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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Term 6


Fun day 









Week 1

In science this week we looked at flowers and identified and described the functions of each part. 



We did our double page spreads about Rivers, lakes and oceans. We looked at a map to see what colour the river is represented by and all about the the things we have learnt.



In maths, we have been doing more work on fractions. We have learnt what unit and non-unit means. We have learnt to recognise equivalent fractions.


We started tennis in PE this week, which was really good fun.


Week 2


We did a mural for our class with Mrs Lukins. We sketched our pictures in our books and then painted it onto the big sheet for our mural. 




In maths we have been learning to identify and count in tenths and convert them to decimals.


We have Bristol Bears on Mondays and this week we learnt a new game called sharks and fishes. It was such good fun!


In geography we located the different part of the British Isles on a map.




Week 3

In maths we have looked at fractions of amounts.   



In science, we watched a video about bees and pollination and then we went on Seesaw and made a poster all about pollination. Check out our lovely posters on Seesaw!


We experimented with water colours in the style of Quintin Blake in art this week. It was really good fun.



Week 4

We have made some figures out of clay in art this week, from the books The Twits and James and the Giant Peach!





We have been looking at and learning about equivalant fractions inn maths.




We have been very lucky, and very excited this week as we have had a visitor to our class! Sanchez, the African land snail! We loved being able to hold him and look at him in his house. We have given him cucumber top eat.










Week 6

We have enjoyed painting our clay figures in art, of the Twits characters.



We have been learning to tell the time in maths this week using analogue clocks to help us.


Mrs Lukins did our English this week and we watched a film about small birds being unkind to a big bird. We were discussing feelings and bullying. We also acted out the short film we watched.




We also researched the Ancient Greeks as this will be our first topic in year 4! We also did other transition activities yesterday to get us year 4 ready!


We have a FUN DAY today!!!! We have bouncy castles, a summer fair  and ice lollies!!!








Term 5





We have had such a great week back at school for the start of term 5.



In maths this week, we have been using the cuisenaire rods, to work out our fractions. Some of us have been finding fractions and some of us have been recognising fractions of halves, quarters and thirds.



In science we have been looking at the water cycle.





In maths this week, we have been dividing a two digit number by a three digit number. 



We had a virtual afternoon out on Wednesday, where we had a tour of the the River Seven. It was all about unlocking the River Severn by removing the weirs, in order to allow the fish back up stream where they belong. The fish were becoming extinct as they were unable to go where they needed to.




We had a great time on Thursday afternoon planting trees with Mr Thomas. We are putting in new trees in the field. 



Week 2


In maths, we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have been learning how to do this using formal method and also through manipulatives. 



We have also continued our book of the Pied Piper. This week, we have learnt how to debate. We had to first advertise for the perfect rat catcher! However, the mayor then decided he didn't want to pay the rat catcher. So, we wrote a letter explaining our reasons for or against paying the rat catcher. We read our letters to class to see if we could persuade each other!



P.E has also been fun this week as we developed our sending and receiving skills!



In science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. We discovered that magnets work from a distance and then carried out own investigation!



On Friday, we started out DT topic. This term we are developing our own dip. Our first lesson was to try and evaluate a range of different dips. We didn't like them all, however everyone gave each one a try! 



Week 1

In English, we started our new book. The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Micheal Morpurgo. We have been learning how to write in role and also write persuasively. On Tuesday, we created a scene in a kitchen and then Miss Pring told us there was a rat! Here are our reactions: 



In maths, we have been recapping our addition and subtraction knowledge. Including number bonds to 100, column addition and subtraction and also how to apply our knowledge to different problems! 



We also started our sending and recieving topic in P.E. this week. We learnt how to catch the ball whilst also recieving another ball from a partner. We also had to balance a ball between our arms and then do a seesaw movement without dropping the ball. We worked really hard!     




On Friday, we all dressed in red, white and blue to kick off our new French curriculum. We tasted new foods, researched landmarks and also built the Eiffel Tower out of pasta and marshmallows. Check out our amazing research posters on seesaw!


Term 4

Term 4

Week 5

Another fantastic week in Year 3.


In English, we have been busy planning our innovated Cinderella story. The children have come up with some great ideas such as Cinderella of Weston-super-Mare, Cinderella of the Euphrates and even Cinderella of the North Pole!




We have also been learning how to create an algorithm of coding using Scratch. The children had to get their spaceship to another planet and then come back again. 

Mia loved scratch so much she even made one at home, well done Mia! 




Our science topic this term has been the human body. We have learnt how muscles work by making our own arm using elastic bands and cardboard. We now know that muscles can contract and relax.



