Welcome to Little Mixers Nursery
The Nursery staff are:
Mrs Abraham Miss Hitchins Miss Smyth
Nursery Lead Nursery Lead Level 3 Teaching Assistant
Here you will find all of our fun learning for the year.
Log onto your child's Tapestry account to view their learning and add some of the fantastic things they do with you at home.
Look out for the Wellbeing Wednesday activities. These are simple fun activities to do at home with your child.
Everyday the children take part in a brain break and chime time.
This is one of our favourite ones to do.
Here at Little Mixers Nursery, we follow The Curiosity Approach to learning and embrace the ideology behind it. Below is a PDF with more information.
Term 3
Term 3 has started with the children reading The colour monster.
They have been learning all about emotions and how they make them feel. We have been exploring colours and linking them to our feelings.
Term 2
Christmas is a magical time in Nursery. The children have been learning Christmas songs and adding Makaton signs. They have created beautiful transient art and undertaken lots of Christmas themed activities. The Nursery staff would like to wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas.
The Nursery children have been exploring the story 'Monkey Puzzle' This is a beautiful story that celebrates differences. We have been learning about animals and their babies, what they are called, where they live and how they change over time. We have loved learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and created beautiful butterflies using a range of materials, paying attention to the symmetry of their wings.
We have been learning about Autumn and the changes that occur. The children have put the leaves that were collected on our Autumn walk to good use. They have practiced their scissor skills by cutting the leaves into small bits, adding them to our continuous sticking board and painting and printing with them. The children have been fascinated with Hedgehogs. Ask them what they know about the spiky creatures.
We have been talking about Autumn celebrations including Halloween, Bonfire night and the Hindu festival Diwali, the festival of lights. Some of the children made beautiful Rangoli patterns using beads and jewels and we enjoyed the traditional story of Rama and Sita.
The Nursery children have been marking Remembrance Day by finger painting poppies and creating poppies on the light box. We have talked about the armed forces and how we remember those that have lost their lives. They were amazing when taking part in the 2 minute silence.
Welcome back to an exciting Term 2.
Today the children went on a nature walk to collect 'Autumn treasures'. We collected lots of leaves and noticed the different colours, shapes and sizes. We completed challenges to find a specific amount of leaves or leaves of a specific colour.
Below are some links that the children have enjoyed at Nursery.
Mr Tumbles Autumn song.
Autumn song.
Firework sensory music.
Term 1
We ended the term with a stay and play. The theme was Autumn and all our families had a great time with their child. โค๏ธ๐๐๐ We can’t wait till the next one. โค๏ธ
๐Halloween is a great way to end the first term. Lots of creative activities, singing and role-play experiences.๐
We are learning the story of the Three Little Pigs. We have focused on the number 3, sorting natural resources into sets of 3 and subitising up to 3. The children are beginning to retell the story in order and are learning the repeated refrains.
We discussed how strong the little pigs houses were and made houses using bricks, sticks and playdough.
The children have loved all of the messy play this week.
Nursery celebrated World mental health day by dressing in yellow, collecting yellow objects and talking about the things that make us happy.
Nursery rhymes have been our focus on this week in nursery. We have been focusing on Twinkle twinkle little star, Humpty Dumpty and Incy wincy spider.
The children have been exploring singing through their play and expressed themselves using instruments and props.
They have created stars using loose parts, built Humpty's wall and explored spiders in the water.
Welcome back to Term 1.
The children have settled back to nursery and we have welcomed our new friends and their families.
This week the children are learning how to select their own resources, follow the daily routines and share with their friends.
We have enjoyed lots of indoor and outdoor learning.