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Achieving For Life

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Year 2

Welcome to Year Two

2022 - 2023

Term 1

This term, on Monday afternoons Year Two will be doing Forest School. Children will need to bring suitable (old) clothes and shoes or wellies and a waterproof coat. 

P.E. is on Tuesday. 


We are beginning to create algorithms. We started by programming each other!


In maths this week we have been learning about place value.










2021 - 22

Term 6

Well would you believe, we had a visitor today who came from the year 1666. His name was Jethro and he was a servant to Thomas Farriner. He told us some very interesting facts all about the Great Fire of London and we were able to dress up in some of his costumes he bought along with him. 

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Parker and Miss Knighton for kindlytaking us to Brean for an amazing beach school. 

We went rock pooling, played team games, made boats and had a race and then made crab homes using our buckets and spades. Everyone had such a great time and once again, the children were all fantastically behaved. 

We have had a fabulous sports week with lots of fun activities leading up to our sports day today. 

We had the very best time at our singing event. We went on a coach to the Winter Gardens and joined many different schools. 

We were extremely proud of our children as Members of staff from other schools complimented the children on their fantastic behaviour.

This week in Maths we have looked at the 4 operations and completed number sentences thinking about volume and Mass.

This week in Jigsaw we have looked at the changing seasons and animals and their young. 


This week in our Jigsaw learning we have thought about what makes us feel safe and things that might make us feel unsafe. We put our ideas on either side of a flag and then displayed them and made bunting. 

Lots of children said that school and family makes them feel safe. 

We were very lucky today as we had a visit from Thomas Farriner. We put him in the hot seat and asked him questions about how the great fire of London. 

Well done to Mrs Parker for her outstanding acting. 

We are so busy in Maths this week. We have been measuring mass using grams and kilograms and measuring capacity. We were lucky as when we were measuring capacity with water, the sun was shinning and it was lovely and warm. We were challenged to find an object that held the most water. 

In English we are thinking about London and writing sentences in the present and past tense. We have looked at different land marks in London and matched the picture to the label. We recognised the London eye, Buckingham Palace, The London bridge and Big Ben.

We were very excited to have a whole afternoon of Art. We were drawing from observations and make prints using different materials. 

This week we have looked and mass. We have investigated different items and found out if they are heavier or lighter.

We have had so much fun this week in English creating  stories. The children have come up with some fantastic ideas, characters and settings. 

George's character lived in a hotel in a busy city. He used some fantastic adjectives to describe the setting.

Lillie's character built an underground house and lead the monster to the lake. 

Cooper's character flew on the back of a bird and dropped poisonous food on the ground for the monster to eat.

This term in PE we are practicing skills to help us during sports week. This week we are working in teams and practicing the relay race. 

In Maths some children have practiced reading and writing numerals to 100. The children worked in pairs and swapped over to complete each activity. 

In English we have worked hard on planning a recount all about our fabulous day celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. The children have recalled lots of the fun activities and put them into the correct order. They have included the rule of 3 and conjunctions. 

Term 5

We are working really hard practicing our times tables. We love using times table rock stars on the I-pads. 

Well done to Alfie who won the certificate last week for the most amount of points earnt on TTRS. 

This week we have used the piggy banks to sort money. We are looking at finding different ways to make 50p

The Year 2 team are so proud of the children who are working really hard this week completing their SAT papers. Well done to you all. laugh

Year 2 have been working really hard practicing their partitioning.

In Maths we are practicing telling the time. We have looked at O clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

In PE we had fun practicing the game of rounders. We practiced making a W shape with our hands to help us catch the ball. We also practiced throwing under arm and over arm.

This week in Jigsaw we thought about how we can make friends after a disagreement.  We came up with ideas to help us see things from a different point of view and how we can resolve the issues.

In Maths we have looked at positional language and moving clockwise, anti clockwise, forwards and backwards.

In English we matched contrasting adjectives in preparation for writing sentences using conjunctions.

We drew around our friend's hands and discussed hich touches we liked and which we did not.

We are continuing to practice and improve our catching and throwing skills.

We love playing team games and working together with the parachute.