Finally, we finished our week by making some Easter bonnets ready for the parade next week! 

Here is Niamh's. 


Week 4 

We have had another great week together!! 


This week in music we used the xylophones. We played the G note to the beat of the music. We were very good by the end of the lesson as we were able to do it without looking at the screen! 



We have had a very active week! We have had PE and a virtual session with Mr Molland and also P.E with Bex! Our favourite game was the bean game! Oooh la la!



We also made our Warka Vase come to life! We designed them over remote learning and finally got to make them!





Week 3

We have had such an exciting first week back! We have loved being back together again.


In maths, we have been continuing with our length and perimeter topic. We have learnt how to measure using a tape measure and how to use metres, centimetres and millimetres!


In English, we have started our new book Cinderella of the Nile. We have been learning how to identify and use literary language this week! 



We also continued our computing topic. This term we are learning how to make an animation using algorithms on Scratch. This week we learnt how to make a sprite and make our own background.



We have also been learning more about Ancient Sumer. We have learnt about the things that made them a successful empire. This also gave us a great oppurtunity to work in groups and build our teamwork!






On our first day, we also got to wave to the emergency helicopter which unexpectedly landed on our field!



Term 3

Week 7


This week we have been finishing our stories based on Leon and the Place Between. We started these before isolation so we were really excited to have them finished. Here are some of the excellent pieces of work we produced: 





Our ELAN advent calendar was to make our own Christingles! We had an assembly from Mrs Simpson and we learnt all about them. We then made our own. 




We had our last forest school session this week! We had great fun and even had hot chocolate and biscuits in the forest!!



On our last day, Miss Pring showed us how to make a 3D Christmas card. We had so much fun making and writing our cards. Have a look on facebook to see some our fantastic disco moves!



Week 6

This week in science we have been continuing our light topic. We have been looking at how a shadow can change shape and conducted our own experiment. This week we learnt how to use the tape measures.



We finally got our chance to decorate the tree too! The children have really enjoyed all of our ELAN advent calendar events too. We even got to make reindeer food!




On Friday, we completed our Santa Run and also wore Christmas jumpers. As a class, we raised £93! Well done to all the children who donated and also who completed the Santa Run! 




Week 4 and 5

Children in year 3 have enjoyed home learning on Seesaw. In maths, children have been learning column addition and subtraction problems and have watched videos to support them. They have also applied their learning to work out word problems.



In English the children have been watching a video about Sprout Boy and have done a diary entry, they are also researching sprouts in preparation to write a letter to the kitchen about why we should or shouldn't have sprouts on our Christmas dinner! The children has also produced a poster promoting sprouts and began to plan their letters.




Year 3 has also taken part in a forest school activity, they watched a short clip about ants ,then wrote some facts about ants. Some children even braved their back garden to see if they could find some ants!



During Geography the children researched Inuit people which links to our topic Cold Places. We have been focussing on Greenland.


In Science they completed a shadow experiment to see how they could change the size of a shadow!!!


As a P E challenge from Lee Molland of ELAN, Year 3 had a go to see how many step ups they could do in one minute. They then tried to achieve a personal best. A great effort was made !!  

A big welcome back to our year 3 children! The year 3 children have now moved classrooms and have been settling in exceptionally well.



This week we started our new English story 'Leon and the Place Between'. This book is set in a circus so on Monday we got to turn our classroom into a circus! 

We microwaved popcorn, had sweets and watched the circus! It even looked like we were in a tent. 

"The smell of the popcorn made my mouth water"  - Serah

"I heard elephants stomping around the circus" Theo 


On Tuesday, we took over facebook! Take a look at our facebook page for photos of this event!






In maths this week we have been working hard on adding ones to three digit numbers. We have been using manipulatives to help us and pattern spotting to see if we can apply any of our previous knowledge!





We started our new R.E. topic this term which is CHRISTMAS! 

All the children were extremely excited by this. We started by discussing our own personal favourite parts of Christmas. The children then acted these out and we had to guess what they were asking! 



This week we went to forest school (we went on a walk to see different parts of the wood and also made skeletons from sticks and leaves).


In  science, we made our own investigation to see which materials let light through. It was a really fun activity.


In  maths, we've been adding tens and ones to 3 digit numbers, using counters and dienes to help us.


We did  Raise the Roof this week which we did virtually with Bournville School. It was amazing and we really enjoyed it. 



Week 3!



In maths, we have been exploring column addition and column subtraction. 

Here are some of our top tips:

ALWAYS start with your ones.

Carry a ten or hundred over if the digit is over 9. 

