2019 - 2020
Term 1
In PE this week we were set a challenge. We used different balls to practice our catching skills. Most of the class agreed that the larger balls were easier to catch because they were bigger. Theo and Penelope showed fantastic throwing and catching skills.
We have worked really hard this week looking at sentences in the present and past tense.
Mia- I am eating my lunch.
I ate my lunch.
Poppy- I am walking to school.
I walked to school.
Oscar was able to tell the class that "swimming" was the present tense and "swam" was the past tense.
In Maths we have looked at number families and we have also added 3 digits together. Our top tip was to look for the number bond in the number sentence as this would make it easier to find the correct answer.
Rio, found the number bond 8 and 2 and then added another 2.
In music this week we used Charanga to look at rhythm. We used the musical instruments to help keep the beat.
Team Rubicon gave us a visit today. They showed us many skateboarding skills and we all got to have a try. The children had so much fun and some are very keen to take up skateboarding as a hobby.
To see some pictures, see our P.E. page in curriculum!
What an exciting day we all had at Bristol Zoo. We were very lucky to have all of the African animals out wandering around their habitats. The Lions gave us a cheeky stare and the grumpy Gorilla was sitting with his arms folded looking closely at all of us. Bradley and Mrs Palfrey was certain they saw the grumpy Gorilla give them a wink. Seeing all of these animals have given us a greater understanding of the big 5 and helped us with our topic.
Today we used our sense of smell in our Mind Up activity. Concentrating on a single sense to identify detail, helps children gather lots of information from their environment that they may not have otherwise noticed.
In Maths we have looked at greater than and less than and practiced our counting forwards and backwards. The children remembered the rule " the crocodile always eats the larger number"
Today is Shape,Space and Measure day.
We have had so much fun with lots of different activities.
Miss Pring hid lots of different shapes hidden around the classroom and in our groups we had to discover them.
We were puzzled as to why Miss Pring gave us spaghetti and marshmallows but it soon became clear. In our groups we had to use the items to make different shapes. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to eat the marshmallows but, we all agreed that they were a bit grubby at the end of the activity.
We are reading the story "The Lazy Lion." Each group have thought of a range of adjectives to describe the Lion and also to describe how he might be feeling. Year 2 have also written sentences about what the animals in the story might be thinking.
We have generated words like ungrateful, gloomy, angry, sneaky, cheeky and damp.
In mental maths today we worked in teams and put the correct numbers in the correct numbers.
Today, we discovered that Year 2 are amazing at knowing different types of habitats and which animals best suit each habitat. We challenged them with a variety of different places and they were able to put the pictures of the animals in the correct place. They even added their own ideas and placed them onto the habitats.
In maths we investigated different ways to partition 2 digit numbers. Charlie and Rio blew our socks off as they found so many different ways and shared them with their group.
In maths we have looked at place value and used the diennes to show the value of a number.
This week we have been introduced and sang along to super movers. The children had lots of fun and this will help them to learn their number bonds.
We had so much fun carefully sketching the fruit from the book Handa's Surprise. Miss Pring was very impressed with our artistic ability.
Yesterday we kicked off our enquiry with our "WOW"
We read Handa's surprise and got to taste some delicious fruits including passion fruit and mango.
The children generated some amazing adjectives while tasting the fruits.
What an exciting start to Year 2. We started off by all thinking of a worry that we might have. We discussed our worries and found out ways we can solve them. Miss Pring gave everyone a ball and we imagined they were our worries. In small groups, we chucked our worries away. The children said they felt better after completing this activity.
In English this morning, we have looked at a book called
Miss Pring asked us to look at the front cover and try to imagine what the book is about. The children's ideas were fantastic. We then had to write simple sentences in our books about pictures we were given. The challenge was to add adjectives in our sentences.
We have had a fabulous "mind up" session today.
We recapped over the different parts of the brain and tried to share examples of when we would use the different parts.
