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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 1

Welcome to Year One 


The adults in your child's class are:

Mr Smith, Miss Bastin, Mrs Robinson and Miss Belcher


Your child will have P.E on a Monday and a Friday.


Please ensure your child has a P.E kit in school. This needs to include a white t-shirt, black shorts and daps/trainers. Our P.E sessions will be outside unless it is raining. You may also want to include black jogging bottoms and a black zip up hoodie for when the weather starts to get colder. 


Please do not forget your child also has forest school on a Monday. They will need to bring in their clothes and appropriate shoes every week or they can leave it in school.


They will need, warm clothing (trousers, t-shirt and a jumper), a waterproof coat, a sun hat (depending on the weather), and sensible shoes (trainers or wellies). If your child does not bring in these spare clothes they will unfortunately not be able to attend forest school. 


Within your child's reading record there are log in details for bug club and numbots. These are optional things you may like to do with your child at home. Bug club has a huge variety of books for you and your child to share, and Numbots is a maths website with activities which is great for number recognition. 


Just a reminder that this is Year One's Friday banquet criteria:

Arrive to school on time everyday.

Be in school everyday of that week.

Wear the correct school uniform.

Have all equipment needed each day (reading books, reading record and P.E kit.)

Show good behaviour in and around school and treat each other kindly.

Read 3 times a week at home.


Term Five

Week One

We hope everyone had a lovely Easter, and a well deserved break! This week we have been very busy looking at our story 'Beegu'. The children have had to predict what they think is going to happen in the story by just looking at the front cover. They have also then been learning about adjectives to help describe Beegu. They then went on to creating their own aliens and describing them. In Maths this week we have been looking at length. The children have learnt how to use a ruler and how to measure things. They had lots of fun finding different things around the classroom to measure. In Science this term we are focusing on plants and growing. The children had the opportunity to plant a sunflower seed, over the weeks we will hopefully be watching them grow and will be recording the changes and what we see happen. In Jigsaw we are looking at relationships, this week we have been focusing on families and how all our families look different. The children have enjoyed learning more about their peers and who they live with.  In History we are looking at significant people and the important jobs they do and the impact they have had on our lives.

Week Two

This week Year One have been learning to create their own dictionary and find the meanings of words. They have also been looking at rhyming words and have created a class poem. The children have looked at what a setting is and why we use these when writing a story. They have then created their own setting. In Maths this week we have been focusing on volume and capacity. The children have had lots of fun using the water to make different volumes in the jugs. In Science they have have been looking at what will be happening to their seeds and they also enjoyed a walk around the school, looking at all the different plants they could find. In music the children are learning a new song, they have created some dance moves to help them remember. 

Term Four

Week One

We hope you all enjoyed a lovely week off. We have had a very busy first week back to school, we have still been focusing on our story 'Astro Girl' and we have created our own questions and then researched the answers all about space. This will help us make our space fact files next week. In Maths we have been looking at our number bonds to 10 and 20. The children have been learning how to search and save photos of animals when using the Ipads. In Design and Technology we have been looking at how foods are grown we focused on fruit and vegetables and then created our own tables showing this. We also had a very exciting visitor this week, Andy Seed an Author came in and held an assembly for the whole school and then did a workshop with each class. The children really enjoyed this and came up with some fantastic questions to ask him.

Week Two

This week in Maths Year One have been looking at doubles, we have used our counters and our tens frames to help support us in finding out our doubles. We have also been subtraction one more using our number bond facts we already know to help us. In English we have been looking at what happens to a word when we add the suffix -ed to a word. We have also been adding our conjunctions to a sentence. In Jigsaw we are focusing on living a healthy life. We are very good at knowing how to be healthy we added actions too to help us remember. In Science we have been focusing on grouping animals together, this week we have grouped reptiles, fish and mammals. We also had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day!

Week Three

In Maths we have still been focusing on subtraction, we have been using our number lines to help us. We have been using our bunny hops to jump backwards to help us answer our number sentences. We have also answered our assessment questions on what we have learnt. We are becoming amazing at answering these. In English we have been focusing on our new book 'Billy and the Beast'. The children have created their own beast and then used adjectives to describe what their beast looks like. In Design and Technology we have been looking at foods and what a healthy and balanced diet looks like. 

