Forest School
Each term one of our year groups from 1 - 6 attend Forest School. Led by our expert, Mrs Parker, the children experience a range of activities in a local wood. Children have opportunities to get outdoors and undertake learning no matter what the weather. Activities include team building, awe and wonder of the natural environment, links to the curriculum through Science, Geography and Physical Development as well as developing children's curiosity, stamina and resilience.
If attending Forest School your child will need:
A change of clothes.
They may get wet, muddy, hot or cold. Layers and waterproofs are great!
Long sleeves and trousers / joggies are great so they are fully covered.
A change of footwear.
Children will need to have sturdy shoes, walking boots or wellies.
A water bottle.
In any outdoor area you and your child may come across ticks.
These can be troublesome so we advise that you check your child on their return home for these creatures. They like to find warm areas to hide.
If you find one it will need to be removed as soon as possible. You can buy a tick remover from the chemist.
Please read the information about ticks with your permission letters.
Term 2
Week 2

Week 5 Ice Decorations

Week 6 Mud Faces

Term 4 Week 1 Natural Collage