Don't forget those sneaky tens or sneaky hundreds!






Our end point this term is to recreate the story of Leon and the Place Between! The children have been looking at sequencing the story in order and how to use adverbials to help them to do this. The children have also created their own scenarios for what happens in the place between!



Forest School







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Term 1

Miss Pring, Miss Wilson and Mrs Parker would like to welcome you all to Year 3.


We've had an excellent first week back! The children are settling in really well and are excited to see their friends again.


As part of our story 'After The Fall' we have been writing diary entries imagining we were Humpty Dumpty and using some fantastic descriptive words. The children focussed on how the character felt such pride after overcoming all his challenges. 


We have even designed a parachute and made them using our art resources. The children put eggs inside their parachute and flew them to see if their egg would crack!


We have begun our new P.E. program REAL P.E. The children practiced their balance skills and enjoyed trying to beat their personal best.


We were able to have a Forest School afternoon, creating pictures out of things from the natural enviroment.





Week 2


This week in English we have been creating our version to the ending of Humpty Dumpty. The children were really imaginative!

Jacob said 'An alien took Humpty Dumpty on a holiday to Mars'

Jenny thought Humpty Dumpty had magical powers and turned her into a witch.

Archie thought of a fabulous pun and used the word 'scrambled' in his work!


In Maths we have been partitioning numbers and looking at the hundreds, tens and ones model. Ask your child to show you!


We had great fun in Art using a number of resources such as watercolour, crayons, paint and pencils to create a giant wall for Humpty Dumpty to sit on. These have been displayed beautifully in the hall.


We also practiced French this week and practiced our conversation skills. We've been loving the French supermovers too! Here is the link to practice at home: 


We have some new Environmental Officers who have been tidying up our school. They did a great job working in a team and staying alert and reminding children to pick up litter to keep it clean.



Week 3


This week we have been learning about AD and BC in line with the Stone Age topic. The children sorted various significant events into groups. They have been listening to our book 'The First Drawing' and had a go at making their own cave drawings! 


They have worked as a team sharing their ideas on being safe online at home and in school. 


We had a fantastic singing lesson with Mrs Clough who taught us singing in rhythm and high and low. Some of us joined on the webcam to keep a safe environment!


Week 4 and 5

In English we have been making connections and comparisons with how the Stone Age people lived. Louis said:

'They had to hunt for their food but we go to the supermarket!'

Penelope added:

'Cave Boy had a wolf as a pet but we have cats.'

The children have been discovering how using fronted adverbials can improve their sentences and add distinction to their writing.


In Maths we have been focussing on 1 more, 10 more, 100 more and reversing to 1 less, 10 less, 100 less. Challenge your child to a quick-fire game at home!


We have been continuing to practice becoming independent and resillient and using these new skills on a daily basis. The children are becoming more organised every week and taking responsibility for their work. Well done Year 3!


We also had a super visit from Melody's Dad, Mr Webb. He put on a lovely harvest assembly to gives us knowledge on how to help others and the act of giving at Harvest time.

Week 6

We have been learning about artist Quentin Blake. Today we created some of his book covers with water colours. Can you guess what they are?

Week 7

We have had a fantastic week in English continuing on with editing and producing some final pieces of work on our Stone Age story and then beginning to look at how we practice the features of a non-chronological report.


In Maths we have been looking at two and three digit numbers and putting them in ascending and descending order. The children have been remembered to look at their hundreds, tens and ones column to help them. 


On Tuesday we had our resilience day. The children proved how independent they are becoming by gathering their own resources and thinking ahead when they've finished how they could extend their learning! Check out the Oldmixon Primary School Facebook page for more pictures!



Week 8


This week we have still been busy even though it is the last week of term!


In English, we have been publishing our non-chronological reports and starting to create book reviews ready for our brand new reading area in our new classroom!


Science has been fun too! We have been looking at what happens when a light is shone towards a solid object. The children were given the choice on how to present their results. This is what some of our lovely children said:


Serah - "a ruler made a light shadow because it is translucent" 


Niamh - "the phone had a dark shadow because I can't see through it. That means it is opaque"


Jenny - "some light reflected back but there was still some shadow"




As we are at the end of our history topic, we have been learning about the end of the Iron Age into the Romans. We discovered how Julius Casaer took over our land and how he did it. We practiced our note taking skills first to gain all the information and then acted it out in groups.



On Thursday, we had another independence and resilience day. We followed instructions and practiced our note taking. We also had the challenge of being in control of how to extend our learning once we had finished a task. 

Here is Mateusz's powerpoint from our independent science lesson! A HUGE well done Mateusz. 

