~ Welcome to Year 4 ~
Mrs Leggett
Mrs Whybrow Miss Sperring
Term 6 Week 4
What is mental health? This is the question we are using to focus on in our enquiry learning. Our quest for answers has led us to explore the workings of the human brain. For our research we used chrome books, science magazines, videos and books. Already, we have discovered that our brain has many functions from problem solving to regulating our emotions. It is important to look after our brain and make sure it is healthy, just like any other organ in our body.
Term 6 Week 3
Our current story book 'How to live forever' by Colin Thompson is very thought provoking. Many of us agree with the book's main character, Peter, that "to live forever is not to live at all." Inspired by one of the scenes in the book where Peter travels through a Chinese garden we have copied features of the willow pattern onto paper plates.
Term 6 Week 2
This afternoon we had an exciting challenge:using a needle and thread. For many of us it was our first experience of sewing and we were determined to persevere until we could do it. We look forward to carrying on with our project later in the week. Here we are having a go at threading needles.
Term 6 Week 1
We have been learning about classification as a way to sort living things. To begin with, we used different sweets to help us think about grouping and sorting. Following on from this, we made a classification chart for plants and animals by asking questions that could be answered only with yes or no. For example; 'does it have roots' or 'can it fly'.
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Term 5 Week 5
Several of our amazing children thought about all they'd learnt during previous Forest School lessons and they have made the most incredible habitats for insects and small creatures on our school field. What a fun way to spend your play and lunch times guys, you've created some fantastic homes for some lucky insects and creatures. Well done!
Term 5 Week 4
How can we represent a volcano in art?
Term 5 Week 3
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Throughout Wednesday morning we took part in a science workshop about pitch. There were numerous hands-on experiments to try, which challenged our enquiring minds and led to many discoveries and new lines of questioning. Our challenge was to devise and try out an experiment to test what might change pitch. We learnt that the longer the chime the lower the pitch whilst the shorter the chime, the higher the pitch. It was fascinating to discover that sound travels at differently through liquids, air and gases.
Term 5 Week 2
What an exciting lesson we had when we explored sound on Monday using a variety of resources. We were all very curious and enjoyed a chance to try out new things. Interestingly, there was more to it than just hearing the sounds. We discovered that the strings vibrated and the balloons shook. Noises were changed by being put into water or passed through a balloon. The boom whackers made our arms wobble and the guitar strings made our fingers tingle.
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In teams we researched for more information about Vesuvius and used this information in our English work.
Vesuvius last erupted in 1944
Currently, Vesuvius is the only active volcano in Europe
It formed on another volcano
In 79 AD was its most famous eruption
1281 metres high
Term 5 Week 1
Welcome back, we hope everybody enjoyed the Easter break and the lovely spring weather.
Year four's new topic is
Who were Vesuvius's Victims
Our learning journey began this week with a challenge to make a model of a volcano from clay. Following on from this we found out some information about what makes volcanoes erupt an what the different parts are called. There are many more questions that we are hoping to answer during the term.
In maths we are getting better and better at our times tables. Using this website is a lot of fun.
It is completely free and easy to use. Why not have a go at home?
Term 4 Week 6
Digestive system models
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Term 4 Week 5
Term 4 Week 3
Dissecting owl pellets.
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Term 4 Week 3
We collected natural material to make collages of the forest.
Term 4 Week 1
How do we get from PIZZA to POO?
Our new enquiry learning began this week with a look at teeth. Using clay we carefully modeled a set of teeth based on our own mouths. We made observations and tested different brands of toothpaste to find the best one. Also, we had a go at making our own toothpaste.
We hope to answer these questions...
What is poo? Why do we have teeth? How does the digestive system work?
How do your teeth grow? Why do you get tummy ache?
How do we know what is in our body?
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Term 3 Week 5
Using Chrome books we worked on our computer and programming skills. We shared our knowledge and skills with one another to create a conversation between characters or "sprites" in a virtual on-screen world. We can't wait to have another go!
Term 3 Week 4
What a brilliant idea we had today. Together we made a replica of Stajvek's hideaway. Stajvek is the evil character from the book we are reading in class called Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
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Term 3 Week 4
In Year 4 we are trying to become TIMES TABLE heroes. We have been focusing on our 9 times table with the help of a rapping unicorn. We are nailing it!
