Year 3
Welcome to Year 3. Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topics are, the environment and the Rainforest.
Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. We will need our P.E. kits on a Monday and Tuesday.
We will be starting Times Tables Rockstars this term, which is a program to help your children practise their times tables.
Term One
Week One
We have had an amazing first week back to school. We have been very busy getting to know the rules and expectations of Year 3, and as a class we have created our own classroom rules. The class have been participating in team building skills, and we have completed many tasks on getting to know the adults and the children in the room. We have also been given lots of new books for the children to read, which we are very excited about. Some of our children in our class have also volunteered to become environmental officers, they will make sure our school playground is nice and clean and free of litter.
Week Two
We have been extremely busy this week, here are some of the exciting things we have been doing in class.
In class we have read 'Wangari's Trees of Peace', the children have then been very busy discussing the book and the main character, Wangari. They have used their fantastic adjectives and amazing writing skills to describe Wangari and create a character description. They have also wrote a letter to Greenpeace, asking for help to save the Rainforest. We have also been very lucky to have an author come into school to open our library, and have been very lucky to complete a workshop with Steve Clifford.
The children have been very busy practising their mathematic skills. We have been working on problem solving this week.
The children have been practising their team work this week. They have played a variety of games which have been building and focusing on how to work as a team, and be a great team player.
In Art the children have been using pencils to create different patterns in squares. They have then cut out their two favourite squares to make a big whole class collage, which looks amazing!
Week Three
We have also had pupil voice this week, where we have been speaking about how we can reduce plastic within our school. All our children had fantastic ideas, which we will be putting in place to try and make a change and help save our environment.
In English this week we have been focusing on the book 'The Rainforest Grew All Around', the children have been making fantastic descriptions of some of the animals within the story, and have even started to write their own diary entries. We have even been looking at everyday products that are good and bad for the Rainforest. The children have been having amazing discussions on this topic and have been talking about how palm oil is bad and why. They have also been talking about fair trade and how this helps the Rainforest.
The week the children have been very busy learning their number bonds to 100, they have been able to use the number beads to help them. We have also been practising our times tables every day and the children are becoming very confident in answering random times table questions. We have even started to learn some times table songs.
In P.E the children have been learning lots of new skills such as, hand eye coordination, bat and ball skills and team building skills. The children have played different games during these lessons.
Week Four
Reading Rainbow
We have been working in small groups and have been reading a book and answering questions. We have covered a variety of different books and texts.within our groups. The children have been enjoying reading all the different stories.
This week in maths we have been using our place value counters to help us recognise and understand the value of each digit. The children have found this a very helpful and visual way to understand the concept of place value. We have also been using the part part whole model to break down our number into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
The children have created their own science experiment, looking out how water is transported through a plant/tree. They have used celery sticks and coloured water to show this, they have also been observing and recording their results all week. They have also used playdough to create the parts of a flower and have used the correct terminology to describe the different parts of the flower.
Week Five
Our class have been looking at a new book 'The Great Kapok Tree', they have started to looking at adjectives to describe the Kapok tree. The children have also started to rewrite the story in their own words. We have been looking at prepositions and conjunctions to include within our writing.
This week the children have been looking at ordering numbers within the tens, hundreds and thousands. The children have also looked at the following symbols < > =, they were amazing at telling us what these symbols meant and all used the correct terminology to describe them.
We have been looking at Diwali in R.E and have been talking about what Diwali is and why is it important. They have also looked at diva lamps and have created their own using clay, which look amazing.
Shape, Space and Measure
Last Friday we had a space, shape and measure morning, The children spent all morning creating songs about shapes and measuring right angles.
Week Six
We have had a super exciting week so far! We have been to Bristol Zoo and have also been taught how to skateboard.
Bristol Zoo
Year 3 and Year 2 were very lucky to go to Bristol Zoo, we travelled by coach and Mrs Parker even taught the children a song on the coach. When we arrived we had a fantastic workshop all about the Rainforest. The children learnt lots of new facts all about the Rainforest and the different animals that live there. They even had the opportunity to hold a hissing cockroach, touch a stick insect and a rainbow snake. The children were extremely brave when holding and touching the animals. After our workshop we had a wonder around the zoo where we saw many new animals we may of not seen of known about before. The children were very excited to learn new facts. We stopped for lunch and then after we went to explore more of the zoo, where we learnt all about lemurs and even saw a lion up close. The children were amazed at how big the lions mouth was when he did a big yawn.
Our class have also been very lucky this week, and were taught how to skateboard. They were told how to stand and push away on the skateboard.
Week Seven
We have been writing a recount on our time at Bristol Zoo, we have been looking at time adverbials, noun phrases and adjectives. The children have had to put the photos in order and then create exciting sentences to describe what was happening.
This week we have been looking at additions and subtraction of a three digit number. They have been subtracting and adding 10's and 1's. They have been using the denies to help us understand. The children have found this very useful.
