Year 3
Term 5 already! We have had a great start to the new term. We did our double page spreads on Monday for their Ancient Sumer topic. They were amazing and we all worked really hard on them.
English- we have started The BFG. WE have done character descriptions.
Maths-we have started division.
We were very lucky to have an orchestra in yesterday for us to listen to. It was fantastic!
We also had Bristol Sport into teach us a game of jail break to improve our attacking and defending skills.
English- we have read quite a bit of the BFG now and have written revolting recipes which we published onto potio0n bottles and coloured them in to make it look like our potion. We have also written dialogue between Sophie and the BFG and using different synonyms for said.
Maths- we have been learning about fraction of a half, third and a quaters.
We had a special visitor in school this week teaching us a dance for the King's coronation.
Geography- this term we are learning about the place we live. We went up to the top of Uphill hill and wrote down what we could see around Weston that was man made and what was physical. We had a lovely afternoon looking at everything and we even got to go up the tower and look.
Wow! we are already om week 5!
Maths- over the past two weeks we have continued to learn our fractions. We have learnt how to find a half, quarter and a a third, count in tenths as a fraction or a decimal, compare and order fractions and recognise equivalent fractions.
English- We have now finished reading the BFG but we have written a letter to the Roald Dahl to let him know what we thought of the story and we have started writing our own stories.
We had a wonderful Hedgehog workshop put on by the RSPCA. They explained all about them and what we should feed them and how to look after them. They also told us when we should and shouldn't touch them.
English- we have written our alternative story to the BFG. We have worked really hard on them and they look and sound fantastic!
Maths- we have been finding fractions of amounts and learning about unit and non-unit fractions.
Science- we have started an experiment. We have put celery into blue ink and water and we are watching to see if the ink goes up the celery. This is to show how plants suck up water.
English- we have started a new book in English called, Leon and the Place Between. It is about a boy who visits a circus, and lots of weird and wonderful things happen to him. On Tuesday, when we came in from break, we were given circus entry tickets and this entitled us to free entry in the circus and a bowl of popcorn, (in class).
We watched the circus and after had to describe using our senses, what we we could feel, hear smell, touch and taste. We then used this to learn how to use were and was properly.
Maths- we have been learning how to use and read tally charts and pictograms.
We have an author in today called, Andy Seed. He talked to us about what it is like to be an author and how much fun it is. He has visited schools in Milan and other countries and goes all over Britain too. He said that to be an author you must first be a reader!
English- we were very lucky to have a circus work shop on Tuesday morning. This is to help us understand what a circus is all about, to help us with our book, Leon and the Place Between. We learnt how to juggle, walk on stilts, use the low wire and the fun wheels.
ENGLISH- we have have learnt all about noun phrases and what makes a great year 3 sentence. What makes a great year 3 sentence? Well, we need to put a fronted adverbial, a conjunction and a noun phrase. It would look something look this; Loudly, the excited crowd applauded while the amazing jugglers threw their batons.
MATHS- we have been learning how to measure length using M, CM and MM. We have also been converting between the different unit of measures.
DT- we have started to learn how to sew using running stitch. Photos to follow next week!
Welcome back to term 3!
We have started a new book in English, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. We have already talked about the front cover and what they can see, infered features of traditional tales and used role play to describe thoughts and feelings.
In maths we have continued with column addition and subtraction and today we started number bonds to 100.
In art, we are looking at typography. This is the style and appearance of words and letters. We have explored our surroundings looking for letters in different things like; branches, clocks , chairs, leaves and anything else we find that resembles a letter.
Our new topic in History is: Ancient Sumer. Over the weeks I will up date you on all the different things we have learnt about them and all the things that they invented.
English-We have carried on with our class book, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. We have written in role to express our feelings as the Mayor and Pied Piper, when the Mayor refuses to pay him, and acted this out. We have described rats and what they look like, might feel like and their personalities. We also found out some interesting facts. Did you know that they can chew through glass and brick? We have debated For and Against whether we should pay the Piper or not and why?
In week 3 we had Chinese New Year. We were lucky to have a parent come in and talk about it and then in the afternoon we did a carousel of Chinese activities.
Maths-we have been identifying multiples of 2,5, and 10. We have practiced using arrays, number lines and hundred squares.
English-we have been writing our own version of the Pied Piper with our own villain, hero and plague. Some of us have a swarm of wasps, a pride of lions and snakes to name a few. The stories are very exciting to read!
Maths-we have been learning to share and group and what the difference is between them.
History-We have been learning about Ancient Sumer and what they have given to our modern world. One of those things is writing. The Sumerians call it Cuneiform. They would write on a clay tablet with their own language. We have had a go at doing our own.
MATHS- We have been learning to do the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We have learnt that the 8 times table are in the 4 times table.
SCIENCE-We have been learning what light reflects off. We did this by shinning a light on an opaque object.
