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Oldmixon Primary School

Achieving For Life

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Parent Support and School Help

Parent Support and School Help


We know that life can be tough sometimes and doesn't always go as we had planned. Here at Oldmixon Primary School, we are here to support you. The wellbeing and self-esteem of each child is a high priority for us.

Our School Help offer is designed to give you as much or as little support as you want or need.


All of our staff are here to listen, and although they may not always have the answers, they will do what they can to support you.

Our Inclusion Team consists of:

  • Mrs Corinna Sutton (Head Teacher)
  • Mrs Lindsay Avci (Deputy Head and SENDCo)
  • Miss Daniels (Learning Mentor)
  • Mrs Dawn Palfrey (Learning Mentor)


The team works together to support children and families in a variety of ways. This may include giving listening ear when parents/carers just need to talk or signposting you to specialist help and support. We are here to listen to you and help you figure out how you can be assisted to make your life easier.


For more information on our offer of School Help please contact or call one of the inclusion team 01934 812 879. 



Early Help in North Somerset


Every family has its ups and downs. Being a parent is hard work and there are no instructions.  Sometimes, you or your children may need extra support. This may be before your children are born, when they are very young, or throughout their school years. 

There is no shame in asking for help. We are here for you.

Early Help is a programme that helps you recognise what's going well for you. It will help you see where you might need extra support. We will work with you to find the best person to work with you and your family to make this happen.


Who can use the service


Early Help is available for children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families. It is entirely voluntary, so if you don't think it is right for your child, then you don't have to take part.

Support can be provided in different places and by different people.

Many families will be able to get the support they need at places within their everyday routines such as schools, colleges, health or children’s centres. If you need additional support you can talk to a professional who knows your family already.

Some voluntary organisations also provide Early Help support.


How to sign up

Services can be accessed directly via universal services, without a referral.

You can search our online directory to find help and information about:

  • parenting classes
  • health and wellbeing
  • education and attainment
  • employment and training
  • family support
  • crime and anti-social behaviour
  • domestic violence


Follow this link for further information about Early Help services:



Useful Contacts

Here are a just a few helpful contacts numbers:


  • Childline:  08001111
  • Samaritans:  116123
  • Domestic Violence Hotline:08082000247
  • Mind: 03001233393
  • Age UK: 08001696565
  • La Leche league:  03451202918 (for parents struggling to get formula milk)  


Should you need to be signposted to any other agency, please contact school directly.  

Should you find that you need help or assistance with uniform, please contact the school office on or 01934 812879.