Raise the Roof
We have been very busy practicing the songs for our raise the roof concert. We have also started to look at the actions that go with the different songs. The children's singing is sounding beautiful.
Week Eight
This week in maths we have been using our skills we have been learning for the past couple of weeks to answer questions on adding a 2 digit and a 3 digit number. We have used our denies to help show our hundreds, tens and ones. We have also learnt how to exchange to help us answer those tricky questions.
This week we have been looking at poems and what makes a good poem. The children have all suggested brilliant ideas, such as, rhyme, alliterations, adjectives and repetition. The have also used all these brilliant ideas to write their own poems on 'The garden of confusion'.
Challenge - Topic
The children had to make the different layers of the Rainforest, they used resources from outside in our playground to create the different layers. They all really enjoyed making the layers using the leaves branches and twigs they found.
Welcome to Year 3, our adults in our classroom are, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Parker, Miss Bastin. Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topic is all about the Vikings.
Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. We will need our P.E. kits on a Monday and Tuesday.
We will be starting Times Tables Rockstars this term, which is a program to help your children practise their times tables.
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3, our adults in our classroom are, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Parker, Miss Bastin. Here you will see all our fun learning for this year! This term our topic is all about the Vikings.
Our homework and reading homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. We will need our P.E. kits on a Monday and Tuesday.
We will be starting Times Tables Rockstars this term, which is a program to help your children practise their times tables.
Term Two
Week One
We are very excited to be back to school and to see all of our lovely children. We hope you have all had a lovely relaxing week.
This week we will be looking at a new book in English called Hack and Whack, this will introduce the children to who the Vikings are, and what they got up to. They will look at what is different in the pictures to our lives. We will also be looking at diaries and the key points, this will help us at the end of the week when we write our diary entries as if we were children in the Viking era.
The children wrote fantastic diary entries as if they were 'Hack or Whack'. They looked at different vocabulary they may need to complete this, and the key features of a diary.
In Maths we will be looking at addition and subtraction with three digit numbers, the children have access to use the denies and other resources. They will learn more about exchanging and how this works using our resources.
The children found using the denies very helpful as it was a visual aid to help represent the numbers, when exchanging within a calculation. Some children used our place value counters to show their workings.
In R.E we will be looking at Christianity, they will be looking at what Christmas means to us and what it means to Christians.
In History this week we will be learning about who the Vikings were. We will be researching about the Vikings and what they looked like. The children will then be creating a picture of the Vikings and labeling all the key points, for example, what their clothing was made from/ what it was called, their weapons and where they lived.
In Science, we will be looking at investigating rocks. The children will be comparing and grouping together different types of rocks on their appearance.
We will also be completing some drama this week, we will be looking at how the vikings might move, what they might of said, battles and family life. We will be using all of our research and knowledge from the week to create scenes in small groups.
Week Two
This week in English we have been looking at character descriptions. The children have been focusing on the Viking mother and have been using key words and exciting adjectives to help with their descriptions. We have even had an exciting visitor, the Viking mother came to answer all of our questions. The children had lots of questions they wanted to ask to help them with their writing and were very excited when they saw our visitor.
In Maths the children have been gaining more knowledge on adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers, they have started to explain how they got their answers by using the correct mathematical vocabulary. The children are very confident in using the words, represent, exchange, addition and subtraction.
Week Three
In English this week, we have been looking at our new book 'How to be a Viking', we have started looking at making a guide on 'How to be a Viking'. We have first looked at the features of what we need in a guide and then wrote our own guides on 'How to make a sandwich'. This has helped us to be able to write our 'How to be a Viking' guide.
In Maths, we have been looking at multiplication and division, we have learnt some new mathematical vocabulary, such as array, divide, share, equal. Some of our children we know have been sharing this with you and showing you what is an array. They are becoming very confident in using our vocabulary.
This week we have been on a walk around the Oldmixon, looking at road safety. The children were able to recognise the different road signs and were able to tell us how to cross the road safely. We looked at the green cross code, and the children were all able to tell us to stop, look and listen when crossing the road.
Week Four
This week the children have participated in ultimate frisbee. We have been very lucky to have someone from outside of school to come in and teach our children the basic rules of ultimate frisbee. They learnt how to catch the frisbee and were even able to have a match against each other.
We also had Chartwells come in and teach us how to make bread, the children learnt how to make a viking plait with their bread.
The children have also been busy making amazing longboat models and were very excited to share this in our golden assembly.
Week Five
This week we have been learning all about fossils. The children have also used the clay to make fossils, they have also used shells to help imprint patterns.
They have also been looking at the fossil process and what is a fossil, here were some of their ideas.
They have also been practicing writing their names in viking symbols. The children really enjoyed practicing the symbols.
We have also been acting out our own viking battles. Here are some photos of our fantastic battle scenes.
