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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 2

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2, our adults in our classroom are. 


Class Teacher – Mrs Martin            Teaching Assistant – Mrs Robinson            Teaching Assistant – Mrs Brown



Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topic is all about 


We will need our Trainers/Daps on a Monday and Tuesday for P.E.



Our class email is

End of year celebrating with a disco and bingo!







Fun Day Friday


We had a wonderful time on the inflatables and stalls today. 





Sports Day!!!

Summer, sing!


This year the theme of Year 2 summer sing was 'I'm OK!' and it was about being positive after the long Covid lockdown and looking forward to the joys of summer.


Year 2 did a fantastic job at singing and joining in with the actions. Well done!

Week 2


In DT this week the children practised using tools to prepare/peel fruit and vegetables. They will be making their own dishes out of fruit and vegetables later in the term.



In Maths the children have worked incredibly hard adding and subtracting two, two digit numbers, crossing ten. We are very proud of their progress!

Term 6

Week 1.


We have had a lovely first week back.


Year 2 enjoyed an African drumming workshop. They played different instruments to the rhythm.

Week 6


In English this week the children have been sorting between fact and fiction. We have been understanding facts about bears and then the children have written reports using the features of an information text.

In Maths we have been consolidating number bonds and learning about related facts.

In DT this week the children upgraded their boats. They thought about what had worked well, what could be improved and then tested if their boats floated.

Week 5


In English this week we have been looking at our new story 'The Bear Under the Stairs.'

The children have been identifying the difference between a statement, command, exclamation and a question. They have been writing letters in the role of the characters in our story and retelling the story using full sentences.

In Maths this week the children have been working hard on fact families, using addition and subtraction.

During DT the children used joining techniques to make their own boats.

Week 4


In English this week we looked at inverted commas and when/where to use them in our writing.

In computing this week the children loved using the beebots to programme them.

A big favourite this week was tree planting! 

Week 3




Year 2 have participated in lots of number challenges during maths today.

Week 2


This week in English, we have been looking at the book Jim and the Beanstalk. The children have been making predictions about events in the story and discussing/writing about the characters thoughts and feelings. The children are also working hard on their handwriting and learning how to join. Please practice at home!

In Maths we continue to look at place value and tens and ones. The children are really begining to apply their knowledge. 

In art and design we looked carefully at a boat and then used our observational skills to sketch the shape and form . We began by making a quick sketch then tried a single line drawing and then finally made our own sketch.

Welcome to Term 5! 


We hope you had a super Easter break!


Week 1


Our new story in school this week is Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been orally retelling and acting out the story. They have been ordering the events of the story and describing the characters and setting.

In Maths we are looking at place value. The children have been practising counting forwards and backwards, looking at tens and ones and finding missing numbers.


In Geography we are learning about cold places and in particular Greenland. We looked at the Arctic Circle and filled in countries on a map that are in the Arctic Circle.



In DT the children loved looking at boats and floating and sinking.

Term 5

We have had another great week together in Year 2!


The children have been innovating the story of the Papaya who spoke. We have had great fun doing this. Ask your children if they can retell the new story?


In Maths we have started fractions. We have been looking at parts and wholes.


The children particularly enjoyed being engineers in DT this week. They worked in groups to create/make a bridge just like Brunel.


Welcome back to school! We are so proud of how all of the children have settled back into school life after the lockdown. It has been so lovely to all be back together.


We have been busy looking at shape in Maths and have started to learn the story of 'The Papaya that spoke in English. In History we are learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and in RE our focus is Islam.



Term 4

Week 7.


The children have been making Christingles in school. We had an assembly on the message/meaning of making Christingles and then the children all enjoyed making their own Christingles.

In maths the children have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Some of the children have been recording their working out in their books.

Week 6


Year 2 have been so happy to be back at school this week! They have had a busy week back. In English they have been writing about Moz the monster and describing him by using similies.


In Maths they have started to look at money. The children have been sorting coins and using coins to find amounts. The children have really enjoyed having practical Maths lessons.


The children have been working hard practising for our Christmas showcase. You are in for a treat!


