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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 6


Year 6


Welcome to Year 6, the adults in our classroom are:


P.E kits need to be in school all week.



Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. 


Our class email is


Term 6

Week 6

SPORTS WEEK. The children have had a master-class of workshops, provided by excellent instructors, this week, including: heelying, hula-hooping and dancing. 100% effort was given in all of our workshops and the children really enjoyed trying a variety of sports. To finish off a fantastic week, Year 6 took part in the whole school Sports Day. During Sports Day, we raced, took penalties, threw javelins and played dodgeball and discgolf.

Week 5

Year 6 have continued to evolve and improve their oral hygiene drama performances, learned new moves in gymnastics and practised for their Leavers' Assembly. The children will be performing their drama pieces in a special assembly to the whole school in week 7. In their performances, monsters have not been looking after their oral hygiene and their teeth are in a state of disarray. Can the monsters find a cure to their toothy-troubles?

Week 4

After our brilliant start to the week with gymnastics and forest school, where we made mobiles and measured the heights of trees through a rather interesting method, Year 6 have had their transition week. They set off to their new secondary schools and came back smiling ear-to-ear. We have heard how amazing their three days were. They learned lots of new things, used bunsen burners and made friends.

Week 3

Forest school, Into University, transition workshops and oral health drama. A week packed with fun activities: In forest school, we learned about the layers of the forest and calculated the age of trees.

Into University and our transition workshop has been getting the children ready for secondary school. We discussed our fears of our next school, how our timetables work and the importance of packing our bags the night before.

In our oral health drama workshop, children created a piece about a monster losing its tooth and the importance of oral hygiene.

Week 2

The children are thoroughly settled into the new term. We went to forest school to learn about how our ancient ancestors used to create art. The children made their own ancient paint brushes and paints using charcoal and oil. Our £1 challenge ideas are starting to become a reality and our swimmers have been doing an amazing job during their lessons.

Week 1

Back into the swing of things. Year 6 have been producing some fabulous pieces of writing in English this week: writing for suspense... For drama... To scare. Once the Year 6 staff came out from hiding behind the sofa, half of the class were taken to the beach for Beach School. The children had a wonderful time learning at Brean beach and the children remaining at school had fun too- completing their Manga comic strips.


Term 5

Week 6

We have been incredibly lucky to have not one but two workshops. To start the week, we had an F1 themed science workshop. The children got to design their own car liveries and helmets. The next day, we had an oral health drama workshop. We became monsters and developed their backstories, their form and their movements! Year 6 wish all the class a happy half-term. Rest up, you deserve it!

Week 5

SATs complete! All the members of staff at Oldmixon are incredibly proud of the effort and ethos of the Year 6s in their SATs. It has taken a lot of hard work but it has all payed off for them. But, it cannot be all work and no play. Year 6 have been doing art and DT to help balance out the day. We have made reusable sandwich bags: we have made fantastic drawings. And, who can forget the trip to the beach! A day in the sun filled with sport and castle building!

Week 3

Geometry geniuses; to break up the SATs practice, Year 6 mixed it up for maths. The children sharpened their shape knowledge and perfected their ability to identify surfaces, edges and vertices. Working in pairs, they had to identify different 3D shapes, identify curved or flat surfaces, count vertices and make 3D nets. As well as this, the children completed their history synoptic task and have made some really great steps in their RE lessons.

Week 2

When I say 'SATs', you say 'practice'. This week, we have been improving our SATs paper stamina. The children have been doing brilliantly and have shown some great resilience. Our scores are improving every day and we cannot wait to see their full potential. As well as practising our SATs knowledge, we have completed a big-task in geography. The children have flexed their farming facts and produced amazing pieces of work.

Week 1

The first week of the term and off to a great start. SATs are approaching so we are making sure we get lots of practice. All the adults have been thoroughly impressed by the attitude of the pupils. But, just because we are working hard that doesn't mean we cannot also play hard: Year 6 had a great time learning a new sport of disc-golf!

Term 4

Week 6

Year 6 rounded off a busy week of SAT practice and Opening Worlds by talking about mental health in our Jigsaw sessions.  They decorated a cube with ideas they could use to better their mental health.  Everyone had great fun making their Easter bonnets for a parade together with the rest of the school!

Week 5

This week, we have been doing some more practice papers to get us ready for SATS.  In PE the children had a great time working hard on their cricket skills such as bowling and catching.  In RE we have been learning about Judaism and how Abraham was known as the father of the Jewish people.  In our English lessons, we have been learning how to write persuasive letters to seek help for endangered animals.  