Friday 27/03/2020
Complete the ELAN #weappreciateyou challenge.
You must choose a key worker role and create a poster about them decorated with a rainbow. Hold up your pieces of paper, or you could stick them to your top! At 12pm, record yourself (or take a photo with your poster) doing a minutes applause to show your appreciation. At the end, do a big shout of 'we appreciate you!'. I look forward to seeing all of your videos/photos!
Mindfulness activities
Remember to take a break!
Have a look at some of these activities and try one a week.
When you have completed one post a picture/video or explanation of what you did via the class email address.
A Jigsaw gift…for families
Have a look at some of these resources to support PSHE lessons. There are downloadable stories and audio links to help with calming techniques to prepare for brain breaks.
Share the link:
Password: Home
Have a look at some these amazing virtual tours!
Let me know which one is your favourite and why.
I enjoyed looking at the dolphins in the aquarium and the Polar bears.
Discovery Education Virtual Trips |
This website has several virtual trip options covering a range of topics. A few of the topics include Polar Bears and the Tundra, Social Emotional Skills, STEM and Manufacturing. Each virtual trip comes with a companion guide, too. |
Wolf Conservation Center |
This collection of webcams allow you to enter the private lives of "Ambassador" wolves Atka, Alawa, Zephyr and Nikai, and seven elusive packs of critically endangered wolves via unobtrusive cameras in and around den sites. |
FarmFood 360 |
This Canadian site, FarmFood 360, offers 11 Virtual Tours of farms from minks, pigs, and cows, to apples and eggs. |
Take an interactive tour of Stonehenge with 360o views from inside the monument. Select the hotspots to find out more. |
Pyramids of Egypt |
Take a virtual tour of the world-famous Pyramids of Egypt. You can even see the Sphinx and inside the Mastaba Tombs. |
Mars |
Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover. |
Explore the rugged landscape around the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. |
Take a virtual tour of the Eiffel Tower, the tallest structure in Paris. Here you can see a 360o panoramic view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower. |
Natural History Museum |
At the Natural History Museum in London, find answers to your big nature questions and uncover the history of life on Earth, from the smallest insects to the largest mammals. |
Clearwater Marine Aquarium |
Watch live cams of their rescued dolphins, Winter, Hope and PJ, as well as an otter, pelican and turtle camera. |
Please find below useful links which may help you with your learning at home.
Penpals Schools- https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html
Class Dojo – https://www.classdojo.com/
2Simple - https://2simple.com/blog/using-purple-mash-when-school-closed/
Classroom Secrets - https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk
Timestable rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Numbots - https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
Both TTRS and Numbots have the same password. Your child has been given these passwords at the start of the year and have been sent home again on a label on their yellow reading record.
Challenges for this Week
Daily Challenge (30/03/2020): to make the best bubble mixture.
Bubble mixture recipe: washing up liquid, water, a spoonful of sugar and a few drops of glycerine if you have it.
Bubble wands: any object with a hole in it such as the loop of a key ring, a pipe cleaner bent into a circle, a hula hoop or a curtain ring.
Can you try different soaps and different ratios of soap to water? Which mixture is the best? What was your criteria for the best mixture?
Can you think of other ways to make bubbles?
Daily Challenge (31/03/2020): Create your own game that involves throwing and catching.
Your game must have a ‘goal’ to score.
This could be a hoop, a person in a certain area has to catch it or a certain amount of passes...
You can create your own rules eg. Can you move with the ball? have a certain amount of time to pass the ball or only underarm throws allowed. It can be individual or team.
Daily Challenge (01/04/2020): Complete a small act of kindness
Is there something you can do to help out a member of your household? What could you do to show you care and to help out at home? What is your act of kindness?
You could offer to help with a chore eg. washing the dishes, tidying up your bedroom.
Maybe you can make a card for someone special in your household to say thank you!
Daily Challenge (02/04/2020): Remembering your 2D and 3D shapes
How many 2D shapes can you spot in the house or garden? How many 3D shapes can you find outside?
Can you create your own 2D or 3D shape? How about a square using pencils/felt tips or sticks from the garden? Can you make a tetrahedron from spaghetti?
Daily Challenge (03/04/2020): Can you create your own drum and play along?
Play homemade drums - use items like tin cans, empty yoghurt containers, boxes, and coffee containers. Clean the containers, then tape or glue paper to the top to act as a drum head. Your homemade drums can also be decorated with stickers, illustrations, or glitter to make them more attractive. You can even use your pots and pans - although ask your mum/dad first!
Choose your favourite piece of music and play along to the beat of the drum!
Daily challenges
During this time, there will be daily challenges to complete! The website will be updated everyday with a new challenge for you to complete! When you have completed the challenge, email pictures/videos or a bit about what you did to the class email address.
Term 5
Please see the home learning area for all our learning this term.
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Term 6
Please see the wellbeing area for all our learning this term.
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