Term 3 Week 3
For our enquiry learning we have been researching the physical geography of Europe, in particular, mountains and mountain ranges. Last century, the French artist Cezanne made many paintings of Mont Sainte-Victoire in France. Mimicking his techniques and subject matter we made our own paintings of European lakes and mountains.
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Term 3 Week 2
Continuing with our exploration of Europe we have been creating maps with a key to indicate the important mountain ranges in different European countries. To get this information we used atlases, websites and information texts.
Building on our previous learning we explored food chains in our enquiry learning. Here is a great explanation from Agnes.
Term 3 Week 1
Happy New Year
To begin our new term we had a WOW day on Wednesday when we immersed ourselves in learning about Europe. Firstly, we considered the shape of Earth and we were surprised to learn that people used to believe that it was flat. In our sketch books we made drawings of objects from different perspectives then we applied these skills on our photo hunt. Using clay, we modelled how an object disappears over the horizon. Activities included using a compass and creating a map of the school. We explored the differences between maps and satellite images. In groups we had a go at creating a map, we selected four countries from Europe and researched mountain ranges and rivers in those countries.
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Our new class book this term is "The Ice Palace".
Thinking about the character Stajivk and how we would feel if we lived in the land described in the story,
we created some freeze frame scenes.
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Term 2 Week 5
Constructing the Pier
This week, in our design technology session, we have been continuing to construct a replica of the pier at Weston-super-Mare. To begin with, we calculated that our struts should be 18 cm long. Accurately we measured 18 cm an marked it with a pencil. Carefully, we used a hacksaw to saw through balsa wood.After that, we were ready to use the glue gun to start assembling the structure.
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Term 2 Week 5
This week, we have been learning how to make a reasoned argument. We have used our debating skills, together with our topic knowledge, to the test by writing a piece of persuasive test. We set about convincing people that children's lives in the 1950's were either better or worse than they are now.
To begin with, they had no video games like Minecraft or Fortnite. They would love it if they are an adventurous person or a courageous person. - Tayah
For example, when I get home I can go to my room and play Call of Duty WWII in my room. - Ivan
I think children's lives are better now because you can go outside without dogs chasing you in circles. - Ollie
I strongly believe that our lives are better today. My reasons are that we can go out when we want and we have electricity. - Keegan
As you can see both of us are similar. - Emily
Term 2 Week 4
Next week, we are hoping to build a replica of Weston pier using wood. We began, as all great engineering and design projects begin, by building a prototype.
A huge amount of fun and a huge amount of learning happened during our maths lesson today. Our challenges included finding out whether the tallest people have the biggest feet and creating an abstract picture using 2D shapes. Using nets we constructed cuboids and tetrahedron snowpeople. By measuring the perimeter of the playground we worked out that we need to do 13 laps to complete a mile. This is useful information for our daily "mile a day" slot.
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Term 2 Week 3
Construction and Building Workshop
/\/\/\ Tetrahedron fabrication /\/\/\
What an incredible afternoon! Two women from a national building and construction company came into school to run a workshop with us. They told us about skills and roles people need in the industry and gave us a taster of how great things can be achieved when people work together.
To begin with we worked in threes to construct simple triangular-based pyramids, then we joined with other groups to create a larger pyramid. Finally the whole class came together to assemble a giant tetrahedron, made from the smaller sections. We learnt so much about teamwork and co-operation and hope we can use those skills every day.
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Our excursion to the Ice Rink was very exciting. These sentences, using fronted adverbials, describe some of our experiences.
Cautiously , we set foot on the gleaming white ice.
Bravely, I let go of the hand rail.
Awkwardly, I took a few tiny steps.
Unfortunately, I tumbled and skidded wildly along the ice.
Nervously, I picked myself up and tried again.
Slowly, I began to skate.
Suddenly, I was gliding along.
Rapidly, I overtook my friends.
Crazily, I zoomed round in circles.
Reluctantly, I had to leave the rink when our session was over.
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Term 2 Week 2
Circuit Challenge
Our challenge was to make a bulb light up. We worked in teams to make a circuit using wires, batteries and light bulbs. It was very fiddly but we persevered. Now we have many questions and ideas about electricity and what it is used for, we hope we can find some answers this term as we explore electricity. Electricity is exciting!
?? How does the electricity get into the socket?
?? How do you make electricity?
