Welcome to Little Mixers Nursery.
The adults in our classroom are.
Mrs Abraham Miss Hitchins. Miss Smyth.
Teaching Assistant. Teaching Assistant. Level 3 apprentice.
Here you will see all our fun learning for this year!
Log onto your child's Tapestry account to view their learning and add some of the fantastic things they do with you at home.
Look out for our Wellbeing Wednesday activities. These are simple fun activities to do at home with your child.
Focus plan term 6
We would like to say thank you for all of your kind messages, gifts and cards.
It has been an absolute pleasure teaching all the children and we hope you all have a great summer.
We look forward to seeing you again in September.
Our leavers celebration was so much fun. We were pleased to see so many of our families. ❤️
We know our children will be fantastic in their next adventure to Reception.⭐️
The children have been learning about creatures that live in the sea. They now know lots of interesting facts about octopus, jellyfish, sharks and turtles. Ask your children how many hearts an octopus has? (3) How many eggs a sea turtle lays (110) and does a shark have bones? (no)
we have had lots of fun with this theme.
Sports week has been a week of developing muscles, hand and eye coordination, core strength and coordination. The children took part in many activities and had so much fun.
The children’s perseverance and resilience was also tested.❤️
People who help us has been a topic the children have fully embraced. We have talked about police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, dentists and teachers.
We had a visit from the PCSO’s who let the children try on different parts of police uniform and we even got to go in the police car and turn on the lights.
The children have used their imaginations as they became doctors and nurses, helping our friends who pretended to be poorly.
The children strengthened their hands whilst squirting water to put out the fire.
We have been learning about different modes of transport. The children are using their knowledge to sort the transport into groups; those that go in the sky, the road, the water and on a track. New language has been explored as the children have learnt the words submarine and tram. We have explored more unusual transport including monster trucks, motor homes and hot air balloons. We have also adapted the song, She’ll be coming around the mountain to include lots of modes of transport. ask the children to sing it to you.
Focus Plan Term 5
The lovely weather has meant lots of outdoor play. We are very lucky to have so many areas to play in.
The children have loved talking about King Charles Coronation. We looked at photos of the St Edwards Crown and the gold state coach and the children talked about what it might be like to sit on a throne. We made our own beautiful crowns and Union Jack flags. We were treated to an ice lolly to enjoy.
We have been reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children have fully embraced it and can now recall lots of the story. We sing our days of the week song every morning and afternoon so the children were able to recognise the days in the story.
We have talked about the lifecycle of a caterpillar and some of the children can now use the enormous word “Metamorphosis” Ask you children to tell you what happens to the caterpillar egg.
We have also explored symmetry and the children are getting very good at making things the same on both sides.
The children have been looking at Kandinsky pictures. They have noticed that the artist uses lots of shapes a bright colours. The children have been inspired to create their own masterpieces.
Focus plan Term 4
The children really enjoyed the take away food kindly donated by Popadoms to celebrate the start of Ramadan. Some children were brave and tried new flavours. The children said it was “ delicious, yummy, spicy, hot, my favourite”
Stay and play
thank you to everyone who came to our Spring themed stay and play session. We all had a wonderful time.
“Challenge” is the word we are using a lot. The children are learning to persevere and not give up when things are tricky. We have set many challenges for the children to complete.
They have been asked to sort coloured pegs in water, make a sand castle, pick up beanbags using only their feet, balance on a beam, move their bodies in a range of ways, build the tallest tower, count up to 20, paint a flower, make shapes using play dough and sticks and follow a path on the paper using a pen. The children are becoming very resilient and are not giving up.
We had the best time in the snow. The children said it was “cold, freezing, crunchy, wet” We made snow balls and footprints and even attempted to sledge down the slopes.
The Children have been enjoying the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have used a range of loose parts and construction resources to create the most amazing bridges.
Story sacks were used to recreate the story, ask the children to tell you what happened to the goats.
We have been practicing counting and some children can count up to 20. We used a variety of natural loose parts to represent amounts for each number.
We were gifted some beautiful daffodils. The children painted beautiful pictures of them.
Focus Plan Term 3
Cave baby was our focus story and the children were inspired by it. We explored different ways to mark make including drawing on the underside of the table and a designated wall. We used a wide range of resources and materials to make marks. We explored caves and used our den making kit to make our own. The children were retelling the story well by the end of the week.
Science week was so much fun!
Erupting Volcanoes.
The skittles experiment.
Rainbow in a bottle.
Floating and sinking
Colour mixing
We celebrated Chinese New Year with lots of red activities. We learnt a new song and practised Chinese writing.
This week we have been reading the story ‘ Big bear little bear’ and learning about Arctic animals. The children have been exploring snowy small world and using their senses as they handle materials of different textures.
Term 2 Focus Plan
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we will see you back on Wednesday 4th January.
We has lots of fun at our Christmas party. We ate yummy food and played musical bumps, statues and chairs. The children loved learning the ‘ Superman’ dance.
We were so lucky to have a visit from Santa today. The children were absolutely amazed.
