Term 6
Please see the wellbeing area for all our learning this term.
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Term 5
Please see the home learning area for all our learning this term.
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Daily challenge for Friday 27th March, 2020!
Think about Key Workers. Who are they to you? (Healthcare staff, medical professionals, food distributors, farmers, school staff, teachers, fire service, police, etc.)
Your challenge is to choose a key worker and find a way of recording how you appreciate them. You might want to make a poster, write a story about a day in the life of a key worker or even draw a picture of them at work.
Send your work to our class email:
I am really looking forward to seeing your work tomorrow!
Mrs Clements.
Mind Up activities to try today!
Try one of these to clear your mind, slow down and focus your attention.
Cloud Watching:
Look out of your window or sit outside if you can. Watch the clouds drift by. What kind of clouds are they? What shapes can you see in the clouds? How quickly do the clouds change and disappear?
First Signs of Spring:
Look out of your window or go outside if you can. Can you see the first signs of Spring? What could they be? Draw a picture or write a list of every first sign of Spring that you can see.
Hi Year 1!
I hope you and your families are all well. What sort of activities have you been doing at home? Please let me know by sending the things you have been doing to: year1@oldmixonschool.com
Take care of yourselves and your families.
Mrs Clements.
Please find below useful links which may help you with your learning at home.
Penpals Schools- https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html
Class Dojo – https://www.classdojo.com/
2Simple - https://2simple.com/blog/using-purple-mash-when-school-closed/
Classroom Secrets - https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk
Term 4
English: We have been enjoying learning the story Billy's Bucket. We have been writing about sea creatures. We had to imagine we were under the sea! We found out lots of information about various sea creatures and made non-fiction books. We have been learning to ask and write questions using a question mark. We are beginning to write speech bubbles for the different characters.
Science: We have been learning about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We have loved identifying common animals.
History: We have been learning about transport from the past. We are looking forward to discovering about the Wright brothers!
Maths: This term in Maths we are Adding with 10's + 1's. We have been finding the place value of numbers to 20, using lots of resources like, number beads, numicon and place value cards. We really enjoy our mental Maths counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and we now know facts about odd and even numbers.
Term 3
In Year 1 this term we have been learning the story of
'Hansel and Gretel.'
We have been practising our writing skills by re-telling and re-writing the story. We have been perfecting our handwriting, remembering our non-negotiables:
Capital letters!
Finger spaces!
Phoneme fingers!
Letter formation!
Full stops!
In maths we have worked on recognising our 2D and 3D shapes.
We are now able to describe 2D and 3D shapes.
We have been working on 1 more and 1 less.
We have been using a number line to help us to solve addition number sentences.
We can now write our numbers as words.
In R E we have been learning about what made Jesus kind. We are now able to re-tell some stories from the Bible that teach us how to be a better friend.
Enquiry Work
We can name the four countries in the United Kingdom and find them on a map. We are able to recognise human and physical features in
Weston Super Mare.
We have been investigating materials. We can describe various materials and we have worked out which are the
best materials to make a boat.
Term 2
We have learnt the story of 'The Sea Saw.' We had to guess what might happen next in the story. We then used a story mountain to help us to write our own stories.
This week we have been learning our number bonds to 10. Some of us even had a go at number bonds to 20!
We have been learning about what school was like in the past and comparing it to the present.
We have been learning about different plants and how they grow. We have studied various bulbs and seeds. We know about Evergreen and Deciduous trees.
We studied the artwork of some artists who created images of trees by splattering paint then creating a silhouette of a tree trunk. We then used paint to make our own images of trees.
Road Safety
We practised Road Safety on Monkton Avenue. We learnt the green cross code and learnt how to cross the road safely.
This week we have been learning to write the days of the week. Our song has helped us! Ask your child to sing it to you.
We have written a diary for every day of the week for the wolf Whiffy Wilson. Practise writing the days of the week at home.
We are learning to use the part - whole model. We have used objects to help us.
4 is a part
2 is a part
6 is the whole
After learning about mammals last week, we have been learning about reptiles this week.
We know reptiles lay eggs, have scales and are cold blooded.
On Wednesday this week our parents/carers came into school in the afternoon. We told them all about the wolf facts we know and then made information books with them.
Week 7
Here are some pictures from last weeks Forest school. We had great fun making dens.
This week we have been learning the story "Whiffy Wilson" by Carly Hart. We have written sentences about what is happening in the pictures, really focusing on perfecting our letter formation.
We hot seated Wilson the wolf and spoke to him about how to keep clean.
In Maths we have been learning about more than and less than. We are now experts at using the symbols more than >, Less than >.
We continue to learn about the seasons and this week we focused on Spring.
In RE we have been learning about the christian story. we have learnt what happened on each day.
Week 6
We have been very lucky and some ladies came into visit us from Chartwells Catering. They brought with them the story of the hungry caterpillar. After they had read this to us we were able to crate our own characters out of different fruit and vegetables. Then we got to eat our characters and start all over again.
At forest school Mrs Parker told us a story about a creature that had too many legs. Then we got to go and create our own creatures using clay, twigs, berries, petals and grass. Then we worked in groups to go on a hunt to find different objects.
We have also had a skateboarding workshop. We put on protective helmets, knee pads and elbow pads. Then we practiced jumping from a standing position on to the skateboard in a forward and backwards direction. We ended by working in small groups helping each other to move.
Week 5
This week we have been very busy in year 1 working with money. We started the week by working out what all the coins are and how much they are worth. Then we worked in small groups using pennies. We brought different objects from the shop. The following day we used 1p's, 2p's and 5p's to buy items from the shop. We practised putting the coins in order and we used Numicon to help us.
We have also learnt lots of wolf facts this week. We have started writing these facts into our non fiction books all about wolves. Here are some of our facts.
Wolves eat meat because they are carnivores.
Wolves have sharp teeth.
Wolves have fur.
Week 4
These are our wolf pictures. We used chalk and charcoal to create the images of the wolf.
This week we have received more letters from the Big Bad Wolf. He has told us that he is still hungry. We wrote letters back to him and asked what his favourite meat is.
We decided to make the wolf some chicken nuggets. We tried the chicken nuggets as well.
We took the chicken nuggets and left them out in the playground for the wolf to find. To help him out we made some signs so he would be able to find them.
The following day we went out to see if the wolf had been to eat the chicken nuggets. When we got there the nuggets were gone and there was a letter waiting for us.
Week 3
This week at forest school we made our own birds nests. We had to pretend to be birds and work with tweezers as beaks.
We have started looking at a new book this week 'Little Red Riding Hood.' Also we have drawn our own pictures of the wolf and labeled them.
As the wolf in our story lives in a forest we have thought about what we already know about a forest.
We received a letter from the wolf as he needs our help. He wrote that he's very hungry and can't stop his tummy rumbling and could we help him. Here are the ideas we came up with.
We have been working on our fabulous number formation and also been working with numicon. Then we used a track game working with a partner taking it in turns to throw the dice and take our turn.
Week 1 and 2
We have been extremely busy for the last 2 weeks in Year 1 getting to know our new teachers and friends. Also we have been learning all the new routines for Year 1 and have had fun doing this.
We have started learning all about recycling. After talking about recycling and what we already knew we had lots of different rubbish that we needed to sort. We sorted it into plastic, paper and cardboard and glass. When we had finished sorting we decided to reuse some of our rubbish and make our own models.
We have had our first Forest school session with Mrs Parker. We went out on the big play ground and went on a leaf hunt we had to look for different shape and size leaves.
Following on from the work we have been doing all about recycling we wrote letters to Mrs Pettifor to tell her all about it and to ask for more recycling bins.