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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 5

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5, our adults in our classroom are.

Class Teacher – Miss Knighton          Teaching Assistant – Mrs Hynes            Teaching Assistant – Mrs Higgins



Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topic is all about


We will need our Trainers/Daps on a Monday and Wednesday for P.E.

Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. 



Our class email is

Fun Day











A Very Busy Week 

We had a Splits Gymnastic work out.



We made sports activities for the reception children, for their sports day.



We also held some chicks.


Book award goes to Rory, massive improvement to his writing.

Book Awards



Cassie Collins, for a massive improvement in her writing and spellings.

Buddy Foote For his presentations in his books


Forest school this week, we stayed in school and planted some trees, 128 of them.

the children loved it.





We had the police visit today to keep the children safe on line.



Our first trip to forest school. 




Term 5

Book Awards this week are 

  McKenzie for settling well into year 5.



Jack for having a massive attitude to his learning and being a fantastic member of the year 5 team.


We are learning to play the trumpet and we did very well on our first day



Term 5

Friday 26th March

Hi everyone hope you are all well and keeping safe, it is good to have all the children back at school.


Book Awards go to 

 Tyler for a massive improvement in his handwriting.


 Taelor-Rae for trying very hard in all her work.


Some of the children did bike ability this week.

Term 4

February already, hope you are all keeping well, remember if you need any help just call, or email us .

This week in assembly  its was all about story telling, the children were enjoying a story being told by Tony Wilson.




We have also been given a toaster for the class, so we can enjoy a piece of toast in the break time, just like you back at home, we all need a little bit of toast to keep us going.


We made Chapelle Bread and had stew with it.






Here is the Ingredients  



Hi everyone I hope you are all ok, we love seeing all the amazing home learning.

We all miss you very much. 


We made it its Friday!!!!!!!

The children once again have been amazing, completing all there work.

They got a surprise today as our Headteacher Mrs Sutton surprised them with a big Lego box, as we have been looking at how Lego came about.





       They also enjoyed a relaxing afternoon watching the Lego Movie



Making our bird feeders



Doing our Yoga.



Working hard at our maths.



Making crispy cakes.






Hi everyone hope you are all good.

Amazing to all you guys going on seesaw, keep up the good work.

We have worked really hard in class today, and did our PE.




For our afternoon activity we, made sandwiches and had hot chocolate, and we also did a little singing.



Week 11/1/21

Hi everyone sorry for the long update, hope you are all keeping well. 


You have been amazing, doing all your work on Seesaw. Keep up the good work and if you have any problems,  please don't hesitate to contact us through Seesaw or an email to the office. 


Well its all go in class, just a few pics of your friends, doing the same as you back home.


Doing our work out, in class, they were sweating. I hope you all done your work out and challenged your parents/carers.



We are working as hard as you at home.



Week commencing 1/12/2020

Welcome to December count down to xmas.

We have been having great fun today, after all our hard work this morning, making decorations for our class.



We also decorated the xmas tree in the hall by placing a bauble on it, and the children were given a chocolate Santa lolly  from the head teacher.



Book awards this week go to 

kasey for trying so hard in her math's perseverance and resilience.


Jadah for having an amazing year five attitude to her learning.


We have two special book awards that go to 

  Maya for her outstanding presentation in her homework.


Stanley for a massive improvement in his writing.

 Year five enjoying the Christmas quiz with the other schools in the ELAN, they had so much fun very competitive. We scored 14/15 well done guys.


Week commencing 16/11/2020

Science this week is about dissolving, the children enjoyed doing the experiments.


Ellie has been working really hard on her math's, she received a Headteacher Teachers award, as you can see she is very proud of herself, and received HT sticker and a wrist band award.


This weeks book awards are,

  For being an amazing independent learner.


 For being a kind person and helping her friends.



In history we are looking at King Alfred, the children enjoyed doing some researching, for extra information on the King. They then shared their work.


Week commencing 9/11/20


Half way through week two, and we have done so much.


Book award this week goes to,

Ellie, for having an amazing year5 attitude to her learning.


We have been doing some independant learning, which the children love, they really enjoy taking over their own learning.


We have been doing some drama, the children have been hot seating, they have been reporters, reporting on the stolen Happy Ending.



Today we had our first ever virtual Remembrance service with Reverent Webb, which was quite moving, the children were amazing.



Last week of term, it has been hard but once again we all got through it.

Year five have just been outstanding.


The book awards this week go to:

Lucas for trying extremely hard in all his work.


Angel for trying extremely hard in her writing

Another start to amazing week in year 5.

Our book award children are

our very funny, Taelor-Rae, for trying so hard and being resilient, in her maths.


Our cheeky chappy, Lala, for being independent learner and always trying her best.


We are teaching the children to be, independent and resilient, in class. The children have their own packs and we have resources around the class to help.



Year 5 have been amazing this week in there learning, we are very proud of them.


It was Harvest assembly on Tuesday, with Rev Webb, where the children took part in an activity.


Book Awards this week are 

Cameron For; gaining a year 5 attitude to his learning.

Kasey For; a massive improvement in her confidence and learning.

Rory For; trying so hard with everything he does.

Lily-Rose For; always been a kind member of the year 5 team.

In class we have been reading Beowulf, so today in we had a feast in the mead-hall, to celebrate the return of Beowulf.

The children loved it.

We have had an exciting week, looking at Anglo-Saxons. We were archeologists searching for artifacts, by digging in sand to find our treasure.



We had to design an E Safety poster in our class,( all classes took part), the winning poster will be displayed in class. The winning poster out of all the classes will be displayed in school.

In Year 5 our winners were Riley and Alfie Congratulations.



