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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 2

We would like to say welcome to our new Year 2 class. 

We have an exciting term 1 ahead of us with lots of new learning and plenty of fun along the way.

Year 2



Class teacher - Mrs Martin

HLTA - Mrs Parker


Term 3


Please take a look at the exciting Curriculum map below to give you an overview of your children's learning this term.

Year 2 enjoyed a special treat of Forest School Activities with Mrs Parker as they won attendance award 2 weeks in a row !!!!!!! They enjoyed making a picture frame from twigs and then they created a natural picture to fit inside using found objects. They also made their own names using twigs and sticks before finally finding the knots on the wooden shed to make a chalk picture.

This week in English we have been making a tree using twigs and a lolly stick. We used instructions to make our trees and then used this to create our own sets of instructions.

We wrote instructions to make a tree. Our friends gave us feedback to support our editing.

During Maths this week we have been working with money. We have been recognising coins, finding amounts and choosing coins we need to make amounts. In these pictures we are choosing coins to make an amount!

We enjoyed giving our friends instructions as we pretended to be robots during Computing. We are learning about algorithms and how to programme computers.

Term 2

Term 2 is already upon us and we have lots of exciting opportunities ahead!


Take a look at our curriculum map to see what we have planned!

Decorating the Christmas Tree


We had lots of fun hanging baubles onto the school Christmas Tree!

We are so excited to start our new book in English. Rosie Revere Engineer. This was a favourite of last years class and we are sure that this year will love it as much. 


That time of year has finally arrived. The children have been practicing This years Christmas nativity show. 

There are some budding little actors amongst us. Hollywood here they come! smiley

This week in Maths, we have been exploring properties of 3D and 2D shapes.

What an exciting start to Term 2!

This week in English we have been learning and performing Kit Wrights poem, The Magic Box. Year 2 had so much fun using all the actions in the poem. 

In Maths this week we have practised adding 2,two digits numbers together across 10. 

Term one

In Maths, we have used the tens frames to add and take away a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number. 

This term we have had so much fun designing and making boats for our Art project. 

In Jigsaw we had some really interesting discussions regarding our responsibilities for ourselves and others. 

Year 2 were lucky enough to be invited to a Yoga workshop. They impressed the Yoga teacher with their focus and balance. 

This week in I.T, we have been learning different ways of using I.T equipment. We learnt a dance, took pictures and made drawings using a programme on the I-Pads. 

We were very lucky to have an Orchestra come to our school this week. They showed us their instruments and played us some beautiful music. Filip was chosen to be the conductor and did a fabulous job. 

In Maths, we have really enjoyed using the rekenrec resources to help us with our booleon Maths.

In Geography, we are learning to model with contours. In teams, we worked together to create our own hills and maps. 

In P.E this week we are practicing our step control. 

In English, we are beginning to learn how to proof read and edit our own work. These are skills that will be very useful throughout our school lives. 

In Maths we are learning to count in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's. We used our number squares to jump on. 

"We're going on a mini beast hunt, we're gonna find some big ones, what a beautiful day, we're not scared!"

The children have been looking for mini beasts in their micro habitats during their Science lesson. 

During our IT lesson we thought about technology inside  and outside. The children made a list of all the items they could think of. They then discussed if they thought all jobs included using IT. The children discovered that nowadays, mostly all jobs use IT. 

In Maths we have used place value charts to partition our tens and ones. 

We are very excited to be reading Glass slipper, Gold Sandal in English.

It was so much fun exploring the story sack and having an opportunity to look at all of the items inside. 

In Year 2, we have been understanding nouns. We looked around the classroom and named all of the nouns we could find. 

