Term 3
Term 3 Week 5
This week we have continued to work on the story of the Queens handbag. We have changed the object that has got lost and some of the places that it goes to.
In Maths we have been busy working on weight and have weighed different objects to see which is the heaviest or lightest.
We have also worked on measurement looking at the different lengths of objects using cubes and then rulers.
We have also worked on time looking at o'clock and half past times and we have made our own clocks.
In the afternoons we have started to draw and design out flower posies for the Queen now we need to add another layer to our designs using tissue paper.
Term 3 Week 4
Today has been number day in school we have dressed up with numbers on our clothes and taken part in lots of number activities.
This week we have been looking at our new book called 'The Queen's Handbag.' Its all about the Queen on a tour of Great Britain when a sneaky swan swoops in and takes her hand bag and the places she goes to look for it. Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, The White Cliffs of Dover, Oxford, Snowdonia, Giant's Causway, The Angel of the North and Edinburgh Castle.
We then worked together to make a story map of all the places the Queen went and acted them out.
We have also made wanted posters to try and find the missing handbag and wrote letters to the Queen asking her Questions to help find the handbag.
We have worked a lot on number this week. We have ordered numbers and worked on 1 more or 1 less some of us have worked on 10 more or 10 less.
Term 3 Week 3
In Maths this week we have been very busy looking at shape. We started working on 2D shapes circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon and octagon. We have looked at how many sides each shape has and some of us looked at the lines of symmetry. Then we looked at 3D shapes sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder and cone. We have also been on a shape hunt.
In the afternoons we have been working on our Enquiry we have made flags for the different countries in Great Britain and have started to build some of the London landmarks.
Term 3 Week 2
This week we have dressed up as our favourite fairy tale characters and we went to watch the M&M production of Jack and the Beanstalk which we all enjoyed very much.
We have also continued with our work on the story of the Queens hat and have changed parts of the story like the main character or what flies away. In Maths we have worked on worded number problems adding and subtracting. We have used bead strings, number lines and cubes to support our learning.
In the afternoons we have continued to work on the countries in Great Britain and produced fact files for them. Also we have looked at the royal family and their family tree.
Term 3 Week 1
This week in Year 1 we have been getting to know our new teacher Miss Kelly.
We have started to look at a new story in English called 'The Queens Hat.' The hat blows all around different London landmarks. Then we work on speech thinking what the Queen would say to people to help her find the missing hat.
In Math's we have been recapping our addition and subtraction number facts and we have looked at doubling.
In the afternoons we have started to look at the different countries that make up Great Britain they are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We have looked at there Flags and some information about there capital city.
For our Art work we have started to sketch different London landmarks.