Why choose Oldmixon?
Here are some recent comments from our parents responding to the question 'Why Oldmixon?'
'From day one, eleven years ago we have made been to feel welcome by ALL staff. Two of my children have come and gone and my last child is in Year 5. I feel we made the right choice as my children have been happy, confident, safe and willing to learn at Oldmixon. Thank you!'
'Supportive teachers, kind environment, our children are so happy here!'
'Oldmixon is small, friendly school. The teachers know the children, support them and encourage them! It is a wonderful school!'
'Oldmixon caters for the needs of all children brilliantly!'
'I chose Oldmixon because it very close to my house but also because of its reputation - the staff are so supportive! My children love attending Oldmixon and are extremely happy here!'.
'In my experience (my eldest daughter also studied here) and knowledge, this is one of the best school in the area. All the staff are brilliant, friendly and helpful.'
'Oldmixon is a brilliant school! My child came to this school in Year 4 and he has settled in so well. He enjoys coming to school and the teachers are really supportive of my family!'
'My son joined Oldmixon school in Year 5. In the past year of him being here his confidence has grown and his work has improved so much! He much happier. Oldmixon is a great school!'
'Because its the best ever and staff are amazing. The school has been so helpful!'
'I chose Oldmixon because its like a close knit family. The teachers are very supportive and helpful if there are any issues!'
'The support is amazing for both parents and my child!'
'Very friendly atmosphere. The teachers are so good - always updating us and so helpful. No concerns at all!
'Oldmixon school is warm and friendly. You can always talk to a teacher if you have any concerns. The school is always happy to help!'