Term 6
Please see the wellbeing area for all our learning this term.
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Term 5
Please see the home learning area for all our learning this term.
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Home learning on BBC bitesize
BBC bitesize are preparing daily Maths sessions for children in KS2, which include videos, worksheets and games!
Maths with Gareth Metcalfe
Each day, I have posted a new video lesson for Y5/6 children (all Y5/6 lessons here). Each video explores a big mathematical idea in small, easy-to-follow steps and a range of independent tasks are set for children to complete. A new lesson is posted at 9am every day. Everything is free.
Here’s the outline plan for the rest of the school year. I will continue making the videos for the duration of the UK school closures (however long that lasts):
20th – 24th April: Reasoning with Shapes
27th April – 15th May: Reasoning in Multiplication and Division
18th – 22nd May: Measures: Money and Time
1st June – 5th June: Data Handing
8th June – 19th June: Fractions
22nd June – 3rd July: Flexible Calculation
6th July – 17th July: Mathematical Puzzles
Into Film
Into Film
Are you into films? Do you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes? Check out this link for some film review activities and some 'behind the scenes' videos!
If you would like to do music at home, there are lots of activities you can try at home using Charanga! Please email year5@oldmixonschool.com for your username and password
Please find below useful links which may help you with your learning at home:
Penpals Schools- https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html
Class Dojo – https://www.classdojo.com/
2Simple - https://2simple.com/blog/using-purple-mash-when-school-closed/
Classroom Secrets - https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk
Hegarty Maths - https://hegartymaths.com/
Times Table Rock Stars - https://ttrockstars.com/
NumBots (same password as TTRS)- https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
Phonics play - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Please request Hegarty Maths if you would like extra work and remember to use Times Table Rock Stars!
Welcome back! This term, we are studying South America!
This week, we have been reading 'The Vanishing Rainforest' and have written some excellent persuasive letters to the Nabe! In Maths, we have been exploring different methods of multiplication: partitioning, the area model and long multiplication. In Geography, we discovered the countries within South America and were able to label them on a map. In Science, we dissected a flower and are now able to name the different parts of a flowering plant. Next week, we'll be exploring the life cycle of a plant!
This week, we have been exploring fairy tales! We will be looking at two versions of Cinderella and writing our own version of Cinderella with a twist! In Maths, we have continued to work on long multiplication and have been working with some difficult word problems. In Geography, we explored climates of the world and found out about the different climate zones within South America. We explored a Brazilian artist called Beatriz Milhazes in art and we created our own Brazilian carnival music in music, which sounded excellent! We are looking forward to watching M and M productions on Friday!
Week 1
Welcome back! This term we will be looking at how a conflict manifested into a World War!
In English, we have been analysing poems as we are going to be writing our own Remembrance day poems. In Maths, we have been exploring addition and subtraction and will be applying this to word problems next week. In History, we looked at how World War 2 started and next week we will be exploring the allies and axis during World War 2 and their leaders. In Science, we were categorising materials and next week we will be exploring dissolving and melting and carrying out a fair test.
We also had an exciting road safety talk and will be doing some road safety activities in the coming weeks!
Week 2
This week, we enjoyed a great PE session with Mr Molland where we were looking to improve our personal bests! In English, we have been building up to writing a Remembrance Day poem, which will feature on our website soon! In Maths, we have been grappling with some difficult addition and subtraction problems. As part of History, we have explored the allies and axis within World War 2 and found out about their leaders. In Science, we have been exploring melting and dissolving and we can confidently tell the difference between the two!
Week 3
This week, we have been exploring factors, multiples and prime numbers in maths and we have used arrays to explore factor pairs. In English, we have been reading extracts from Anne Frank's diary and we have written diary entries encapsulating a typical day in the life of Anne. In History, we have learned about The Blitz, rationing and evacuation and have created informative leaflets. As part of our science learning, we have explored how we can separate materials using sieving and filtering! In computing, we are working on developing our skills in using publisher, word and powerpoint and have been inserting pictures, text and using different fonts in preparation to create a World War 2 poster later on this term.
