Year 4
2021 - 2022
Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Year 4, our adults in our classroom are
Class Teacher – Mrs Thomas Teaching Assistant - Mrs Whybrow
Here is a overview of what we will be learning this term.
Science - Animals Including Humans - the human digestive system
Here is an overview of what we will be learning this term.
Maths starter activity - recapping number bonds to 100

Science - Looking for living things
Design and Technology - Lamps and Torches

Term 4
Here is an overview of what we will be learning in Year 4 this term.
Year 4 Indian music workshop
Archeological dig - discovering our new book topic
Term 3
Art - creating miniature galleries with plinths and poses
Art - Modelling poses in clay

Year 4 worked in groups, asking questions about the book Farther by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Term 2
Here is an overview of what the children will be learning this term.
Christmas trip to The Nativity Unwrapped at Bournville Healthy Living Centre
Making christingles for christingle assembly
Creating Christmas hats for school Christmas dinner
Science - Ice-cream freezing investigation
Trip to Wessex Water
English - asking questions for non-chronological reports

PE - seated balances
Making models of the different mountain types

Forest School at Bournville School with the goats
Geography - how is the Earth constantly changing?
Tectonic plate simulation

Term 1
Here is an overview of what the children will be learning this term.
Design and Technology
This week it was time to make the sandwiches and wraps that year 4 had devised for themselves after our research this term. Children selected a combination of ingredients, prepared them and assembled their sandwiches and wraps. Following taste testing they evaluated their products.
Science - What is melting?
"I think it will change it's state." Jenny
"The ice will be the first to melt." Quorra
"Jelly will turn to liquid." Oscar
"Nothing is happening because it's not hot enough." Ezri

Forest School
This week year 4 assembled cards from materials they gathered in the forest. It was a very absorbing activity and the results were super.
Mystery Object
Every week Mr Cooksley, one of our school governors comes in to help Year 4 with their learning. This week he told us all about the mysterious object he had left in the classroom. The children had many interesting and inspired thoughts. Can you guess what it is?

Using thermometers year 4 carried out observations over the day, measuring the temperature of ice and recording their findings in a table. They considered what their results could tell them about changing states.
On our English working wall we can see our learning journey. Writing Antonyms was part of our journey this week. Niamh's super poem, using antonyms was published on the wall so everyone can read it.


Year 4 used drama to support them in the creation of expanded noun phrases. They made up actions to match their words and presented their ideas to the class.

Design Technology
sandwich and wrap assessing

This week at the forest, Year 4 created boundary signs, hunted for bugs and made observational drawings of leaves. They learnt to identify Elm trees and are looking forward to discovering more about different trees next week. .