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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Year 6 2019/2020

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6, our adults in our classroom are, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Hynes,

Mrs Higgins, Miss Coles. Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topic is all about What is so grand about the Grand Canyon?.


Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. We will need our P.E. kits on a Monday and Wednesday


We will be starting Times Tables Rockstars this term, which is a program to help your children practise their times tables.

Home Learning - Let's get connected!

We now have a class email address:

We would love to hear from you! 

Send us a photo, a short update, a comment or even better think of challenge for our class to complete!


Term 6

Please see the wellbeing area for all our learning this term.

Making stress balls.






Starry Night by Van Gogh








Sketching Sunflowers in the style of Van Gogh



P.E with Mrs Molland




Self portraits




Sport with Mr Hynes




The children enjoyed a breakfast of crissants, pain au chocolat, fruit and muffins, we had McDonalds for lunch and they received good bags and a framed collage of their time at Oldmixon. 





Good Luck to all of the Year 6 children from the Oldmixon Team 


Term 5

Please see the home learning area for all our learning this term.

Mindfulness Ideas 


Keep up your Brain breaks at home - why not do them together with the whole family!


Take time to pause, listen and breathe together

Try to take a Brain Break together 3 times a day.

Click here for the Brain Break practice.



Home Learning Helpful Websites

If you are looking for more ideas to support your learning at home try some of these: 


Please find below useful links which may help you with your learning at home.


Twinkl -

Penpals Schools-

Class Dojo –

2Simple -

Classroom Secrets -

Hegarty Maths -

TT Rockstars -

BBC Bitesize KS2 -

Term 4 


In science this term the children have been thinking about making healthy choices. We have looked at having a healthy, varied diet, being physically heathy and how we can stay mentally healthy.

In P.E the children have been perfecting their tennis, focussing on the key skills needed to enable them to keep a rally going. 

A group of year 5 and 6 children have taken part in a couple of cookery sessions so far, making bread and vegetable soup. The bread was liked by all but the vegetable soup wasn't to everyone's liking. 





This week the Year 6 children are at the IntoUniversity site for an exciting week with a focus on Travel and Tourism. 


Today the children worked in groups and took part in a carousel of activities. In the groups the children learnt some Spanish,  using actions to help them remember. They made a tourist information video, planned and packed for a holiday and used timetables to plan a trip around New York. 

Year 6 Coverage in English and Maths

The following links provide helpful glossaries for maths and English homework - if you're still unsure, please come and ask us. Thank you.


When on the website, if you click on the highlighted links, the literacy glossary will also give you examples for each term, e.g. examples of determiners and how to use them in sentences. 


If you click on the highlighted links, the numeracy glossary will also give you examples of how to set out formal written calculations such as long division.


The website also has information about Y6 SATs including revision materials which you might find useful.


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Year 6 SATS HINTS and TIPS booklet

Year 5 and 6 Word list

Term 3


We have had a very busy time in school and out of school this week.  

In our Enquiry work we have been researching Biomes, finding out what they are and where they are located in the word. 

In Science the children have been designing their own poster on how to preserve food. 




On Wednesday we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Lifeskills Center in Bristol.  Lifeskills offers an exciting and memorable environment in which to learn. By taking part in the realistic scenarios, which include houses, a road, shop, dark alleyway, a river and a railway line, the children can actually experience difficult or dangerous situations in a safe environment and learn how to deal with them.







Today the children had the opportunity to watch the production of Peter Pan, presented by M and M Productions. The show was filled with singing, dancing, funny jokes and audience participation. The children thoroughly enjoyed the show which is linked to our whole school focus on Traditional Tales. 







Welcome back


This week the children have been straight back into routine and our new Enquiry ' What's so grand about the Grand Canyon?'


In science the children have been learning about Micro organisms, decay and the importance of Micro organisms in a woodland habitat. 


In Art the children have been sketching Wolves as this is linked to our class book Wolf Brother. The children showed great perseverance, focussing on proportion and shading. 



This term in P.E the children will be taking part in Badminton sessions, they will be building on skills previously learnt while working hard to gain the TREDS award. 


This week the year 6 children were very lucky to attend an assembly with Jayne from Kooth is an organisation that provides online councelling and emotional well-being support for children and young adults. 

Caitlin said " I believe Kooth is a trust worthy website for children to express their feelings, worries and problems"

Ashley said " Kooth sounds like a trustworthy website and would be good for people who are sad or lonely" 


Next Week 

  • Life Skills on Wednesday.
  • M and M Productions, presenting Peter Pan.
  • In Science the children will be looking at how to prevent decaying and the preservation of food.
  • In Art we will be making Lotus lanterns which is linked to our R.E on the Buddhist faith. 
  • In Maths we are recapping decimals and percentages. 


Welcome back to Term 2!

Our curriculum focus for this term is to be able to answer the question 'How do you build an Empire?'