?? Where does the electricity go?
?? What would we do if we didn't have electricity ?
?? What makes it move?
Bullying is a problem that we all need to be aware of. We found out about the definition of bullying. It has to be….
Intentional – not an accident.
Repeated behaviour – not just once.
Uneven balance - a bully has more power than you.
You cannot stop bullying by yourself, you have to get a grown up to help.
Also, you can ring Childline on 0800 1111.
It is important not to fight back because that can make things worse. We learnt how to take a screen shot if we are being bullied online so that we have proof. You can do this on a phone too. There is a lot of information on this website about bullying that you can look at with an adult.
Term 2 Week 1
Welcome back everybody.
We have an extremely busy and exciting term ahead in the run up to Christmas.
Have a look at what we will be learning this term...
This week Year 4 received a mysterious box from a time traveller called John Smith...
Inside there were many curious artefacts and objects. Using our interpretation skills we examined them and made labels to sort them out. We wondered about who the items had belonged to, what they were used for and how long ago they had been created. There was a lot of discussion about the materials used as well as how valuable the objects may have been to the people who used them or owned them.
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Term 1
Week 8
Science Spectacular!
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Robot homework project
Term 1
Week 7
Science Investigation
In groups we devised a science investigation and thought how we could make it a fair test. Here are some pictures of us conducting our experiments.
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Term 1
Week 6
Rights of the Child
We have been learning that everybody has rights, including children. We found out that countries that belong to the United Nations have agreed that all children have the right to education.
Children have the right to an education. Discipline in schools should respect children’s human dignity. Primary education should be free. Wealthier countries should help poorer countries achieve this.
This made us think about our own education and how lucky we are compared to many thousands of children in the world who do not have the same opportunities as us. We have considered our responsibilities…
If all children have a right to be educated, then they should learn as much as they are able to and, if possible, share their knowledge with others.
Find out more about children's rights...
Term 1
Week 5
Here we are sharing books and ideas during a 'Rainbow Reading" session. Our focus areas were: imagining, logical meaning-making and trawling for evidence.
Term 1
Week 4
In maths we have been continuing our learning journey on rounding. Have a go at this rocket rounding game to check your learning.
Challenge words for this week.
Science experiment with raisins and lemonade.
We thought about what would happen when we added raisins to a bottle of lemonade. These are our predictions ....
Alisha- sink because it might be too heavy for the lemonade
Ryan – lemonade will fizz up because raisins are dried grapes and grapes are sour
Keegan- sink because the lemonade will fizz up and push it down.
Ivan – it will disappear – dissolve
Agnes – erode, break down
Tayah-Mai – float because there is more lemonade
Henry – the skin might dissolve
Angel – soak up /absorb the liquid
Caden-Jay – the skin might come off as it starts to dissolve
Riley – become smooth
Liam – it will get cold because the lemonade is cool
Mary – soft on the outside, not so wrinkly
Term 1
Week 3
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Here are some extracts from our recounts about Science Day.
"Year Four had a science day and it was amazing. To start with we did an experiment with cornflower and water. We poured the powder into a bowl and slowly added water. After a while it turned hard and very messy. Once it had done that it looked like dough." Mary
"We made the paper clip fly by using a piece of thread and sellotape. You need to get the thread to stick to the table. Finally get a magnet and wait for the paper clip to clip off. That was really fun." Connor
"We made ice-cream by combining ice with salt trying to freeze the milkshake. Only one group succeeded but the others didn’t. Their’s were still liquid and they drank the liquid while they had ice-cream." Riley
Term 1
Week 2
We have been learning about deforestation
so we were very interested to find out about the environmental impact of palm oil.
Environmentalists argue that farming of oil palm trees is extremely bad for the planet.
This is because forests are burned to clear areas where people can grow oil palms - even if it's illegal. However, the palm oil industry offers jobs to people living in poverty in developing countries.
Working in groups we discussed the positive and negative arguments about palm oil.
What do you think? Find out more here...
Term 1
Welcome back everybody!
This week we have enjoyed finding out about Year 4. Together we decided the rules that we wanted for our classroom to make it a safe and happy place.
Over the last few days we have focused on team work and discussed what it is like to be included and to be excluded. Mrs Leggett gave us a challenge to cooperate and communicate in our team to see who could build the tallest tower from marshmallows and straws. Here are the results.
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