Week 4

We have been learning about new topics in Opening Worlds.  In history, we are learning about how Darius became king of the Persian Empire and in geography, we are learning about agriculture and farming.  In PE we looked at the skills needed in cricket, and practised how to support each other, finishing off with a cricket quiz.  The children learned about 'shades' of meaning' in English, to help them to uplevel their vocabulary.  In maths we have been doing a lot of practise for SATS, including mirroring, reflecting and angles.  The class again showed their creative side when making posters about mould in science.  What a busy week!   

Week 3

This week, the children continued practising their cricket skills during PE.  They all wrote fantastic synoptic tasks for geography and history, showcasing everything they had learnt.  We held our own World Book Day on Wednesday, enjoying a visit from author John Dougherty.  Everyone entered into the spirit of dressing up as their chosen book character, and had great fun being creative making book characters out of potatoes!  Year 6 were lucky to see Broadoak's show, The Addam's Family, which they all enjoyed!

Week 2

On Thursday the children discovered lots about university life and some different courses they can take at university.  They wrote their career aspirations to go on the tree and presented them to the group.  They worked on creating presentations to show at Bath University the next day, showcasing everything they have learned this week about evolution. 

What a fantastic day we had at the Bristol Zoo Project!  From Gelada monkeys and wolverines, to giraffes,  zebras and meerkats, the children saw them all.  They found out lots of interesting facts about the animals in the morning in order to film their wildlife documentaries in the afternoon.   

It's 'IntoUniversity' week!  The children had fun doing practical experiments to demonstrate how birds have adapted their beaks over time.  We also looked at why humans have adapted using their thumbs, by trying to do every day tasks such as tying knots and doing up buttons with our thumbs taped up.  It was rather tricky!  The children researched conservationists David Attenborough, Mya-Rose Craig and Joseph Graves and wrote biographies of them, which they used to make group posters, showing great teamwork.  The class designed their own animals with adaptations to suit their chosen habitats.  Everyone showed great creativity making models of their animals!  

Week 1

Marching music, captivating cricket, steady sewing. This week has been packed with new opportunities for the children. First, the children experienced their first cricket session of the term. Then, the children created protest music to march to. Finally, the children got to practise sewing for our sustainable sandwich bag project.


Of course, their pens got a workout too. The children were able to complete their Grimm's Tales. It took a lot of work: self-correcting, responding to feedback, up-levelling, but the final products are something to be really proud of.

Term 3



Week 5

Empty classroom and full brains. The children have enjoyed their last week of the term and are ready for a well deserved break. It has been a busy one this week with Internet Safety Day and Mental Health Week. The children talked about their needs as people to thrive and also discussed how to stay safe online by avoiding persuasive techniques used by people on the net.

Week 4

This week, the children dressed up and enjoyed activities based around NSPCC's Numbers Day.


Week 2

In science this week, the children investigated how switches work. 

This morning the children enjoyed watching Jack and the Beanstalk performed by M&M Productions. 

Week 1



The children planned and completed their big tasks for History and Geography.

Term 2



Week 6


Creating Christmas hats ready to wear on Christmas dinner day!





Week 5

The children have finished their play scripts and have published them. 

The children helped to decorate the school Christmas tree by bringing baubles from home. 

Week 3

In our Real PE session this week the children were focusing on their balancing skills. They were also developing their social skills by showing patience and supporting others, listening carefully and cooperating. 


Today the children planned their own dialogue between Prospero and Miranda and performed it to the class. 



Week 2

The children created freeze frames of scenes from the Tempest. 

Week 1


The children were introduced to our new unit of work in English. 



By then end of the term the children will be writing a 'tempest' story and performing it.

Week 7

We did bread making with the staff from Aspens. We talked about what flour was and how it was made and then we talked about and looked at different shapes of bread. We were then given dough to make our own shapes out of it. It was really good fun and at the end we were given bread to take home to eat. 

Week 5


In English, the children participated in a debate around why we should save the kelp forest. 



Week 4

In Science, we are learning about light. This week, we talked about what we already know about light and did an investigation to see how light travels.


Week 3

Some of our children had the opportunity to read to Fred the therapy dog. 


Week 2


Kilve Court


Year 6 had a fantastic time away at Kilve court. The children enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities that tested their teamwork, communication skills, resilience and nerve!


100% Attendance this week!

Lets celebrate with a treat.

Week 1

In English,  we are reading 'The Hidden Forest' by Jeannie Baker. We have made collages to emulate Jeannie Bakers illustrations. We used tissue paper, crepe paper, foil and textured paper to create kelp, waves the beach and Ben.


100% Attendance this week!

Lets celebrate with a treat.

