All schools have policies in place to ensure that children are provided with a safe, secure environment where they can reach their full potential. We have attached some of the policies that may be of interest to you. Our policies undergo regular review by our school Governors and are in line with North Somerset Council guidelines.
Paper copies will be provided on request
- Anti bullying policy 2021.pdf
- Behaviour Policy December 2021.pdf
- Exclusions policy 2021.pdf
- Medication Policy December 2021.pdf
- Nursery Behaviour Policy October 2021.pdf
- Oldmixon Primary School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy V8.0 2024-25.pdf
- Website policy 2021.pdf
- Extend Learning Academies Network Determined Admission Arrangements 2023-24 V1.0.pdf
- ELAN Determined Admission Arrangements 2024-25 V1.0.pdf
- ELAN Determined Admission Arrangements 2025-26 V1.0.pdf
- ELAN Acceptable Use Policy - Staff Volunteers and Visitors V3.0 2024-2025.pdf
- ELAN Accessibility Plan V2.0 2023-2026.pdf
- ELAN Anti-Fraud and Business Ethics Policy V6.0 2023-2024.pdf
- ELAN Asbestos Management Policy V1.0 2022-24.pdf
- ELAN Business Continuity Policy V4.0 2024-26.pdf
- ELAN Capability Policy and Procedure V3.0 2023-24.pdf
- ELAN Charging and Remissions Policy V7.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Child on Child Abuse Policy V3.1 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Complaints Policy V6.1 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Complaints Procedure Flowchart V6.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Conflict of Interest Policy V4.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Policy V1.1 2023-2026.pdf
- ELAN Data Protection Policy V7.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Data Retention Schedule V3.0 2024-2026.pdf
- ELAN Dignity at Work Policy and Procedure V2.0 2022-2024.pdf
- ELAN Disciplinary Policy and Procedure V6.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Disclosure Policy V2.0 2022-2024.pdf
- ELAN ECT Induction Policy V4.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Educational Visits Policy V1.1 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Equality and Equal Opportunities Policy V4.1 2022-24.pdf
- ELAN Family Friendly Maternity Policy V2.1 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Finance Policy and Procedures V7.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Freedom of Information Policy V3.0 2022-2025.pdf
- ELAN Grievance Policy and Procedure V5.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Health & Safety Statement and Policy V6.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN ICT and Online Safety Policy V.3.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Investment Policy V4.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Lettings Policy V2.0 2024-26.pdf
- ELAN Menopause Policy V1.0 2022-2024.pdf
- ELAN Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy - Children V2.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy - Staff V2.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Modern Slavery Statement V3.0 2023-24.pdf
- ELAN Parent Code of Conduct V2.0 2024-2026.pdf
- ELAN Physical Safety Intervention Policy V2.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Privacy Notice - Employees V5.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Privacy Notice - Governors and Trustees V5.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Privacy Notice - Pupils V5.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Privacy Notice - Suppliers, Contractors and Volunteers V5.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Probationary Policy HR V5.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Protection of Children's Biometric Data Policy V4.1 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Pupil Attendance Policy V7.0 2024-2025.pdf
- ELAN Recruitment and Selection and Ex-Offenders Policy and Procedure V4.0 2024-2026.pdf
- ELAN Redundancy Policy V1.1 2023-2025.pdf
- ELAN Remote Education Policy V2.0 2023-25.pdf
- ELAN Risk Management Policy V4.0 2022-24.pdf
- ELAN Safe Touch and Intimate Care Policy V3.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy V8.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN SEND and Inclusion Policy V7.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Staff Code of Conduct V6.0 2024-25.pdf
- ELAN Statement of Accounting Policies V5.0 2024-26.pdf
- ELAN Statement of Internal Control V6.0 2023-24.pdf
- ELAN Supporting Pupils with Medical Condition & First Aid Policy V2.0 2024-2025.pdf
- ELAN TUPE Policy V1.0 2023-2025.pdf
- ELAN Whistleblowing Policy (Safeguarding) V8.0 2024-25.pdf