They have also decorated the school Christmas tree and completed the Christmas dash run. Well done year 2!!

Year 2 have been completing home learning this week on Seesaw. We have been very proud and impressed with the children's work! Well done Year 2!!


In Maths, the children have been doing practical measuring using items around the house. 


In English, they have been finding out about Moz the monster and have been using adjectives to describe him. 


In music they listened to a piece of music in preperation for our Christmas showcase and thought about how the music made them feel, some even drew a picture.

Week 3.


This week we have been taking part in anti bullying week. Lots of the children wore odd socks on Monday to show that it is ok to be different. We have also been looking at different scenarios and how they can make  us feel, the children did a super job of role playing different bullying scenarios. 

In History we have been looking at objects from the past and sorting out old and new. The children were really lucky and loved the sorting/handling box we have from Weston museum to explore for the week. 

All of the children in Year 2 have made huge progress in their reading but Indie Dusky has excelled and has moved up 7 reading levels!!! Well done!

Week 2.


We joined in with the children in need fund raising. The children all looked fantastic in their spots and really enjoyed the duck race!

For rememberence day the children made poppy pins. They followed instructions independently to make their own pin.

Term 2.


The children have settled well back into school and our new classroom. 


In English we have started our new story "Wolves". The children have been researching and writing facts about Wolves. They have been finding out the difference between facts and fiction and looking at what other stories we know that have wolves in them. We have looked at zones of relevance and the children had to decide if the word was relevant or irrelevant to wolves. 

In maths the children have been working hard on their addition skills. They are continuing to practise  number bonds and are begining to understand that numbers must be broken apart to find the bridge across ten. 

In Science we started looking at food chains. The children showed great knowledge when sorting and organising different food chains. 

Week 8.


This is our final week of term 1. The children had a fantastic last afternoon at forest school, they finished off with hot chocolate!

The children have worked hard in their Maths work, they have been working on number bonds, adding numbers and matching numbers to different representations. All the children have logins to numbots and TT rockstars, they can be found in the front of your child's reading log. 

This is our last week looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have been completing comprehension questions, inferring the characters feelings and using the computers to listen to Story Nory. 

Week 7.


This week the children showed great resilience and independence during our independence day. 


The children showed good organisation skills and worked independently to produce a book review. They showed stamina when practising number formation and showed amazing listening skills during Art with Rob Biddulph.

Week 6.


Dressed in yellow to support mental health!!

The children have been very busy in English this week. The children particularly enjoyed making porridge and then writing instructions on how to make porridge. They were very careful to say out loud what they will write and then to re read their sentence after to check. Your children came home with a sachet of porridge to make with you at home. We hope you enjoyed!

In groups, the children created a scene to show how to follow our class charter. The children showed off their brilliant drama skills.

Week 5.


As always, great fun was had up the woods during forest school!

In maths this week we have been practising our number bonds and developing our understanding of partitioning 10s and 1s. 

In English this week the children have sequenced the story Goldilocks and the three Bears. The children particularly enjoyed retelling the story and worked hard to write an apology letter to The Three Bears.

Week 4.


This week the children loved their time in the woods at forest school. The children were very sensible walking to the woods and really impressed the adults. They then made flags and went on a bug hunt. We can't wait to go exploring again next week!

We have been looking at the story Goldilocks and using adjectives in our writing to describe the characters. The children worked hard on letter formation and came up with some fabulous describing words. 


"Goldilocks is mischievous," 


" Goldilocks had muddy shoes."


"Goldilocks has golden, curly hair."



In maths this week the children have been using their counting skills and representing numbers to 100 by using tens and ones.

Week 3


This week year 2 had their first PE session, we played a couple of different games and learned how to work well in teams. They had so much fun!!



Paper aeroplanes: The children enjoyed testing out their aeroplanes, they followed instructions and made them by themselves

We are currently reading the story Humpty after the fall, we have spoken about the different parts of an egg and how they can be cooked differently. Some of the children had already tried egg before but some hadn't, so we decided to make hard boiled eggs and give the children a chance to make their own egg sandwiches! Yummy!!



English - Take a look at what we be learning this year!

Try these websites at home!

