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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 4

                                      Mrs Emery - Class Teacher             Mrs Whybrow- Teaching Assistant 



                                                                      Miss Dolly - 1:1

Week One

Welcome back Year 4. It has been great getting to know everyone over the last few days and the children have all settled in wonderfully. We have a new member of staff joining us in Year 4, Miss Dolly is a 1:1 and our TA is Mrs Whybrow. The website photos and termly overview will be updated a.s.a.p. It has been a short week, but we have crammed in a lot. We have identified, and sorted different materials into their relevant states of matter and demonstrated their particle composition. We have been getting to grips with the Diennes models in maths and we have been working on our footwork in PE.

Have a look at the photos, but the children were so enthusiastic about beating their personal bests in PE, that most of then are just a blur!

REMEMBER - Year 4 have beach school on Tuesday, if you have not yet returned the permission slips, please do so. Beach school is a fantastic day out, run by Mrs Parker, I wouldn't want anyone to miss out.


Week 6

It's been sports week and we have had a wonderful time. It was great to see so many of our parents come along to support us at Sports Day. Have a look at the photos from the week's activities. We have enjoyed a Heeleys workshop, have learned a hula hoop routine and taken part in an Olympic themed dance. On Thursday, 8 children from the class attended a disc golf event, they had a lot of fun and even won a medal. Thank you to Miss Pring for organising all the events. We have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Week 5

We have been very creative this week in Year 4. As part of our Art topic, we have been looking at textures, using these to mark make a tree and draw birds. Have a look at some of our creations. Sticking with the animal world, we have been devising a classification flow chart for different types of living creatures. This is based on Carl Linnaeus' Systema Naturae. We have also been practising for sports day next week, honing our relay skills. Remember that it is Sports Week, next week. Please make sure that children have their p.e kit and a water bottle in school with them every day. The school kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts. Thank you, we look forward to seeing you at sports day on Friday.

Week 3

It has been assessment week this week and the children have all coped really well. We have managed to get outside and complete an investigation on our habitat in the school grounds. Our PE lessons this week have focused on jumping and balance. In PSHE, we have started to look at how babies are made.

Week 2

We have started our new topics in RE and Geography this week. The children will be learning more about Judaism and Jewish stories and we have begun to explore the continent of Europe. We have moved on to time in Mathematics, so please help your child to practise telling the time as much as they can on both digital and analogue clocks. 

Week 1

This week we have been showing off our knowledge in our Opening Worlds big tasks in RE and Geography. The children considered why the festival of Passover is important to Jewish people and thought about the effect volcanoes have on the land and people around them. It was also time to cause our model volcanoes to erupt. We enjoyed watching the vinegar, food colouring and baking powder react to make our lava, and the playground only got a tiny bit messy! We have worked hard to prepare a meal for The Iron Man, who will be enjoying freshly picked nuts and bolts, washed down with some mouth-watering engine oil from the finest junk yards. In maths, we have been working with money, converting between £s and pence and comparing amounts. We have started to reflect upon characteristics we have inherited from our parents in our Changing Me PSHE unit and we have started our athletics unit in PE, concentrating on running, throwing and jumping.

Week 6

In our last week this term we have made some preparations for our geography big task. We have created the base for our model this space for pictures of the eruptions.

In maths, we have been improving our place value knowledge, looking at decimals on a place value chart and a gettegno chart. We have designed and created a night light in DT, using our learning from the science unit on electricity to build the circuits. Have a good half term break and we will see you on Monday 3rd June.

Week 5

We are starting to enjoy warmer weather this week, so please remember to send your child in with a hat and their water bottle.

We have been getting outside as much as possible, we created a 'conscience alley' to help us decide what to do about The Iron Man. We have pretended to be spectators at a Greek theatre and have been working on decimals and our place value knowledge. Also, we have carried out a domino investigation, using our problem solving and reasoning skills. In science, we have been identifying circuit symbols and exploring insulators and conductors.

Week 2

We have started to look at rounders in PE this term. Everyone had a go at batting, fieldling and bowling with lots of children pleased to improve their accuracy in throwing and catching. In PSHE we considered how we might feel in a range of scenarios and identified those feelings. Continuing our work on fractions, we have been looking at equivalent fractions on a number line and adding fractions together. We have taken part in some Athenian democracy this week. We voted on a number of proposed new laws, however, not all of the children in class were eligible to vote, ask them why.

Week 1

We have hit the ground running this term. The children have produced some great work in their history big task on What did the Greek city states have in common? They have displayed some wonderful knowledge and have been proud of their work. We have been lucky enough to have a disc-golf taster session for P.E. this week. The whole class were enthusiastic and had a great time learning a new skill. We are hoping to incorporate this sport into our lessons to help us improve our throwing accuracy.

Please see the term 5 overview below, to find out what we will be doing for the rest of the term.

Week 5

We have had lots of visitors this week. We have welcomed a student on work experience, who has been getting on well with the children, they were all sad to see him go today. Also, we had some smaller visitors in the shape of the Early Years chicks. We enjoyed meeting them on Monday and lots of us wanted to take them home. We have been learning about making healthy choices in PSHE and having the confidence to stand up to peer pressure. Some children conducted the class when we created our own fanfare as part of our music topic, The Fanfare for the Common Man. We have been able to get back outside for cricket this week and have been practising our 'rock-star' bowling skills. We have also been building on our balance skills in Real PE.