Week Four

We have been sequencing our known story of 'Billy and the Beast', we have had to put pictures in the correct order to help us then rewrite the story. In Maths we have been learning to count from 20 to 50. We have looked at our 100 squares and how to use them. We are becoming amazing at using our dines to help us know our tens and ones. We have looked at household items in Jigsaw and what ones and safe and not safe and where items are kept. The children then had to put these items into piles of where they would find them either the kitchen or bathroom and which ones were safe and unsafe. 

Week Five

This week we have been making predictions about our story 'Anansi the spider', we have also made a story map and learnt actions to help us tell the story. In Maths we have been learning numbers to 50 and have been learning to write these numbers. On Friday we were very lucky to watch a performance by M and M productions on 'Alice in Wonderland'. 

Term Three

Week One

We have had a great first week back at school, and the children have loved telling us all about their Christmas and the fun things they got up to. We have started our new story 'Cave Baby' in English. We have been focusing on nouns and describing different nouns in a story. The children have been fantastic at this, they have then created some sentences using their noun phrases. In Maths we are looking at more and less, the children have been using number lines to help them find one or two more and less and then writing number sentences. In JIgsaw we have started to look at goals and dreams and what that means to us. The children have set themselves goals they would like to achieve by the end of Year One. In geography the children have been using compasses and looking at direction, they were amazing at remembering North, East, South and West, we even learnt a phrase to help us naughty elephants squirts water. 

Week Two

This week we have been really busy we have been setting goals and dreams in Jigsaw and the children have had to set themselves a goal of what they would like to achieve by the end of the year. In Geography we have been looking at maps of our local area and looking at what we can find. We have been looking at body parts in science this week and labelling a diagram. We have also been creating our own cave drawings in our role play area.

Week Three

We have been looking at our new story in English called 'The Night Pirates'. This week we have been creating a story map and using actions to help us retell the story. In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, we have been learning their names and finding ways to sort them. We have also been looking at what we would find in London and what we might like to see in Geography. In R.E we have been reading stories from the bible and talking about how Jesus showed friendship. We have also been working together in Jigsaw to create a shared goal and then we have had to work together to decorate our wellington boot.

Week Four

This week we have been focusing on sequencing the story and retelling it using the pictures to help us in our English lessons. We have also been looking at numbers between 10-15 and different ways to make these numbers. In Jigsaw we have had a challenge to create a hand print flower, the children had to think of ways to complete this and how to over come a challenge. Some of them found this challenging but they persevered and completed this. In science the children went on a walk around the school to use their sense of hearing, they really focused hard on everything they could hear outside. 

Week Five

This week we have been looking at a visual stimulus to create our own stories, this has really helped us improve our imagination and our sequencing when creating our own stories. In Maths we have been focusing on numbers 16 to 20 and finding different ways to make these using dienes to help support us with this. We also looked at the differences with maps and atlases in Geography. 

Week Six

This week we have been looking at our new book 'Astro Girl', the children have been writing lists of things they would need if they went to space, they have been predicting what is going to happen next in the story and creating their own alien character. In Maths we have been looking at ordering numbers to 20 from greatest to smallest. In Science we have been focusing on our different senses, and thinking about what we can hear, see, touch, smell and taste when walking around the school. Some of us read to Fred the therapy dog this week too.

Term Two

Week One

Welcome back Year One!

We have had a very busy first week back, we have been having lots of fun exploring our new continuous provision areas. The children have enjoyed creating lots of strange foods in our Gruffalo cafe, they have also been creating houses for animals in our junk modeling area. They have also been matching the acorns to the correct number and using lots of adjectives to describe the characters in the Gruffalo. This week in English the children have been learning to sequence a familiar story (The Gruffalo). In Maths the children have been using new mathematical language greater and less than to find different numbers. In Jigsaw we have been focusing on our similarities and how we are similar to our each other. 

Week Two

We have been very busy practising for our Christmas performance and learning all the different songs. We have also had lots of fun creating our moveable flowers in design and technology. The children had to carefully cut out their flower and flower pot and apply a straw and wooden stick to make it move up and down. We have also been looking at celebrating our differences in Jigsaw.

