Welcome to Reception, our adults in our classroom are.
Class Teacher – Mrs Clements Teaching Assistant – Miss Wilson Teaching Assistant – Miss Joles
Here you will see all our fun learning for this year!
16.7.21 We are having a fantastic time for the inflatable fun day!

We are enjoying our new tool station. 🔩

We had a great time for our trampolining experience!

⭐️ Sports Day 2021 ⭐️ 8.7.21
Reception have enjoyed multiple running races such as the sprint race, hurdles and a baton relay! We had a penalty shootout, javelin throw and long jump competition too! 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️

Sports Week!
We had a wonderful time with Year 5 who taught us a number of new games for our school Sports Festival! Look at us keeping active in our teams!

🥚 Our eggs that we kindly received from Farmlink have been in the incubator for 21 days. They hatched on the 30.6.21! Look at them settling in & resting to get strong. We have been using gentle hands to have cuddles with them. 🐣 🐥
Mrs Palfrey, Mrs Sutton and Mrs Simpson have enjoyed spending time with us this week and helping us with expectations for Year 1.

Look at us enjoying our new outdoor equipment! We are travelling around the playground in different directions, as well as playing racing games with other children. We are focusing on strengthening our core and balance!

Reception are continuing to enjoy our beach theme! Look at us in our role play area! 🏖 🎣
We have been thinking about our beach role play area and what we would wear when heading to the beach! We are trying really hard to form our letter correctly ready for Year 1. Check out our lists of the items we need to wear!

We have been experimenting with colours this week! Take a look at our watercolour sea scene and food colouring fish!

Reception have had a class discussion about how we can keep safe in the sun. We need to bring our sun hat to school, wear lotion to keep our delicate skin from burning & keep hydrated with our water bottles! 🧴 💦 🧢
This week we have been writing facts about snails using our phoneme fingers and sound mats to help us. We copy, clap and say the sentence to assist us. The children are trying really hard to remember their finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
Look at our Maths jobs from this week! We are learning to add numbers using objects and to solve doubling problems.
In Expressive Arts and Design we have been looking at the artist, Henry Matisse. The children studied his work and then had a go themselves. They positioned the pieces, took note of the shapes and created a replica.

Hugo the tortoise came to visit us from Mrs Palfrey’s house! We have made comparisons between Matisse the snail and Hugo the tortoise, as well as drawing our own pictures of him afterwards!

Reception are enjoying a host of snail themed activities this week in-line with our new book ‘Matisse’s Magical Trail’.
Look at us improving our 2D shape knowledge by sticking shapes on the snails shell!
We have completed a host of artistic activities such as decorating the snails shell with corks and paint plus gems as well as creating clay snails which we will paint next week!

Term 5
This week we have been practising instruction writing. We looked at the photos from when we made honey biscuits. The children focused on using their phoneme fingers to write a sentence.
In Maths we have been working hard to find a number one more and one less. The children counted out the corresponding number of bees and then had a go and finding the number before and after.
They also ordered the bees from number 1-20 as they had all been muddled up!
Reception have also been experimenting with different textures by making a flower collage with a bee taking pollen from them! They also completed a bubble wrap beehive to understand materials can be combined to create a new effect.

What a busy and fun last week of term!

This week has continued to be a busy week in Reception!
We have been learning to read through instructions and following a recipe to create our very own honey biscuits! The children were very happy to then make their own biscuit packets to take their tasty treats home with them!
We have been using our wooden resources to make our own beehives and build with purpose. We shared our ideas and how we thought our structures would stay strong enough for the bees.

We had a fantastic outdoor learning experience on Wednesday to help us work part of a team and follow rules. The children listened to a story about a bee and an evil wizard and a poisonous flower. They then had to collect natural resources in the garden to represent the characters. Afterwards, they created their own ‘magic’ potions with all the leaves, daisies, buttercups and sticks collected!
This week we are reading our new book 'Honey Biscuits'. They are learning about where ingredients come from such as cows making the butter, hens laying the eggs and bees making the honey.
The children have shown fantastic phonic skills to write the ingredients down and a list of animals in their writing books.
We have been exploring our allotment roleplay area and learning how to grow seeds.
In Maths, we have been working hard on our digit formation and filling in a blank number track, as well as having a go at number bingo. We have had 'Takeover Tuesday' this week and really enjoyed sharing our day with you; check out the Oldmixon Primary School Facebook page to see our wonderful activities!

This week we have been discussing what we can see in an image from the story and writing down what we can see.
We have been using beanbags to record with marks and looking at a ‘one more’ of a number.
The children have been practising their high frequency words by writing them onto dinosaur underpants!
They have had fun honing simple techniques using scissors by making paper plate dinosaurs and dinosaur claw shoes!

Dinosaurs Love Underpants
For our writing we have been looking at images from the story and discussing what we see. We then applied our phonics knowledge to put a sentence together.
We have been using food dye to create our own dinosaur paintings. We have looked at instructions and made our own salt dough fossils with the ingredients. We have created handprint dinosaurs to enhance our scissors technique.

Term 4
Reception have been enjoying Easter activities this morning.
Reception have enjoyed an Easter egg hunt this morning.
Term 3
This week we have been continuing our story of the 'Gingerbread Man'. We have created our own story maps to help us memorise the story and have been practising our letter formation writing characters from the book.
We are having our two phonics sessions a day and the children are really impressing us! We have now learnt all the Step 2 sounds. Have a go with your child at home with the sounds in their packs! :)
The children had great fun icing gingerbread biscuits, carefully decorating them with edible gems! They also showed their artistic flair by using charcoal to create pictures of the characters in the story.
Finally, we are practising 'Away in a Manger' for our online Christmas production. We can't wait to show you in a few weeks time!

Jack and the Beanstalk!
We have been creating our own beanstalks using tissue paper and a handprint for the castle at the top. We have used Duplo to make tall towers and to compare height. This week we will be planting our own beans which we will then look after and they will hopefully grow into magic beanstalks!
We continue to learn two sounds each day in phonics. So far we have covered the following:
s, a, t, p, i, n, m, g, o, c, k
The giant wrote us a letter and asked us to write his shopping list for him. We have been working hard to perfect our letter formation.
We have been using the iPads to take photos to create our own images of our friends climbing the beanstalk.
Our topic for the next two weeks is, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar,' by Eric Carle.
Find the story at:
After reading the story, we have been sequencing images and then re-telling the story to our friends.
We are now focusing on the story of Incy Wincy Spider!
What do you know about spiders?