We will do this by exploring the life and reign of Queen Victoria and the Industrial Revolution.

Our end point will be to create a series of diary entries describing the impact and influences of the Victorian Empire.


Key questions:

  • Who was Queen Victoria and why was she was important?
  • What was the industrial revolution?
  • Why was the Victorian era so important for important for inventions?
  • How did medical care improve during the Victorian era?
  • How did Victorians enjoy their leisure time?

Week 6


This week we have been completing our Science experiments on shadows, analysing our results and creating graphs. 

In Art the children have been looking at work created by famous Victorian artist, William Morris.  The children then produced some printing, thinking carefully about the detail. 

The children researched Victorian Christmas traditions, later producing leaflets which included important information and pictures. 

Year 6 Christmas Event

Thank you to the parents who came to join us, the children enjoyed making Cornucopia and learning about the Victorian tradition. 





Next Week

  • In English we will be looking closely at Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'
  • Learning more about Victorian inventions and who was Thomas Edison
  • Christmas Dinner day






Week 4


This week the children have been revisiting 2D and 3D shape, thinking of their properties and making nets.



In DT this week the children worked in teams to start constructing their bridges, adapting and modifying as they came across a problem. 

Science this week has been very hands on as the children have been investigating mirrors. The children found out how mirrors work and how the images are different in the three types of mirror.




Our P.E sessions this term are gymnastics, where the children will take part in a variety of activities using the specialised equipment. 





Road Safety

On Wednesday the children went out and about as part of our road safety, we put the Green Cross Code into action. While on our walk we talked about the dangers when crossing the roads around school, where would be the safest place to cross and how to cross the Pelican crossing safely. 



Next Week

  • In Science we will be investigating shadows. 
  • In English we are writing diary entries. 
  • In our R.E sessions we will be learning about the importance of the Golden Temple within the Sikh religion. 


Week 3


This week the children have been revisiting work on fractions, developing their knowledge of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as converting mixed number fractions into improper fractions. 

In English they have been reading extracts from a variety of books based on World War 1. 

In DT the children have started designing their bridges, thinking carefully about how to make the structure sturdy. 

Next week 

  • In Science we will be investigating mirrors, finding out how they produce images and whether the shape of the mirror makes a difference. 
  • In Maths we will be investigating properties of 3D and 2D shapes. 


Week 2


In Art this week the children have used different media to produce Remembrance Day paintings. They used charcoal to create their silhouette of a hill, then used water colour paint for their poppies, overall focusing on blending. 








Week 1


We have had a fantastic start to the term with workshops and an introduction to this terms Enquiry. 


This week the children had a Road safety workshop run by Mr Smart from Kwik fit.  The children were given tips and information on keeping safe, following the Green Cross Code and being safe on bikes, scooters and roller blades. 

Interestingly they were fascinated by the fines people could get for not following the rules of the road. 

The the knowledge from this workshop was taken back into class and will form part of our Jigsaw for this term. 

Each child made a road safety quiz and we had a discussion on what we now know.  



On Thursday the children took part in a workshop by Chartwells, where they were learning about healthy eating. The children were able to make healthy breakfast bars, giving them a unique shape, name and slogan. 






Next Week

  • Our focus is on remembrance poetry and World War One poems.
  • Fractions
  • How does light travel? How do we see objects?
  • Celebrating differences in Jigsaw. What is normal?
  • Remembrance Day art.

Week 6


This week we have been completing our Science experiments on shadows, analysing our results and creating graphs. 

In Art the children have been looking at work created by famous Victorian artist, William Morris.  The children then produced some printing, thinking carefully about the detail. 

The children researched Victorian Christmas traditions, later producing leaflets which included important information and pictures. 

Year 6 Christmas Event

Thank you to the parents who came to join us, the children enjoyed making Cornucopia and learning about the Victorian tradition. 





Next Week

  • In English we will be looking closely at Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'
  • Learning more about Victorian inventions and who was Thomas Edison
  • Christmas Dinner day






Week 4


This week the children have been revisiting 2D and 3D shape, thinking of their properties and making nets.



In DT this week the children worked in teams to start constructing their bridges, adapting and modifying as they came across a problem. 

Science this week has been very hands on as the children have been investigating mirrors. The children found out how mirrors work and how the images are different in the three types of mirror.




Our P.E sessions this term are gymnastics, where the children will take part in a variety of activities using the specialised equipment. 





Road Safety

On Wednesday the children went out and about as part of our road safety, we put the Green Cross Code into action. While on our walk we talked about the dangers when crossing the roads around school, where would be the safest place to cross and how to cross the Pelican crossing safely. 



Next Week

  • In Science we will be investigating shadows. 
  • In English we are writing diary entries. 
  • In our R.E sessions we will be learning about the importance of the Golden Temple within the Sikh religion. 


