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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 2

Year 2



Class teacher - Mrs Martin

HLTA - Mrs Whybrow

Teaching assistant - Miss Belcher

Term 6

Curriculum map term 6

Term 5

Curriculum Map Term 5

Curriculum map Term 4

World book day potato characters and book reviews

Curriculum Map term 3

English - sequencing a story

Maths - counting money and making the same amount with different coins and notes

Science - identifying materials and their suitability

Curriculum map term `

Forest School - making creatures and shelters

A visit from Samuel Pepys' servant Jethro who told year 2 about the Great Fire of London.

English, instruction writing - making porridge

Minibeast habitat hunt

Making noisy pictures in music

Science - classifying into living, dead and never alive groups

