Welcome to Nursery, our adults in our classroom are.
Teaching Assistant – Mrs Abraham Teaching Assistant – Miss Hitchins
level 3 Early years apprentice - Miss Smyth
Here you will see all of our fun learning for this year!
log onto your child’s tapestry account to view their learning and add some of the fantastic things they do with you at home.
βοΈWe would like to say a massive thank you to all our families for their support this year. We have had an amazing year looking after your children. The school leavers will be amazing in their next adventure to reception. We hope you have a lovely summer together and we will see some of you again in September. βοΈ
Handa’s Surprise.
This story helped us explore many topics and ideas with the children. They especially loved trying new fruit from the story. This was a perfect opportunity to use a knife and fork whilst exploring them.
The children learnt lots of facts about Africa, learnt new animal names, practised walking around with items on their heads and explored clay.
The children used their imaginative sides and created all the characters from the story. We have displayed them on the wall for everyone to see.
Inflatable day was so much fun. That definitely helped us strengthen our big muscles.
We bounced, bounced and bounced some more on our sponsored bounce.
The children loved using the mini trampolines and having music to enhance their experience.
We raised a whopping £473.
We would like to thank everyone for all their contributions.πβ€οΈ
π¦π¦π‘π¦π¦π¬π Under the sea π¬π¦π³π ππ¦π¦π
The children have learnt all about sea creatures that live under the sea. They especially loved developing their imaginative sides by dressing up as merpeople using material and other props.
They went on to create a mermaid and merman which has been displayed in nursery. They worked together as a team sharing ideas and resources.
We explored making marks in a variety of ways. Some of these included using shells, shaving foam, water, chalks and an ICT app on the iPad.
Perseverance, critical thinking and independent ideas are all something that has been shown throughout many activities.π‘
The children have learnt many facts about sea creatures whilst playing, exploring and in group activities.
We have shared plenty of stories linked to this theme. Commotion in the ocean, the smallest fish in the school and Octopants were some of the children's favourites.π
Ask your child these questions and let them blow you away with their knowledge,
How many arms does a starfish have?
Why does an octopus change colour?
Should you touch a jellyfish?
Does a mummy or daddy seahorse give birth to two thousand baby seahorses?
Why does a pufferfish puff up?
We were amazed at how many facts they have remembered.
We will send home a link on Tapestry for some videos and songs we have been doing in class. We hope you enjoy them together at home with your child.
Transport has started our last term of the year. π
The children have learnt new facts about many vehicles. Ask them questions about boats, trains, bikes, hot air balloons and planes. They have remembered that planes take off on a run way, trains need to be on tracks, boats sometimes need sails or engines to move and bikes can have a different amount of wheels.π²
We have made boats at our transient art station, mark making with different vehicles in paint, flew decorated planes outside and created our very own bus to go on imaginative adventures.
When you go out and about with your child continue to talk to your child about what vehicles you can see. Help them describe them by talking about the colour, size, shape, colour, how many door? How many windows? ππππ
The children have been learning how to create repeating patterns. We think they have done an amazing job.
You can make patterns with anything at home. Have a go and send them in on your child’s tapestry account.
Jubilee Picnic
We celebrated the Queens Platinum Jubilee with a fantastic picnic and fun and games on the field.
We have been learning about the Queen and her Platinum Jubilee. The children have discovered that she lives in a palace and a castle and she has dogs called Corgi's. We have been watching a lovely video that the children have thoroughly enjoyed to introduce them to the Queen's guards and her Corgi's. This is the link to watch at home.
The children have been talking about the crown jewels and have made crowns and a Union Jack flag for our Jubilee picnic.
We introduced the children to our national anthem and they are starting to pick up the words.
All week the children have been taking part in our royal tea party, developing manipulation and control as they spread butter and jam to make a sandwich and pour hot chocolate. We used our extra special tea set and the children took care of it beautifully.
The children have been so enthusiastic with our pirate theme. They have found buried treasure, played pop up pirates, printed boats, created their own treasure maps, learnt new songs, role played imaginatively and been emerged in new language.
Jack and the beanstalk.
The children were very excited when the giant left us presents. He left his huge trainers, a golden hen and a giant toothbrush. We talked about good oral hygiene and what the giant might do to keep his teeth healthy?
The children were really good at remembering what happened in the story.
