Design and Technology
Design Technology
Through Design Technology, we aim to inspire children to create, to take risks, and to solve problems, within engaging contexts so that they become resourceful, enterprising and capable citizens who understand the impact of Design Technology on their own lives and the lives of others.
Design technology is a practical subject, within which, children design and make products to address real problems in a range of contexts. It enables children to draw upon their learning in Science, Maths, Computing and Art. Our curriculum has been organised to enable links to be made with learning in a range of other subjects while ensuring that the authenticity of design technology in not compromised.
In every year group, children undertake three Design Technology projects. Over a two-year cycle, these projects will cover mechanisms or mechanical systems, textiles, structures and food. In addition, at Key Stage Two, children partake in two projects focussing on electrical systems.
Every Design Technology project follows a rigorous method of designing, making and evaluation. Key skills, techniques, tools and vocabulary are identified and build progressively over time. Children are actively encouraged to make their own choices and to be original with their thinking. When designing each project, the six principles of user, purpose, function, authenticity, design decisions and innovation are followed. Teachers keep these in mind and reflect upon them to ensure that lessons meet the aims and purposes of the design technology curriculum.