Week 3


This week the children have been revisiting work on fractions, developing their knowledge of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as converting mixed number fractions into improper fractions. 

In English they have been reading extracts from a variety of books based on World War 1. 

In DT the children have started designing their bridges, thinking carefully about how to make the structure sturdy. 

Next week 

  • In Science we will be investigating mirrors, finding out how they produce images and whether the shape of the mirror makes a difference. 
  • In Maths we will be investigating properties of 3D and 2D shapes. 


Week 2


In Art this week the children have used different media to produce Remembrance Day paintings. They used charcoal to create their silhouette of a hill, then used water colour paint for their poppies, overall focusing on blending. 








Week 1


We have had a fantastic start to the term with workshops and an introduction to this terms Enquiry. 


This week the children had a Road safety workshop run by Mr Smart from Kwik fit.  The children were given tips and information on keeping safe, following the Green Cross Code and being safe on bikes, scooters and roller blades. 

Interestingly they were fascinated by the fines people could get for not following the rules of the road. 

The the knowledge from this workshop was taken back into class and will form part of our Jigsaw for this term. 

Each child made a road safety quiz and we had a discussion on what we now know.  



On Thursday the children took part in a workshop by Chartwells, where they were learning about healthy eating. The children were able to make healthy breakfast bars, giving them a unique shape, name and slogan. 






Next Week

  • Our focus is on remembrance poetry and World War One poems.
  • Fractions
  • How does light travel? How do we see objects?
  • Celebrating differences in Jigsaw. What is normal?
  • Remembrance Day art.

Week 8

In science this week the children took part in an experiment to understand how certain adaptations help living things to survive. The children learnt about Charles Darwin's Galapagos Island Finches which he studied while on his voyage aboard the HMS Beagle. During the experiment the children used objects to simulate beaks, they collected different food types and collected the results. The children then wrote about their findings. 





In Art this week the children have used different media (Water colour paint and charcoal) to create Autumn pictures. 






Thank you to all the parents/carers who were able to attend our Year 6 showcase, we hope you enjoyed sharing your inspirational people and eating the delicious cakes, made by the children. 






Week 7


Year 6 took part in a workshop run by two PCSO'S from our community. During the workshop the children were taught about the importance of believing in themselves, keeping safe, not being judgmental and how to report crimes. 


"They told us to be calm, honest and controlled when dealing with the Police."


"We played a game where we learnt about not judging people by their appearance or character"


"I learnt that it doesn't matter what gender you are, you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it."

The children asked some interesting questions and fully took part in the discussions. 


This week the children finished their fantastic rosettes, which are now on display in the school hall. 





Week 6


Educational visit to London


The children in Year 6 had the opportunity to visit London, this is linked to our Enquiry this term. While they were there the visited The Houses of Parliament and went on the London Eye. 

The children went into the House of Commons and enjoyed learning new facts.



This weeks inspirational person has been Emmeline Pankhurst, the children have read about her tireless efforts to change the law and allow women to vote. They learnt about the suffragettes and the impact they had. 


In DT the children have designed and started to make their own rosettes which follows on from our Enquiry work on inspirational people.   





On Tuesday the children had the opportunity to take part in a skateboarding workshop where they were taught how to stand onto the board, do trick and travel safely. 







Week 5


This week the children have been learning about Martin Luther King, reading extracts from his biography and his famous speech 'I Have a Dream'. The children then thought about what their dreams maybe and wrote their own I Have a Dream statements. 


The children presented their finished powerpoints on characteristics of dinosaurs, these were fantastic and the children found out a variety of interesting facts.




Week 4


The children are very lucky to be able to learn to play the trumpet this year. They have been learning how to hold the trumpet, use the mouth piece and play the note C.



In Science this week the children have been building on their knowledge of fossils and dinosaurs, researching the charateristics of dinosaurs and finding out why they had certain characteristics. The children then produced a powerpoint presentation to show their findings. 



In English we have been finding out about Nelson Mandela.

Why was he such an inspirational person? 

Week 3


This week we have been learning about the famous author Roald Dahl, reading extracts from his books and writing biographies about him. 

We were very lucky on Tuesday to have an author visit us. Her name is Jenny McLachlan, she talked about her past and why she decided to write a book. The children acted out parts of the story during the assembly and had the opportunity to ask her questions. 










Week 2


What a fantastic week we've had, getting to know each other, new routines and discussing our rules for the coming year.

This week in English we have looked at the book Flotsam, focusing on some key questions. 

  • What can I see?
  • What can I infer?
  • I wonder...

Image result for flotsam


Plastic Pollution is a hot topic in Year 6 and we have researched and produced poster highlighting the effects on our World. 




Health Squad


Today the children took part in a session about keeping healthy, looking at the heart, how it works and its functions. The children then had a basketball session where they were taught new skills. 