Mrs Parker taught us about germs and how to keep healthy. We practised washing our hands and cleaning surfaces.

The sun was out and shining today ready for our first PE session of Term 5. We played some brilliant team games and used our bat and ball skills.

In Maths today we have used rulers to practice our measuring skills using centimetres. 

Term 4

In English, we have written a fact file all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We have used our knowledge from our History lessons to help us write our interesting fact files. 

We have looked at partitioning a two digit number in different ways. We used the Dienes to help us.

In maths this week we have looked at fractions. We completed work oh halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. 

We have had the very best time at forest school and would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Parker. We have learnt so much and had so much fun. This week we made dens and had hot chocolate and biscuits. 

In Maths this week we are looking at fractions. Today we looked at finding half. 

Today we had a visit from Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We put him in the "hot seat" and asked him lots of interesting questions.

This week at forest school we made mud animals. Mrs Belcher made a beautiful owl, Laura and Sky made hedgehogs and Tayah made a bird. When we had finished that activity, We made dens for them to live. 

In English we are looking at our new book "IGGY PECK ARCHITECT." In Our teams we had to design a structure that was tall and could stand up on its own. 

This week we made forest gardens and went on a leaf hunt. 

We all love forest school!

We are so incredibly proud of our Year 2 class who displayed fantastic behaviour at forest school today. We had so much fun and cannot wait for next week. 

This term in Jigsaw we are looking at "HEALTHY ME" 

We have shown ways of relaxing and how it feels. We have also recapped on what we know to keep our bodies healthy. 

In Maths we are looking at 2D and 3D shapes and investigating their properties. 

Term 3

In Maths today we followed instructions and found "Hit the bottom on the I-pads. 

It was so much fun.

In RE we have been looking at the religion Judaism. We have been finding out about the Mezuzah and Shema. The Shema is a prayer that reminds Jews of their relationship with god. 

Today we have learnt all about internet safety and shared our ideas in our class.


In Maths today we have collected information from the things we saw outside and used a tally chart to record our findings. 

We have had a very exciting Art session today. We are designing animal masks. We thought about the features and how we would like them to look.

In Maths today we have been dividing by 5.

In Geography we have been finding physical features of Mombassa and Weston- Super- Mare.


In art we have been creating shapes using cutting skills and making a collage.

In Maths this week we are looking at multiplication.

We have completed tasks using our 2's, 5's and 10 times tables 

Today we sequenced the story of "The Dragon Machine."

We are also starting to think about innovating the story. We discussed our ideas as a group. 

In Geography this term we are comparing the UK to a non European country

We looked at Kenya and the city Mombasa. 

We found lots of different facts about this country and shared them in teams. 

In RE this term we are looking at Judaism. We looked at a Seder plate and had an opportunity to taste the different foods that they place on the plate. 

This week in Maths we have used arrays to help us with our 2x tables. 


In Maths this week we have looked and recognised equal amounts and then had a go at making our own equal amounts. 

Today we looked at our new book "The Dragon Machine."

Mrs Martin told us that she had seen Dragons around the school. We were all very excited so decided to go on a Dragon hunt. We used our positional language to explain where we had found the Dragons. They were everywhere!

We found them under the mat, on top of the piano, inside the box, beside the window and many other places. 

What fun we had!

Term 2

We have all nearly danced till we dropped at our Year 2 Christmas party. 

We ate party food and had lots of fun. 

We had a great morning at our steel pan drum workshop. We worked together to learn a beat and then a tune using the steel pan drums. 

We had so much fun in design and Technology this term. We thought about which materials were best to make a Christmas decoration. We then used our sewing skills to join the material together. Finally we decorated them and will hang them on our Christmas trees at home. 

This week we have been very busy rehearsing our Christmas Performance, and the children have been amazing! They have only had ONE WEEK to practice and they have been incredible at remembering their speaking parts, dances and songs! We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday afternoon. 


What a fantastic day Year 2 had at the museum. We enjoyed many different workshops and had a look around the lovely museum. 


In English this week we have acted out parts of our new story "The Magic Porridge Pot" 

We have written what we like and dislike about the book and have asked some questions about the characters.