Week Three

We have had lots of fun celebrating Children in Need. The children enjoyed coming in their spotty and dotty clothing, and they looked fantastic. We have also enjoyed wearing our odd socks this week. In Maths we have been using our part whole models, and have enjoyed our new book Stanley Stick. 


Week Four, Five, Six and Seven

We have been extremely busy over the last few weeks with practicing to perfect our Christmas Nativity performance. We hope everyone who was able to attend our productions enjoyed it as much as we did! We have had lots of fun getting into the Christmas spirit, by making icicles using threading, making beautiful penguin pictures, singing Christmas songs and of course our special surprise when Father Christmas came to visit. We have also been very busy with our learning and have been creating letters and using our part whole models. Here are some photos of the past few weeks.

Term One

Week One

Year One have settled in very quickly to their new class, they have been getting to know their new classroom environment and their new teachers. This week we have focused on creating our classroom rules. The children had fantastic ideas on how we must behave in and around school. They have also been very busy exploring the new areas of learning in Year One. In English your children have been learning all about "Hairy Maclary" and in Maths we have been focusing on sorting objects and counting different objects. We have also started our topics this week. Here are some photos of some of the exciting activities we have been doing:


Week Two

This week the children have been focusing on making predictions and thinking about how the characters are feeling in our English lessons. In Maths they have been looking at using numbers to represent a group of objects. They have also been focusing on their letter and number formation and making sure they start their numbers and letters from the top and not the bottom. In Jigsaw they have been looking at how they can help their friends learn, they have also learnt a song in Jigsaw called "I am special". The children are becoming more confident in our lesson and sharing their fantastic ideas. They have also been creating some amazing art work, where they have had to create the mirror image of a picture. In Music they have also learnt another song and the children are really listening to what instruments they can hear within different styles of music. Here are some photos of their week:


Week Three

This week the children have been creating questions they would like to find out about cats, they have then had to use the Ipads to find the answers. With this information they have then had to create fact files about cats. In Maths this week the children have been learning how to recognise numbers as words and to count on from any number. In Science this week the children have been finding objects that can be made from more than one material. In Jigsaw we have created some rules on how they can be their best learning, we had we will listen, we will try our best, we can help each other and lots more ideas. The children were also shown different pictures where they had to do thumbs up or thumbs down on what one they think shows good learning. In P.E the children have been focusing on trying their best and balancing. Here are some photos of their week:


Week Four

This week we have started our new book "The way back home" written by Oliver Jeffers. This week the children have been learning to describe how a character feels, describe using our senses and understanding conjunctions (these are words that link other phrases together). In Maths the children have been busy understanding one more and counting back within 10. In Science they have been looking at the property of a material, they have found items around the classroom and then used describing words to describe its property (The rubber is smooth). In Geography they have ben focusing on the difference between maps and photographs. The children have discussed what they can see on a map and why we use maps. In Jigsaw the children have been discussing times they have felt proud of themselves and how it feels to feel proud. The children have also been creating some amazing art work.

Week Five

This week we have been very busy creating our rocket for our role play area, and it is looking fantastic. We have also been learning how to use a story map to help us to retell a story. This is where we use pictures and actions to help support us to retell a story we have learnt. We then had a a go at creating our own story maps. In jIgsaw we have been looking at consequences and the children came up with fantastic ideas on consequences we have in school and at home. We have also been getting creative in art and made some fantastic continuous line drawings, you may have seen these on the floor outside the Year One classroom.

Week Six

This week we have had a workshop about healthy living and things we can do to make sure we are having a healthy lifestyle. The children came up with lots of amazing ideas, such as, healthy eating, lots of exercise, eating more fruit and vegetables, drinking lots of water and making sure you have lots of sleep. In Science this week we have been sorting objects by their properties. We have also been very busy learning lots of our phonic sounds and making sure we are forming our numbers and letters correctly.


Week Seven

We have had a very busy last week of term. In science this week we have been looking at the different properties of water. We have looked at what happens when we make ice lollies and how the water turns from a liquid to a solid. The children then also got to enjoy the yummy ice lollies they made. We have also had a lot of fun discovering our areas in our continuous provision, and learning lots of new skills. The children have absolutely loved working as a team to complete the floor puzzles. We have also been learning lots in R.E and have been focusing on how God would like Christians to treat the world. 

