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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 1

The adults in your child's class are:

Miss Fletcher, Miss Mason and Miss Cox


Your child will have P.E on a Thursday.

This term Forest School will be on a Monday


Please ensure your child has a P.E kit in school. This needs to include a white t-shirt, black shorts and daps/trainers. Our P.E sessions will be outside unless it is raining. You may also want to include black jogging bottoms and a black zip up hoodie for when the weather starts to get colder. 


Just a reminder that this is Year One's Friday banquet criteria:

Arrive to school on time everyday.

Be in school everyday of that week.

Wear the correct school uniform.

Have all equipment needed each day (reading books, reading record and P.E kit.)

Show good behaviour in and around school and treat each other kindly.

Read 3 times a week at home.

Term 6

'Beach school' was so much fun!  We started off by making our base with a large circle of stones, then played games.  We found all sorts of interesting things in the rockpools!  We had a great time making our own boats and sailing them in the rockpools.  Finally, we played with buckets and spades in the sand.  We had a very busy day!

In English, we have been looking at the book, Anansi the Spider.  We studied non-fiction books to find facts about spiders, then worked towards making our own leaflets all about spiders.  

In history we have been learning all about famous ships and sea farers.  Our geography topic is the world of work, so we have been talking about the kind of jobs that people do.  In maths, we have been looking at numbers from 50-100 and comparing numbers.  Now we are learning about time, starting with the days of the week and months of the year.

Term 5

In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division.  We have practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and found out about making equal groups.  We also practised doubling!  Next we will be learning about fractions and finding half or quarter of something. 

In P.E. we have had great fun practising rolling, throwing, bouncing and catching different size balls.  

Term 4

In Maths we are exploring Mass and volume. We used the measuring containers to find out how much water fills each container and used the weighing scales to find out which items were heavier or lighter. 

We had so much muddy fun this week at Forest School smiley. First, Mrs Parker showed us how to make hedgehogs out of clay ( more messy fun surprise) When we had made our hedgehogs we chose our groups and together, we made homes for our hedgehogs to live. 

In Maths, Year 1 have used different resources to measure different objects. They had fun measuring each other. 

In DT this week we have designed and built free standing structures. We discussed in our groups what criteria was important to help our structures stand successfully. 

This week we went to the woods for our Forest School activities. We looked at the space we had to work in and set up our boundaries using flags we had made. We then went on a leaf hunt looking for the different types of leaves that grow on the trees in the area. Then we collected different sized sticks and used them to write our names. 

This term we have started Forest School on a Monday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of the things we have done so far. We have made forest hats using leaves, flowers and grass and book marks. We have also been on a bug hunt.

The book we have started to look at in English is Astro Girl. It is all about a little girl who wants to be an astronaut and the things she will need to go to space. We have been researching all about space using books and Ipads ready to write our own fact files. 

Term 3

We have had a busy week back in Year 1. We have started to look at our new book in English called 'Cave Baby' and have been writing sentences with nouns (the thing) and adjectives (describing the thing) in them. We have started to look at maps for our Geography.

In Science we have been looking at the human body and all the different parts we have and the things inside us. We wrote down all our ideas. 

For History we worked on being photographers and taking our own pictures and looking at cameras and photos from a long time ago.

Term 2

We have been researching facts all about the South Pole. We recorded these facts ready to make our own fact files.

We have been very busy in year 1 working on instructions to make a jam sandwich. We took it in turns to record each other talking through the instructions on the ipads. Then we used these instructions to make the sandwiches and then we got to eat them.

Our day out at Court Farm


We had a great day out on the farm meeting all the different animals. Farmer Ed told us lots of things that farmers have to do to look after and care for the different animals. We watched the cows being milked and helped to fed some of the animals.

We have been very busy looking at mechanisms, sliders and levers in Design and Technology. We then went on to make our own sliders.

We have had an In Living Memory box from Weston Museum. It had lots of interesting objects. In it there were old coins, replica cars, vinyl records, VHS tapes, personal cassette player, DVD's, a TV annual, Camera's, telephone and old mobile phones. 

Term 1

Here are a few photos of our first day in Year 1.

We have been very busy in Year 1 over the past few weeks learning our way around the new classroom and the different areas for learning.

For our Science work we have been looking at the different materials that things are made from.

We have started learning Gymnastics in P.E. 

For some of our English work we have used the ipads to research facts about cats. We used questions we had already thought about and written in our books.

We have been busy working on the story 'The way back home'. First we worked on putting the story into a story map to help us remember what had happened then we acted out the story in small groups.

We have had a really busy week in Year 1 on Tuesday we had a bread making workshop with Aspens the company who makes our school dinners. In our English work we have been working on the Gruffalo story and wrote our own instructions on how to make Gruffalo fruit kebabs, on Wednesday we made these.

