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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 6

Year 6


Welcome to Year 6, the adults in our classroom are:


             Class Teacher – Miss Miller      Learning Mentor - Mrs Hynes   Teaching Assistant – Miss Coles   




Here you will see all our fun learning for this year!  


P.E kits need to be in school all week.

P.E day Wednesday 


Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. 


Our class email is



Term 6

Our Final Weeks



Our leavers assembly.

On Wednesday evening, year 6 celebrated the end of the year with a chip shop tea and fun at the beach with their friends! The weather was beautiful and the children had a great time!

Year 6 enjoyed their afternoon of water games on Wednesday! The year 6 staff were very much targeted!

Year 6 particularly enjoyed partying in the disco tent

Week 5


Sports Week!



We have kicked off our sports week with a visit from Paul Sturgess; the world's tallest basketball player! The children will be taking part in basketball workshops with Paul today!

Monday afternoon, at forest school, year 6 created animals and dens for their animals!


Next up this sports week is freestyle football! Jamie Knight will be running freestyle football workshops for all of the children today. Well done to Keagan, Noah, Amelia and Miss Miller for volunteering to show skills at the front in our assembly this morning!

Week 4


Year 6 spent three days in their secondary school. 

Year 6  arrived at the Into-University centre for their transition workshop!

Week 3


Year 6 have been creating framed forest collages and we used saws to cut our frames to size!

Week 2


In Art his week we have been studying the artist Henry Moore. We have been exploring mark making and recreated one of his famous sculptures. 

In our next lesson, we explored portraits and used different types of mark making to add tone. 

Year 6 have been exploring the boundaries at the woods and playing water games this week!

On Friday,  10 of our Year 6 children attended a Quadkids Festival at Priory School. At the festival, the children took part in a variety activities including, 75m sprint, 600m endurance, standing long jump and laser run. The children  were fantastic, showing great sportsmanship, resilience and respect to everyone who took part! 

Term 5

Week 6


Year 6 have arrived at the University Centre ready for Professor Fluffy’s Education Adventure!

Our first workshop of the day is a special effects make up workshop and we have been learning how to create bruises!

We have just had a tour of Weston College!

This afternoon, we have been constructing bridges and learning about engineering!


Week 5


Celebration Beach Day


Hedgehog Workshop

Winners of the Banquet treat! 

19 children this week

Week 4




All children are invited to join us at 8:30am Tuesday -Friday for a delicious breakfast.



Our first paper is complete, now time for some Art!


The children used ink to create their still life drawings of bottles using quills, paintbrushes and pens. 

Finished products!

Second paper complete! Today, we are sketching portraits in the style of Cubism. 

We finished our day with PE and enjoyed a game of rounders in the sun!

Two of our Maths papers complete! One more to go! 

Now time to explore still life drawing in a cubist style. 

The big reveal!

A touch of colour.

Reading to Fred.

Final day, the children were fantastic! Well done Year 6 we are so proud of you all!

Winners of the Banquet treat! 

21 children this week

Week 3


Year 6 took part in an exciting dance workshop today to celebrate the King's coronation on the weekend. 

The children enjoyed  creating collages to celebrate the King's Coronation.

Winners of the Banquet treat! 

22 children this week

Week 1


In PE this term, our focus is Rounders. We have been learning the skills needed in fielding and  thinking about our aim, underarm and overarm throwing. 


In Jigsaw this week, the children have been thinking about stress and pressure and strategies they could use if ever they are feeling these emotions.  They designed and made individual dice with activities on each face. They can roll the dice if ever they are feeling stressed or under pressure and do the activity. 

Winners of the Banquet treat! 

23 children this week

Term 4


Week 6 


Two Year 6 children won a competition to design an Easter egg. The egg design has been painted onto a large egg which will be displayed in the Sovereign Centre.