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Oldmixon Primary School

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Make sure that you scroll right to the bottom of the page. There are lots of activities for you to try.





 Oddizzi Learning Packs


Physical features

In the Key Stage 1 pack this week, there is lots to learn about the physical features and wildlife of Africa.

The Key Stage 2 pack has a watery theme, looking at physical features influenced by water.

Physical Features

Lots of  interesting resources to help you to learn more about physical features. In the Key Stage One pack, learn to identify physical features, find out about some physical features of the UK and discover fascinating facts about coasts.

In the Key Stage Two pack, learn about the stage and features of rivers and why the rain forest is under threat.

Click on the links below the pictures to access the learning packs.




Global Knowledge

Can you place the famous landmarks on a map? Can you recognise the flags of different countries?

Add to your knowledge of the world and find out what you have in common with children living in a village in Zambia by looking at the learning packs below.


Weather and Climate

Do you know the difference between weather and climate? Do you want to find out more?

Have a look at Oddizzi's Weather and Climate learning packs by clicking on the link below the images.

Food and Farming

Explore the places that your food comes from and find out about Fairtrade in these two learning packs.

There are lots of non-screen activities to accompany the online resources.

Click on the packs below for the information that you will need.


For younger children, geography is about noticing things happening in the natural world and in their own environment. Children will begin to comment on the things that they notice and ask questions to find out why things happen the way that they do.

Some activities to try.

  • Make a weather chart to record the changes in the weather.
  • Sort clothing into groups for different seasons.
  • Draw a picture of themselves in summer and winter.
  • Look at the local area on google maps – what buildings can they identify?
  • Draw a simple map of an imaginary place or a pirate map.
  • Draw a picture of a familiar place.
  • Look at photographs of other places – how are they the same and different?




Geography Reading

The Geography website Oddizzi is allowing free access during school closures.

There is a wealth of good quality information and resources.

There are also texts to read with questions to think about afterwards.


Username: homeschool

Password: oddizzi

Have a look at these new resources from Oddizzi.

There is lots to learn about the physical features of the world.


I know that lots of us like to browse maps, finding where we live and places that we have heard about.

Digimap are another website that are offering us free access while schools are shut. What a great opportunity to brush up on map skills and to explore the world!

Email your teacher using the class email address and they will give you the login details.

Remember to tell us about the things that you explore and learn on Digimap.


Here are some activity ideas to get you started.

The land use activity asks you to print out a map. If you do not have a printer, have a go at sketching the map of your area. 

If you have a go at the quiz one, why not make up your own quiz about another town? We could share it for your friends to try.


