Here at Oldmixon, we follow the new National Curriculum. This has a succinct focus on the recent developments in technology. We include coding, debugging and real indepth elements of computing in order to give our children the richest of experiences. As well as this, we provide our children with multiple opportunities to use computers, laptops and iPads.
Rising Stars
We follow the Rising Stars Switched On computing scheme with KS2 also following their coding scheme. This scheme allows our children to use computing in real life scenarios. Some examples being able to create an app (Year 6), creating their own animation (Year 3) and collecting data on bugs (Year 2). Switched On Computing gives our children the opportunities to work within a range of different software which not only prepares them for secondary school, but also later life.
Computing within the curriculum
We endeavour to provide our children with a copious amount of opportunity to use different forms of technology. Within in English, children are encouraged to computer publish some of their finished pieces in order to develop a range of key skills such as typing, saving and printing. We encourage teachers to use aspects of research in subjects all across the curriculum. Our teachers are confident in allowing our students to research as they have developed the skills to recognise useful information sources. Children regularly create PowerPoints and word documents to aid presentations.
Online Safety
Online safety is of paramount importance to us here at Oldmixon. Online safety is filtered through every topic, from issues like copyright to information sharing. At the beginning of every lesson, children are reminded of their e-safety focus of the term. We also complete 'Online safety question of the day' in each of our lessons to ensure coverage of e-safety. Each year, the children design their own class online safety poster and these are displayed in their computing area. The children discuss what they believe can be dangers online with their teacher. Here are some of the winners this year, Mia (Y3), George (Y6) and Carly-Rose (Y2).