Term 4 focus plan.
10 green bottles sitting on the wall was our theme this week and the children are doing really well at singing the song and using their fingers to match the correct amount of bottles.
Below is the link to the song. We have also sent it home on Tapestry.
We are continuing with our space theme. The children are exploring colour mixing as they create planets and discovering what items can be picked up using a magnet. We have placed planets on the floor outside and the children are practising jumping feet together from one to another.
Our first week of space was packed full of learning and exploring through songs, games, activities and mark making.
We have sent home a planet song on Tapestry to sing with your child. They are doing really well at remembering the planet names.βοΈπ
We can’t wait for week two of space next week.π
Our space station was a huge success!! π
The children used their imagination and travelled through space visiting different planets.
They were able to be independent when dressing and undressing in the spacesuits.π
The children are enjoying exploring all of our dinosaur activities and are now able to name some of the more common dinosaurs. We have been digging for dinosaur bones in compost, drawing our own dinosaurs, sliding small dinosaurs along a piece of guttering and have used our imaginations in the role play camp site.
We created a swamp using slime and shaving foam some of the children were reluctant at first to get messy but after a little encouragement they were happy to get stuck in.
Welcome back to Term 4. We hope you have had a lovely break together.
To start the term off we will be Learning all about dinosaurs. We have lots of fun activities planned and our role-play area is now a camp site. Keep checking our page for weekly updates.
Below is the link for one of our dinosaur songs we have been practising.
Ten little dinosaur song.
World book day was great. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and we shared many stories together.
The children will be coming home with a book as a gift from Mrs Sutton and Mrs Simpson.
Pancake day was a huge success. The children practised using a knife and fork at snack time and they said they were delicious.π
Term 3 focus plan.
We are reading the story Giraffes Can't Dance. The children are enjoying dancing to different genres of music; rock and roll, African, tango, Scottish reel and popular music. We explored the different styles of dance and then incorporated the dance style into a game of musical statues.
The children have created beautiful art work and used the white boards to draw giraffes and other jungle animals. The toy giraffes are very dirty so the children have used small brushes to clean them.
We have enjoyed running, jumping and hopping in the large playground, it is so lovely to have such a large space to run around in.
Happy Chinese New Year π―
We celebrated in nursery by tasting some delicious Chinese noodles, practicing Chinese letter writing, dressing as Chinese dragons and dancing. Some of the children constructed the Great Wall of China.
The crayons book of colours sent us on a crayon hunt this week. The children were colour detectives and found all the coloured crayons from the story.
The children worked together as a team to find coloured objects in the room. They were all able to find something and also put it back where it belongs.πβοΈ
Blue chameleon was a great book to introduce the children to patterns and colours. Throughout the week the children have been looking at creating their own repeating pattern using shapes and colours.
They also created patterns using lines, spots and swirls.
Welcome back to term 3. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year.
To start the term off we have enjoyed the story Owl babies. The children have made nests for owls, created their own owls using various materials and independently looked at the book repeating words from the story. We have been discussing feelings and how the owls felt throughout the story and why?
Term 2 focus plan
We had a surprise visitor!! Father Christmas came and gave us some lovely gifts. πβ€οΈ
The last week of term was filled with so much festive love.πβ€οΈ
We enjoyed making Christingles, created transient snowmen art and finished the week off with a Christmas party which was packed with games and delicious food.π
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in the New year.πβοΈβ€οΈ
Our Christmas stay and play was absolutely amazing. It was lovely to do something face to face with all our families. We enjoyed lots of Christmas craft activities and then finished off with our Christmas songs.
We all had a lovely time and photos have been sent home on Tapestry for you to look at.πβ€οΈ
The Gingerbread man has been an amazing theme for our children. They have loved all the activities, challenges and role-play. They have been extremely creative with their own storytelling in Helicopter stories where The Gingerbread made several appearances.
To celebrate at the end of the two weeks the children decorated their own gingerbread house…and enjoyed eating it at snack time too.π
The children hung their baubles on the school Christmas tree this week.π
They persevered when it was tricky pushing it onto the branch. It looks beautiful.π
We are continuing with our theme of the farm and have been focusing on learning about baby animals. The children have enjoyed finding out the names of some of the babies. We have been practicing a new song about animal babies. We sent the link home on Tapestry for the children to share with you all.
