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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Useful Contacts and Support

Here are some useful numbers and advice if you are struggling with:

  • Protecting children from domestic abuse
  • Mental health
  • Online child safety
  • Crime, criminal exploitation and county lines, violence and gangs
  • Protecting children from radicalisation 
  • Prevent.


There is also more advice on this government document if needed.

Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm.


Call the NSPCC helpline for support and advice if you have a concern for your own or another child’s safety on 0808 800 5000.

If you feel that your child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999. You can report concerns to the police on their non-emergency number, 101.

You can also contact the relevant social care team at your local council to report a concern about a child or adult.


Visit the See, Hear, Respond service or call on 0800 157 7015 for additional support, advice and information during this period (England only).

This includes online and face-to-face support for children and families, help for children at risk of harm outside of the home, and support to help vulnerable children successfully return to school or college.


Protect children from domestic abuse

If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police. If you are unable to talk on the phone, listen to the questions from the operator and respond by coughing or tapping the handset if you can. Follow the instructions depending on whether you are calling from a mobile or a landline.


Crime, Criminal Exploitation and County Lines, violence and gangs

Call the police on 999 if you feel that your child is in immediate danger. You can report concerns to the police on their non-emergency number, 101.


NSPCC’s ‘Criminal exploitation and gangs’ - if you have concerns that your child is being criminally exploited, involved in gangs or county lines, as well as more information on what these terms mean - phone 0808 800 500 or email


There are more useful documents and links under this heading in the full document.


Protect children from radicalisation

Call the police on 101 or contact your local authority safeguarding team if you are worried that a loved one is being radicalised - you can get advice or share a concern so that they can get safeguarding support.



Call the police on 101 to get advice or share a concern so that they can get safeguarding support through Prevent, if you are worried that a loved one is being radicalised.


Online child safety

advice for parents and carers on how to help children stay safe online - how to make use of parental controls, how to have conversations with your child about staying safe online, and how children can stay safe and healthy during a time when they may be spending more time on their devices than usual.


Childnet’s guidance for parents and carers – how to begin a conversation about online safety, as well as guidance on keeping under-fives safe online


There are lots of links for online safety on the guidance.


Mental health

Call Young Minds’ free Parents Helpline on 0808 802 5544 for confidential, expert advice, if you have urgent concerns about your child’s mental health and wellbeing.