Week 4
This week, we have been exploring whether objects will float or sink in science and making predictions. In Maths, we have been exploring factors, prime and composite numbers and square and cube numbers and we are able to recall prime numbers to 20. In English, we have been working towards writing our own newspaper reports and have been exploring the concepts of fact, opinion and bias.
This week, we have also had an ultimate frisbee session, which allowed the children to take part in a new and exciting sport!
Week 6
What an exciting week! On Monday, we had a money sense workshops and planned birthday parties! We worked hard to keep to a budget and planned some amazing parties including a space themed sleepover and a football party! In English, we have been writing balanced arguments and in maths, we have been getting to grips with area and perimeter! We also had an exciting WW2 workshop with Ben, who told us lots of exciting stories about war and brought in lots of exciting things for us to look at including a rifle and a grenade!
Week 7
This week, we have been very busy designing, making, testing and evaluating our WW2 bomb shelters! We tested them by placing an egg inside and dropping a weight on them! We are pleased to announce that the egg survived in every bomb shelter it entered!
Year 5 wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to the excitement of 2020!
Week 2
We have continued to explore the book Flotsam and have produced some wonderful writing. We have written Ebay adverts to persuade people to buy the Flotsam camera and written diary entries from the perspective of the girl, who found the camera. We have even had a look at a real Flotsam camera. In addition to this, we have been exploring ways to 'save our environment' and created a group presentation! We realised that it's really important to minimise the use of single use plastics and have pledged to look after our environment!
Week 3
This week, we started our new enquiry: The Aztecs! For our WOW event, we cooked a Mexican feast including fajitas and cheesy topped nachos and it was delicious, yet a little spicy! We found out that the Aztecs originated from Mexico in South America and we're looking forward to learning more about the Aztecs. In English, we started a new book called the Hero Twins! This week, we have written character descriptions of the twins and thought about what adventures the twins would have on their journey to the underworld, which including crossing a river of blood and pus! Yuk. In Maths, we have been exploring the place value of numbers up to 1 million!
Week 4
The weeks are flying by! This week, in Enquiry, we explored the city of Tenochtitlan, which is the old capital city of the Aztecs! We found out lots of information about the city and created a non-chronological report! In English, we wrote dialogues inspired by our book: The Hero Twins and in Maths, we continued to explore place value including comparing and ordering numbers and rounding. We have really been enjoying Health Squad! This week, we continued to develop our basketball skills and looked at the amount of sugar in different foods.
Shape, space and measure morning
On Friday, we had shape, space and measure morning! We looked at 3D shapes and played shape bingo, identified 3D shapes from 2D representations and explored the volume of classroom objects!
Week 5
This week, in enquiry, we have been exploring the Aztec period! We investigated what key events took place during the Aztec period and found out about some of the Aztec rulers. In Maths, we have been exploring negative numbers. We used a numicon timeline to compare temperature differences and some of us wrote our own weather reports. In English, we have been writing a sequel to our story: Hero Twins and the Lords of Death!
Next week, we have a skateboarding taster session, which we're really excited about! Look out for pictures!
Week 6
This week, we had our skateboarding taster session which we really enjoyed! As part of our Enquiry learning, we have presented news reports on the fall of the Aztec Empire and learned lots about two powerful Aztec rulers: Montezuma and Cortes! In Maths, we have secured and consolidated our understanding of place value and are looking forward to our next challenge which will be addition and subtraction.
Week 7
This week, in English, we have been exploring the difference between myths, legends and folktales. We have looked at The Caribs, Theseus and the Minotaur and a Mayan folktale called The Chocolate Tree. Next week, we're going to be writing our own folktales! In Jigsaw, we have been promoting our learning charters and we now have a class mission statement which will be added to the website soon! As part of our Enquiry learning, we have designed our own chocolate bars which we will be making next week. There are lots of exciting designs including an apple and chilli flavoured chocolate bar! The PCSO's visited us this week and we learned lots about diversity!