We have started to learn about what Christmas means to us and we acted out our favourite part of Christmas.
We have started our non-chronological reports about tea. We have written our questions so that in the next lesson we are able to research them.
ENGLISH- We have started our research about tea, and are finding out why, when and where people drink it. This is to help us with our our non-chronological reports next week, so we have also been looking at different types on non-chronological reports to help us.
MATHS- We have been learning to add and subtract 1's and 10's across a 100.
RE-We have been talking about what certain things mean at Christmas, like the star that we put on top of the tree symbolises the star the Wise Men followed to find baby Jesus. We also talked about what Christmas means to us.
MATHS- We have started column addition and subtraction.
Forest School- We made bookmarks in Forest School this wee, using anything natural we could find around the school.
RE- we have talked about what we think the true meaning of Christmas is and what it means to us and what it means to Christians. We think that spending time with our families is important at Christmas.
English- we have learnt to write statements as a question and wrote up our non-chronological reports about tea.
Maths- in maths we have learnt to do column addition and subtraction with exchanges.
We have been practicing for our Christmas play this week. We are doing really well! We have lots of singing and the performance is looking great!
English- we went and asked questions to our school cook about sprouts and how she cooks them, where she buys them, how much they cost and does she like them? I was really interesting to hear her answers and to know that we will be having sprouts this year with our Christmas dinner! We also researched to find out more information so we can write our non-chronological report on them.
RE- we talked about gifting something to the world. If we could gift the world something what would it be? We put; clean water, money for everybody, food, education and a home.
Forest school- we have made some lovely things in Forest School over the last two weeks. We made Christmas trees on card using sticks, leaves and berries and we also made our own animals with play dough sticks, leaves and berries.
English- we have had a debate to see if we should have sprouts on our Christmas dinner or not and came up with arguments For and Against. We also looked at a sprout tree and tried raw sprouts!
Week 1,2,3 and 4.
In our English, we have been looking at the book, The First Drawing. It is about a cave boy, who sees animals in everything he sees and his family don't believe him! He eventually draws on the wall of the cave with a stick he has taken out of the fire. He draws a Woolly Mammoth! His family can finally see what he sees. He has done the worlds first ever drawing!
We have thought about what we would see, hear, smell touch and taste if we lived in the Stone Age. We have looked at tools, furs and weapons and been able to touch them. We have created speech for our Stone Age character, described what a Woolly Mammoth looked like and acted out a scene from the book in groups. We are also rewriting the story in our own words.
We had a visit from Harry Cadwallader, he did a Stone Age workshop and showed us how they would have lived, retold us the story of Stone Age boy and showed us the sort of things they would have used for cooking, tools and weapons.
In maths so far, we have understood the place value of numbers to a 1000.
We have found 1, 10 and 100 more and less and have worked on number lines to a 1000.
In science we are learning about rocks and fossils. This goes with our topic in History of the Stone Age. We have investigated whether all rocks are the same, how they and fossils are formed and we have looked at different types of soils.
In art we have been using charcoal to draw Stone Age like pictures. We have done mark making and using the charcoal in different ways. We have drawn around our hands and made and drawn a fire.
We had a wonderful time at Cheddar Caves on Friday. We went into Gough's cave and learnt about the first skeleton they found in the cave and got to explore it. We even got to see the Cheddar cheese that is stored there. It was covered in mould!
We were then lucky enough to also explore Cox's cave. This was very interactive, as we passed through each part of the cave, a video showing on the walls explained what it was like to live in the Stone Age and when they found fire, cooked their meats and what animals they would have eaten.
We also had a Stone Age workshop, where we learnt how to make a fire from sticks and flint, sat in a Yurt made from animal skins and got to try on animal skins.
ENGLISH- we have started a new book called Cloud Tea Monkeys. We became tea tasters and tasted different types of to see what they smelt of, tasted and looked like. There was lemon and ginger, strawberry and mango and mint. The story is about a girl called Tashi, whose mum picks tea but becomes ill and Tashi try's to go to work for her. We have used conjunctions, nouns, adjectives and prepositions to talk about and describe what is going on in Tashi's life.
MATHS- we have started to add and subtract 1's, 10's and 100's.
SCIENCE-this week we have looked at different types of soil and we put drops of water on them to see if they were permeable or impermeable.
We had a healthy lifestyle workshop on Thursday by the school nursing team. We were taught about exercise, cleaning our teeth and how many times we need to do it each day and what foods are healthy for us.
We have been lucky enough to have Sanchez, the year 6 snail, in our class this week. He loves to eat cucumber and banana and crawls really quickly around his tank. We got to hold him today.
We finished reading our class book today. Tashi and her mum ended up with lots of money and Tashi's mum didn't have to work again thanks to the monkeys who climbed the mountain for The Cloud Tea. We wrote a letter of thanks to the monkeys in English today.