Pupil Voice 2019/2020
Pupil Voice Committee - Term 4
Keeping Our Children Safe.
Our children are the heart of our school and we think it is important to listen to their views on everything we do.
During this term we will be meeting with the children to discuss 'How we keep our children safe'. Every week we will split up into our Pupil Voice teams, which are children from Year 1 to Year 6, to discuss the main areas.
How do we keep you safe in school?
How do we keep you safe online?
Who do you go to if you feel unsafe?
Who are the Learning Mentors?
How do we look after your wellbeing?
Our children said...
"There is always a teacher on the gate to keep us safe from strangers and make sure we stay in school after our parents drop us off." Kelly-Ann
"Staff have name badges and fobs, we know that people with a badge on are allowed in schoo.l" Keira
"We have tall fences to keep us safe." Eden
"We have practise lock downs." Keiron
"We do fire drills and line up on the playground safely." Jack
"Adults supervie us on the playground to help us if we hurt ourselves." Jenny
"Children have to put their phones in the office so we cant use them in school." Sophie
"We have teachers that are trained for First Aid." Owen
" We do the register every day to see who's here, if people are away the office ring our parents." Jess
Watch this space for more of our children's comments over the coming weeks.
Pupil Voice Committee
How can we enrich our curriculum?
How can we make Oldmixon even better?
Our children are the heart of our school and we think it is important to listen to their views on everything we do.
On Wednesday morning we held Pupil Voice and children from Year 2 - 6 split off into small groups to discuss extra-curricular activities.
The children talked about school clubs, what we offer and whether they enjoy the types of clubs that we offer.
Our children said...
- We would like to have more variety offered in After School Clubs.
- Each term we provide clubs which are supported by Forever Sports and our dedicated team. In Term 4 we will be introducing Ultimate Frisbee, Netball, Orienteering, Mad Science and Art Attack.
- We would like to do more gardening in school.
- Listening to this we will be providing the opportunity for children to attend Gardening Club in Terms 5 and 6.
- Could we have more clubs that are linked to our learning like Spelling, Maths and Drama Club?
- We will be running a Maths Games and Drama Club during Terms 5 and 6.
- We would like to do lots more cooking and learn skills for when we are older.
- Cooking is already part of the curriculum but we also feel preparation and cooking skills are important. Staring in Term 4 groups of Year 5 and 6 children will be cooking every week. They will all have the opportunity to make: Bread, vegetable soup, flapjack, quiche and cupcakes. Once these children have finished the next group will have the opportunity.
Pupil Voice Committees November 2019
Key Questions
Do you enjoy homework?
Do you have enough space, access to resources and support to complete projects?
Do you have internet access whenever you need it?
Do you know about Homework Club?
Should Homework club be on more?
How can we make homework better?
Children's responses.
We could make homework better by:
Response from Parents
Pupil Voice Committees
September 2019
Key Questions
How can we reduce the amount of plastic we use as a school?
How can we understand more about the effect of Plastic on our environment?
How can we recycle more in school?
What impact does plastic have on the environment?
The children met in their Pupil Voice groups and discussed the key questions, the children came up with some fantastic ideas to make our school more environmentally friendly.
Children's ideas.