Week 3

This week we have enjoyed a visit from author, John Dougherty. The children all dressed up and had a lovely time making their potato characters. We have been learning about the origins of the Persian Empire in history, and have explored arable farming in our geography lesson. We have been conducting lots of experiments, looking at pitch, in science and even made our own panpipes.

Term 4

Week 1

Welcome back everyone. We have seen some great writing from our class this week with the completion of our Big Task in Geography and History. The children used their knowledge from last term to answer the questions, How is Bisley similar to and different from Cardiff? And, How do we know about Indus Valley Civilisation? Our P. E. days have changed this term as we are excited to have a cricket coach with us on Tuesday mornings. Our new PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

Week 5

End of term already! This week, we enjoyed our last forest school session, we built models of the forest layers and had some delicious hot chocolate and marshmallows. Thanks Mrs Parker! We have completed our work on the book Farther with our own retellings of the story. Our pocket galleries look great and are proudly displayed in the classroom.

Have a good week off and see you on Monday 19th February.

Week 4

Lots to report this week!

We had an action packed day on Monday, with a drama workshop exploring emotions and forest school. We created clay faces and sparks were flying when we had a go with the fire sticks. Back in the classroom, we have been exploring sound and vibrations. We have also become curators and created our own gallery space. Have a look at the photos from this week.

Week 3

It's been a busy week of assessments, but we have still found time to squeeze in some exciting activities.

In Forest school this week, we have been helping the local wildlife by making and hanging bird feeders around the school. The children have been delighted to see birds eating from them over the course of the week. In Art, we have been looking at how we observe pieces of artwork, with the aim of creating our own galleries over the next few weeks. We observed a 'sculpture' in the playground and made clay sculptures based on our poses.

Term 3

Week 1

Welcome back everyone.

This term we are looking at a book called FArTHER for our English writing sessions. We have participated in some book talk and have thought about questions we would like to ask about the book.

In Science, we have started a new topic on Sound. We have conducted a sound experiment to chart sounds we can hear both inside and outside of the school.

We were excited to start our Forest School sessions this week. we have been exploring the school grounds searching for different types of leaves.                                                                                                                                                                               

Week 7

Another busy week in Year 4. We have enjoyed our Christmas lunch and performed the first of our Christmas concerts. We have created our own party hats for our Christmas lunch, explored area in maths and practiced our balance skills in gymnastics. We have drawn and painted some robins, using the line drawing skills developed in our art sessions. These will go towards our final published piece of writing, based on Coming Home. Our next Christmas performance is on Tuesday 19th December, we look forward to seeing you there. 

Week 6

Good news! Year 4 came top of the school for attendance this week and as a treat the class have voted for some extra playtime. Thank you for your support in making sure your children are in school and on time. This week, we have designed and conducted an experiment this week to see if the mass of a solid makes a difference to it's melting point. We have also started our Christmas unit, focusing on the story Coming Home by Michael Morpurgo. The story follows a robin's journey home and featured in the 2016 Waitrose Christmas advert. We have been thinking about what home means to us and mapping the story to help us produce our final piece over the next week.

Week 5

This week some of our class were on a Bike-ability course, building their confidence on their bikes and improving their knowledge of road safety. We have been exploring the major themes of our text, Winter's Child, and explaining their importance to the story. We have been in a festive mood, rehearsing our Christmas songs ahead of our performances on Thursday 14th, and Tuesday 19th December. 

Week 4

This week we have been working on improving our balance and core strength in P.E. In Music, we have been creating sound effects to accompany a cartoon and we have explored and created educational games in I.T. We even tried creating our own code and gave reviews of the games. Some children had the opportunity to read with Fred in the library and we have now had our first Christmas singing rehearsal.

Week 3

This week we have enjoyed using the equipment in our gymnastics session. We have explored the different melting points of solids in this week's science lesson and the children have enjoyed a non uniform day in support of Children in Need. Thank you for all of your donations. We have challenged ourselves with some dotty domino based maths. Some of the class have asked to take the task home to test their families, let us know how you got on.

Term 2

Week 2

It was great to meet lots of parents this week at our consultations. Have a look at the great artworks the class have produced based on the works of Quentin Blake.

Term 1

Week 7

Some of our Year 4 and 5's attended a Tag Rugby festival this week. They took part in a number of skill based activities before playing some matches at the end. It was their first time playing rugby and they all thoroughly enjoyed trying a new sport!

Week 6

We enjoyed an action packed Egyptology Day on Monday. We created our own cartouches, cracked codes, had a go at mummification and put our ancient Egyptian counting skills to the test. 

Week 5

Another busy week in Year 4. We have been using the glockenspiels to learn the bass notes for This Little Light of Mine in music. In PE we have been testing our balance and challenging ourselves to beat our personal best. You can see us comparing the qualities of solids and liquids in Science.

Week 4

We have been learning about states of matter in our science lessons. Have a look at our 'Raising Raisins' experiment. Why do you think that raisins float in lemonade but sink in water?

Week 3

 In week three we have been practising our cookery skills: chopping, slicing and grating vegetables in DT.

Week 2

We have been recapping the days of the week in our French lessons.

Week 1

In Maths, the children were representing numbers using a place value chart and dienes. 

The children began reading their new guided reading books!