We have been exploring colour mixing and the children’s faces when the colours changed were priceless.
Children in need was lots of fun! We had a surprise visitor !
Old Macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o! This is the theme of this week. We are learning lots of facts about farm animals and keeping a steady beat as we sing along to the song. Ask the children to sing it to you.
The children washed animals using sponges and tooth brushes and we discussed how we keep ourselves clean and the importance of good hygiene.
We set a challenge this week that every child attempted. The challenge was to cover an animal completely in play dough. The children practiced their pincer grip and squeezing motion to complete the challenge. The prize was as sherbert scented sticker.
The children have been learning about poppies for Remembrance Day. They did a great job at creating their own .
We have been exploring Autumn and the treasure Autumn brings. The children have collected their own treasure on an Autumn walk and discussed the colours, sizes and shapes of the collected leaves and sticks. We used them in lots of our activities.
we have sorted conkers, acorns, pine cones and leaves and have been learning lots of new language.
the children used their imaginations when exploring “apple soup” and commented on the smell.
the children have been curious about hedgehogs and have created their own models after looking at pictures and watching videos.
Happy Diwali!!!!!
Today we celebrated Diwali by learning to Bhangra dance, creating Mehndi patterns and decorating a beautiful Rangoli design. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and explored light with our torches.
Focus plan for term 1
Happy Halloween!!! Halloween arrived early this week as we had lots of spooky fun. We painted pumpkins, searched for bugs in gloopy gloop and made spells and potions from the witches cauldron. Our favourite stories this week were about a witch called Winnie. It all ended with a fantastic Halloween party with party games, dancing and lots of yummy party food
We are continuing the theme of Goldilocks and the three bears and the children are now very familiar with the story. They are able to repeat refrains and act it incredibly well. We have read the story from a book, watched the story in animation, told the story with puppets and acted the story as a whole group.
This week we have made bear head bands and created bears using a variety of resources. The children particularly enjoyed decorating and eating bear biscuits. Some of the children have mastered drawing circles and have extended this to draw the three bears.
We are loving our new outdoor area and have been outside a great deal with this lovely weather.
We have been reading the story Goldilocks and the three bears and the children have enjoyed constructing the bears cottage, making porridge and sorting things by size. The children have enjoyed listening to the story in a variety of ways; from a book, a story tray, with puppets and an animated version. They are now repeating key parts of the story and beginning to act it out within their role play.
Our theme of Twinkle twinkle little star and Baa baa black sheep was fantastic this week. The children are now amazing at singing the rhymes with words/actions.
We will continue to practise singing all our nursery rhymes throughout this school year as they are an important part of the child’s development.
Singing nursery rhymes helps children develop their communication and language skills, social skills, how to keep a steady beat, early maths skills, and develops their creative skills.
We absolutely love singing in nursery. Have a go at singing nursery rhymes at home with your child. Below is a few to choose from. πβ€οΈ
This week our play dough gym activity led onto a cutlery practising session. The children tried really hard and persevered with this task.
Giving your child opportunities to use a knife and fork from a young age will help them develop these important skills early on in life.ππ
This week Humpty Dumpty and Incy Wincy activities were explored by all the children. They used tools to free spiders from blocks of ice, built Humpty Dumpty’s wall using Duplo, developed their fine motor skills getting spiders with tweezers and created their own spider using a variety of resources.π·
We have sent links home on Tapestry for these nursery rhymes for you to sing along and learn them together.β€οΈπ΅
Our second week of doing ‘From head to toe’ was great. The children started repeating words from this familiar story whilst they were completing tasks and challenges.
The children were developing their independence all week by accessing their own resources and then putting them back where they belonged.
Our water activity changed half way through the week as we followed the children’s fascination with floating and sinking. We noticed some of the children were dropping small objects into tubes of water so we explored this alongside them modelling language and figuring out together if an object would float or sink. They were completely engaged with this we carried it on for the rest of the week.π
Welcome back to all our families for the first term of a new school year. We hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday.
All the children have settled in well and welcomed all our new children in a lovely friendly way.πβ€οΈ They have been busy exploring the environment both inside and out with a lot of interest and energy.
This week is all about celebrating what the children can do independently so we have tied in the story ‘From head to toe’ by Eric Carle. Below is the link to the story/song on You tube to enjoy together at home.