

Week 1


We are very excited to have everyone back in year 1. This week we have begun to look at the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. 

The children have enjoyed role playing the story as well as building igloos and small world play.

We were very excited to have a special visitor in the classroom too. Polly the Penguin has come on a journey from the South Pole and is adapting to life in the year 1 classroom. 

In Maths, we have been working on part whole models. 

The children also had lots of fun reading and creating maps in Geography.




Week 8 


This is our final week on the story of Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy. The children know the story so well and are able to join in the story with Mr. Smith.


The children are continuing to work independently on tasks and are getting better at staying focused without adult reminders. 



Week 7


In Year 1 this week, we have continued to work around our story of Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy.

The children have attempted to make their own dog out of junk model materials! 




We have also made a real effort to work independently. 

- the children are collecting their own work packs and getting out the correct equipment.

- the children have tasks which they access independently.

- the children were challenged to form a circle on the playground.

Week 6


This week has been very exciting in year 1.

We have opened a new Vet Surgery in the classroom and the children have loved taking care of the animals!



This week, we have also been discussing the importance of harvest. 

We have been exploring the harvest themed tray and describing what we find.




Our story this week is Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy smiley



Our Class email is

English - Take a look at what we will be learning this year!


