Year 4
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4, the adults in our classroom are:
Class Teacher – Mrs Avci Teaching Assistant - Mrs Parker Teaching Assistant – Miss Cox
Here you will see all our fun learning for this year!
P.E kits need to be in school all week.
P.E is on a Tuesday and Wednesday
Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday.
Term 5
Sports Week
This week has been a very busy but exciting week full of sports. On Monday we had a visit from Paul Sturgess who is a former British professional basketball player. We took part in a basketball workshop with him.

On Tuesday we had a visit from Jamie Knight who showed us his freestyle football skills. We then took part in a workshop with him.

On Wednesday we took part in a Skateboarding workshop.


In our art sessions we have been using a range of different skills to produce a picture of a tree. First we went outside to look at the trees around the school site. The Next step was to create the shape of a tree using masking tape.
After we had created our masking tape trees we then use a process called daubing to add paint around the tree to form the foliage. When the paint had dried we then carefully peeled of the masking tape.
Once all the masking tape was off then we drew in the outline of our trees. The next step was to add shading to the trunk and branches. to do this we used a prosses called hatching and cross hatching.
Here are the finished trees.
Term 5
Curriculum Overview
We went to Ashton Gate last Friday to take part in a Jailbreak festival. We worked really well as a team showing great sportsmanship and won 5 out of 6 games and have made it to the Jailbreak cup final.

Week 3
This week we have been very busy in Year 4 working on Electricity in Science. First we looked at different appliances that run on electricity. Then we sorted out different objects into categories of how they are powered, either by battery, by electricity or by charging the object with electricity. We then looked at simple circuits and the different scientific symbols that are used for a battery, buzzer, switch, bulb and a motor. Next we made our own circuits and then tested different ones to see if they were complete circuits.
We have all had the opportunity today to take part in a dance workshop for King Charles Coronation. Firstly we looked at previous Kings and Queens and their Coronations. Then we preformed our own interpretation of King Charles Coronation using our acting and dance skills.
Week 1
This week we have had a great first week back at school. We have been very lucky as Bristol Sport have visited to teach us the game 'Jailbreak' ready for our trip to the Celebration of Sport at Ashton Gate (details to follow). Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and tried their best, even if stuck in jail!
Term 4
Curriculum Overview
Week 4
This week we have looked at lots of different Roman artefacts that we have borrowed from Weston Museum.
After we had been around each table we were able to choose an object to draw and write about.

Week 3
This week we have had our fantastic school trip to Caerleon in Wales. We visited the Roman Baths and the National Roman Legion Museum. The day started at the Roman Baths where we found out how the Romans exercised, bathed and relaxed. Then we went to the Museum and looked at all the artefacts and tried on Roman armour.
Week 2
In R.E this week we have been learning about forgiveness. We have found out and understood what forgiveness is and how is feels to be forgiven. We did this by role playing different scenario's. Then we came up with our on class quote for forgiveness.
When one friend forgives two friends are set free. More friends can be made after one is forgave.

Term 3
Week 6
Clay Modelling
In art, we have been focusing on the unit ‘Make Me a Character’. We used clay to create a model of a figure exploring different poses.
Miniature Museums
We have used our skills of clay modelling and looking at different perspectives to create a miniature gallery. We worked as a team to create a final product.
Forest School
This week we learnt how to use a flint and steel to light a fire. Once Mrs Parker had lit the firepit we went off to look for interesting object for our art galleries. Our next activity was making sticky pictures using natural resources. As we had the firepit lit we toasted marshmallows and drank hot chocolate.
Potato People
At the end of our jigsaw unit Dreams and Goals we had to work in teams to design and create a potato person. We used our team skills to work together.
Week 4
This week at Forest School we learnt about the different layers of the woods. There is the forest floor, the under story, the canopy and the emergent.
Week 3
This week in Science, we explored how we hear and how sound is made. We investigated this question by exploring different instruments. We came to the conclusion that sound is made when an object vibrates. The sound waves enter the ear.
Forest School
This week for Forest School we went up to the woods. When we arrived Mrs Parker went through all the safety rules with us. We made flags and put them around the woods to mark out our boundaries. We also did a bug hunt.
Week 1
We have been musicians this week and worked on our Ipads using a program called Garage band. We used different instruments to make our pieces of music.

In Geography, this week, we have been investigating the advantages and disadvantages of living near a Volcano.

Forest School
In Forest School we made our own paintbrushes using a stick for the handle we then collected leaves, grass and pampas grass for the bristles to finish we used String for the ferrule. Once our brushes were made we used them to paint a mud picture.
Term 2
Week 5
This week we have been looking at how different mountains are formed. We have researched three different types. They are Fold Mountains, Dome Mountains and Plateau Mountains we have learnt that all these mountains are formed differently. We made the different types of mountains using plasticine.
Week 4
We have been using the laptops and been software developers making a simple game using the scratch program. We have also been toy designers using scratch.

Week 2
This week we have been very busy working on our double page spreads in History. We have used all the knowledge we have learnt from our topic all about the Ancient Greeks. First we worked on planning what information we wanted to include. Then we used this information to write interesting factual paragraphs.

Week 1
This week we have designed and made our own sandwiches.
Term 1
Week 6
Diwali Dance Workshop
Week 5
Week 4
In Jigsaw this week we have been thinking about how our actions can effect ourselves and others. We worked on different scenario's and freeze framed them for the rest of the class. Then we thought about the consequences.
Week 3
We took part in a Science experiment looking at gases. We had a cup with tap water and one with fizzy water. Then we had to place a sultana into both cups and see what happened. The sultana in the tap water stayed at the bottom of the cup the sultana in the fizzy water floated to the top. This happened because the gases where trapped in the grooves of the sultana and lifted it up.
Week 2
We took part in an 'Into University' workshop this week. We experienced what it was like to be 'civil engineers', 'product designers' and even paleontologists!