Alphonso said that his pre- frontal cortex would help him with his writing.
Bradley said that he would use his hippocampus to remember the past and his memories when he was little.
Mia said her amygdala would help her to calm down if she was angry.
Term 2
Our fantastic little actors after their amazing performance. " Christmas around the world"
We were so proud of each and every one of the children.
This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Fire service.
They told us lots of information on how to be safe around fire and showed us a life saving procedure to
In English, we have looked at Samuel Pepy's diary and we have generated a shared write diary entry. We have also written eye witness accounts from different characters that are important in the Great Fire of London.
Ask your child to tell you some of these people and why they were important.
We have used the Dienes to add two, 2 digit numbers together. The children are working really hard to secure this method.
Towards the end of the week, Miss Pring replaced the Dienes with strawberry laces as 10's and skittles for our 1's.
The children thought this was a fantastic idea.
In English we have looked at Rhyming poems.
The children in small groups, made up poems with a topic of their choice. Some found this very challenging but never gave up.
We have been learning how to use number lines to help us subtract 2 digit numbers. The children used dienes to support their number lines at first, but now they are subtraction super heroes!
Our book this term is "Ganster Granny." Year 2 are enjoying listening to this story at the end of the day. I wouldn't be surprised if Year 6 can hear us chuckling away.
Term 3
How lucky are we!
Miss Pring very kindly bought in all the ingredients to enable us to make Chinese noodles. We used our grating and chopping skills to prepare all the vegetables but, we left the cooking part to Mrs Torrington and Mrs Palfrey.
All the children tried them and most thought they were delicious.
Mrs Simpson very kindly delivered delicious cakes to our class. Year 2 decided to write thank you letters to her. We used all of our skills we have learnt in English to write these letters.
Today we made smoothies with Chartwell. We used avocado, bananas, berries, carrot, pineapple and spinach. All the children tried them and said they were delicious.
This week we kicked off our Yoga sessions, we learnt the butterfly and downward dog positions, and also learnt how to make our bodies tall.
In P.E this week we did lots of dodging, moving, attacking and defending with Mr Molland
In Geography this week we looked at Atlases in pairs and how they worked.
In English this week we have been making gingerbread houses.
The children enjoyed creating their own houses.
In English this week we have looked at the traditional story "Hansel and Gretel"
The children have retold the story in their own words.
This week in Maths we have looked at money. The children needed to find the total amount of different items. We then progressed to finding change.
Mrs Palfrey's group had fun buying items from her shop.
Term 4
We have looked at different seeds under the microscope to notice the differences. We guessed which seeds belonged to which fruit.
We even learnt that strawberry seeds grow on the outside of the fruit.
We have been looking at Metres and centimetres, and we had a go at measuring the sports hall.
World Book Day!
We read a book called Once Upon a Star. It was all about how our solar system came about but in story form! The children really enjoyed making their stars, we discussed the materials they used and what the reasons were for their choices of materials.
In maths we have been looking at different types of 2D shapes, we've been putting them into different categories, such as polygons and non-polygons.
We opened our lovely box of books that Mrs Torrington had kindly given to us!!!!
In Science Year 2 we have been on a plant hunt to discover all the different types of plants there are.
Home learning websites
Daily learning from BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z7s22sg/year-2-lessons/1
Penpals Schools- https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html
Class Dojo – https://www.classdojo.com/
2Simple - https://2simple.com/blog/using-purple-mash-when-school-closed/
Classroom Secrets - https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk
Timestable rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Numbots - https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
Both TTRS and Numbots have the same password. Your child has been given these passwords at the start of the year and have been sent home again on a label on their yellow reading record.
Phonicsplay - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/#
Topmarks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
Charanga (lots of musical fun) - please email year2@oldmixonschool.com for your username and password!
Term 5
Please see the home learning area for all our learning this term.
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Term 6
Please see the wellbeing area for all our learning this term.
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