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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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What is our SEND provision?


We recognise each child as a unique individual with his or her own personal talents, experiences, learning styles and needs. We value their abilities and achievements, and are committed to providing an effective learning environment which promotes their intellectual and personal development. We are an inclusive school - we wish to see children of all abilities, talents and disability educated together. We aim to enable all children to participate fully in school life. 


We understand the positive benefits that inclusion brings, enriching and strengthening our community. Where children have additional needs the whole school community is committed to supporting them. All teachers at Oldmixon are teachers of ALL children. We seek to support all children's access to the curriculum so that they have the opportunity to progress and achieve success. We strongly believe in involving the children and you as their parent/carer in a positive working partnership with us. 


Go to SEND policies and accessibility plan.

Who is involved with your child?


Your child's teacher: 

  • checks on your child's progress, identifies, plans and delivers any additional help your child may need
  • plans for all children who need extra help
  • monitors this help to make sure it is making a difference for your child
  • with permission ask for further specialist help
  • discusses with you at all stages how your child is doing, what help and support is needed and together agreeing plans and reviews of how things are working
  • in partnership with parents/carers sets targets for your child


What kinds of special needs are provided for at Oldmixon ?


We provide for all kinds of needs at Oldmixon, usually grouped into four categories:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition (thinking) and learning
  • Physical and sensory
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.


SEND Parent Partnership


We believe in giving parents a voice and strengthening the voice of the child.

Engagement with parents/carers is very important to us and we make use of a variety of strategies to do this:

  • SEND Parent workshops
  • SEND Coffee afternoons ( twice a year )
  • SEND Review meetings- which happen three times a year where your child's needs and the provision within school is shared and reviewed together.






What is an Individual Support Plan (ISP)?


The content of the ISP is negotiated, as appropriate, with the child and child's family, with a focus on the progress of 'Assess, plan, do, review.' For many children, targets will be connected to  learning and will often be specifically to do with English and Maths. For other children, the targets may be about developing independence or improving fine motor skills. The most important point is that the targets reflect the needs of the child. These are reviewed at least three times a year with parents/carers and the class teacher. 




What resources or programs do we use to support our children in school?

  • Over the last 2 years we have had staff in every key stage trained to deliver and support speech and communication needs in our school.





  • All classroom use visual timetables and prompts to help support routines and develop clear expectations


  • We use a practical resources to support all learning where possible. We have wealth of resources available in every classroom.




If you have any concerns about your child's progress please don't hesitate to make an appointment to talk your child's class teacher or our SENCO, Mrs Roxanne Simpson.

Oldmixon School SENDco is Mrs Lindsay Avci 



Accessibility Plan 2021-2022