Christmas has come early in nursery. The children love the decorations and are enjoying lots of Christmas crafts and activities. We have been to watch the KS1 and KS2 performances and the children thoroughly enjoyed them.
We have been exploring lots of natural materials to create our Christmas cards and transient art snowmen, it has taken lots of skill to wrap presents using the sellotape dispenser and ribbons.
Christmas stay and play
A big thank you to all of our parents who came to our stay and play session. We all had a lovely time and made some wonderful Christmas crafts.
Ten in the bed has been a great theme for the children. They have enjoyed the story and song with a few different twists. We have explored number in a variety of fun, hands on activities. The children made beds for our small world people in a great stem building activity using a variety of materials.
Below is a link to some of the songs we have enjoyed.🙂
Children in need 2022. The children did lots of fun activities and contributed to raising money with the whole school. ❤️
Nursery rhyme week was packed full of singing, music, instruments and lots more fun activities. 🎶 The children especially loved playing hide and seek with our nursery rhyme cards and What’s in the bag.👀🎶
A lovely message we received from one of our parents.
I just wanna Thank you both for how amazing you’ve been with helping settle my son in I was so nervous he wouldn’t wanna leave his old friends at Bournville but he’s loving it with you guys! He’s done nothing but talk about everything he’s done at nursery and told me how excited he is for Monday morning! So thank you again for making this journey for me and my son as smoothly as possible 😊x
The children have really enjoyed playing outside this week. They have explored the new post office and practiced navigating space on our new 3 seater vehicle.
The children created poppies using a variety of materials. They had a visual countdown to help with the two minute silence. ❤️
the children have been practicing drawing the Three little pigs and houses. We modelled how to draw straight lines and join them together and how to draw circles.
The three little pigs has been a huge success. 🐷🐷🐷
The children now know parts of the story and what the characters do. They have acted out the story in their play and developed their construction skills using a variety of materials.
We numbered Duplo towers for the children to blow down and sequence back in order and modelled how to draw houses.
This and many more activities happened in only week one. We can’t wait for next week.😊❤️
The first week back has been full of spooky activities for Halloween.👻🎃
We have used all our senses to explore pumpkins and discovered what is inside of them.
The children spent ages taking out all the seeds. We didn’t waste the seeds we added them to our mud kitchen outside.😍
Potion making using our new beautiful glass goblets, pumpkin mark making using paintbrushes and pipettes and Winnie the witches role-play area are just a few activities the children have been fully engaged in. What a busy first week back. ❤️⭐️
Term 1 Focus plan.
For Black history month the children have enjoyed stories to celebrate their differences. They have also enjoyed dancing and Jojo and Grangran's adventures.
One of our Diwali activities was to create beautiful Rangoli patterns using gems. The children stayed at this activity for long periods of time. They were so focused they didn’t want to leave until they had used all of their gems.😍
This looks like a fun thing to do at our local children’s centre.😋
🍁🍂Conker painting, Duplo leaf printing and finding bugs in an Autumnal scene were just a few of the Autumn activities we have done this week. The children have learnt lots of facts.
Ask your child What happens in Autumn? What colours do the leaves change to?🍁🍂
The children enjoyed the story ‘It was a cold, dark night and have learnt lots of new facts about hedgehogs. The story was all about the hedgehog wanting to find a home.
Ask your child Where do hedgehogs sleep? What do they like to eat? Are baby hedgehogs born with spines? 🦔🍁🍂
We have ended our theme of The Tiger who came to tea by watching the movie and a self made cone of popcorn.😋 The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves.🐯
A gift of a large cardboard box was all we needed for the children’s imagination to flow. It was instantly transformed into a boat. The children used pens, glue, chalks and paper to decorate and then decided they needed tickets.
From our loose parts area they independently accessed their own resources to extend their play. They used keys, wooden shapes and bricks.
Following the children’s fascination and interest we have turned our role-play area into an inviting ice cream parlour. The children have learnt all about how to serve customers and take turns.
Out focus story is ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ the children are recalling the story well and enjoying tiger themed activities. They especially enjoyed taking part in their own tea party.
This week we are learning nursery rhymes. We have been finding out about the animals on Old Macdonald’s farm and our favourite has been Incey Wincey Spider.
the children have been creating spiders and counting 8 legs, scooping spiders and comparing the size and amounts and sorting farm animals into groups. We have explored 2D shapes and have enjoyed filling the outline of the shapes with coloured rice.
The children developed their big motor skills by having lots of fun in the sports hall with the beach balls. We practiced bouncing, throwing, kicking, catching, rolling and hitting the balls to each other. We also learnt how to negotiate space when running around each other.
The children have settled back into their first term really well.
We have enjoyed getting to know all our new children and are extremely proud of how supporting our older children have been to them whilst playing and exploring.
Our theme has been ‘All about me’ the children have been thinking about their likes, dislikes, their favourite colour and what they look like. We have been supporting the children with their independence and perseverance.
Our colour mixing station has been very popular this week. The children thought it was ‘magic’ how colours changed when mixed together. They showed off their strong pincer grip using the pipettes and selected their own colours independently.🎨