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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 1

The adults in your child's class are:

 Mrs Robinson, Miss Bastin and Mr Phillis


Your child will have P.E on a Monday and a Friday.


Please ensure your child has a P.E kit in school. This needs to include a white t-shirt, black shorts and daps/trainers. Our P.E sessions will be outside unless it is raining. You may also want to include black jogging bottoms and a black zip up hoodie for when the weather starts to get colder. 


Just a reminder that this is Year One's Friday banquet criteria:

Arrive to school on time everyday.

Be in school everyday of that week.

Wear the correct school uniform.

Have all equipment needed each day (reading books, reading record and P.E kit.)

Show good behaviour in and around school and treat each other kindly.

Read 3 times a week at home.

Term 3

Term 2

Term One

We would like to welcome all the children and their families back to school after a lovely summer holidays. This year the adults in your child's class are Mrs Metcalfe, Mrs Robinson, Miss Bastin and Mr Phillis. We are very lucky to have two classrooms this year and we would love you to have a little look at some of our areas within our second room. Here are those areas, these change regularly and we like to adapt these areas to meet the children's interests.

Here are some of the children exploring these areas:

In art the children have been focusing on leaves. They have had a go at sketching a leaf and have also tried blind drawing a leaf. They used a cardboard square and put their pencils through so they could not see what they were drawing. They had to focus really hard on what they were doing, and see if their picture looked like a leaf at the end. Here are some of the leaves they were trying to draw.

In one of our P.E lessons the children have been focusing on balance and different techniques we can use to move around, such as, hopping, skipping, hopscotch, side stepping and many more. The children have really had to focus on what their legs are doing and controlling these movements to enable they stay balanced.

In Science the children have been looking at materials. They have had to find different items around the classroom made of different materials. Look at what they found:

In Year One we have started our Jigsaw lessons these are lessons (PSHCE). The children have been introduced to Jigsaw Jack, every classroom has their own Jigsaw piece. They were told about how special Jigsaw Jack is and when he is passed around if they would like to share their ideas then they can when they have Jigsaw Jack and if they do not wish to share they can give him a cuddle and pass him on. We spoke about how we stay safe in school, and these were their ideas. We also made our class charter of all the rules we will be following in school and in class.

Look at Year One having lots of fun in their gymnastics lesson. They are learning lots of new skills with the help from coach April.

